Facilities and Security Subcommittee Meeting
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
A meeting of the Facilities and Security Subcommittee was held on Tuesday, November 20,
2012 at 4:30 pm in the 2
nd Floor Conference Room at the NAGE Building. Present were Mrs.
Kathryn Hubley, Ms. Barbara Isola, Mrs. Emily Lebo, and Mr. David McCarthy, Chair. Also
attending were Superintendent Richard DeCristofaro, Assistant Superintendent Colleen
Roberts, Mr. Michael Draicchio; Eugene Caruso, Tishman Construction; and Lt. Dan Minton,
Quincy Police Department.
Mr. McCarthy called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm and stated the purpose of the meeting as
being focused on the President’s City Inn’s proximity to the new Central Middle School, a
concern of the School Committee, as well as the perimeter. Quincy Police Department Lt. Dan
Minton had provided the call logs from 2011 and 2012, which were reviewed; the number of
calls was very high in 2011 and are fewer in 2012. Lt. Minton is assigned to the Central Middle
School/President’s City Inn issue and is working closely with hotel management. The hotel
owner contacts Lt. Minton on a weekly basis for any issues; Section 8 housing is no longer
permitted at the hotel, per the owner. Lt. Minton confirmed that most calls are received during
the evening and are problems with short term guests. Any issues have been isolated to the
hotel property and the owner will continue to be asked to address issues with guidance from
the Quincy Police Department.
Members of the Subcommittee expressed concerns that they were previously told there were
minimal issues and did not see the incident logs until recently. The Subcommittee asked Dr.
DeCristofaro to make contact with the attorney representing the President’s City Inn (Attorney
Fleming) for clarification concerning various “grey area questions and answers” they received
during the initial presentation. Ms. Isola stated she would like to hear from the attorney and
hotel again on the promises received during the initial meeting. Her concerns were reiterated
by other Subcommittee members, who noted that in the past, St. Ann’s School did not have any
issues. Mrs. Lebo expressed concerned over the number of calls increasing over past two years
and that the information was not shared at earlier meetings.
The Subcommittee agreed that the focus needs to be on how to seclude the Central Middle
School from the President’s City Inn. Ms. Isola recalled President’s City Inn Attorney Ed Fleming
and the hotel owner speaking of a fenced perimeter during their presentation about the design
for hotel improvements.
Central Middle School Owner’s Project Manager Eugene Caruso from Tishman Construction
reminded the Subcommittee that all classrooms are on the opposite side of the property from
the President’s City Inn. He also reiterated that the existing 4’ wall which is 60’ in length will
remain between the two properties. Additional fencing will run the length of the property and
be screened. Mr. Caruso noted that the contractors have seen no negative activity at the
President’s City Inn during construction.
Lt. Minton pointed out the design of hotel is changing and all access to the hotel will be through
a main lobby. There will no longer be direct to access rooms from the parking lot. He feels this
will make a big difference in regards to security.
The Subcommittee agreed to consider if it is possible to incorporate additional buffers between
the President’s City Inn parking lot and Central Middle School as the construction proceeds on
both sites: (1) 6’ high fencing; (2) heavy green coverage/bushes along entire perimeter; and (3)
additional physical access controls on the Central Middle School parking area which abuts hotel.
Mr. McCarthy asked if the hotel can be asked to provide additional buffers on their side if
deemed necessary. He noted the City Council has concerns on this issue; Councilors Gutro and
Hughes have reviewed the police log calls as well. The Subcommittee members agreed to have
Dr. DeCristofaro contact Attorney Fleming and the hotel owner to request additional
improvements on the President’s City Inn side of the perimeter. He will also notify them that
the School Committee may request them to appear at an upcoming School Committee meeting
to present an update on their project plans and progress towards completion.
Mr. Draicchio, Director of Security reiterated that he would be working closely with the Quincy
Police Department and will explore the use of additional cameras and lighting if needed.
Mr. McCarthy thanked Mr. Caruso and Lt. Dan Minton for their assistance. The Subcommittee
will continue to monitor the issues and will keep in touch as we go forward.
Mr. McCarthy made a motion to adjourn the Facilities and Security Subcommittee Meeting at
5:17 pm. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.