Teaching and Learning Subcommittee Meeting
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
A meeting of the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee was held on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at
5:00 pm in the 2nd Floor Conference Room of the NAGE Building. Present were Ms. Barbara Isola and
Mrs. Emily Lebo, Chair. Also attending were Superintendent Richard DeCristofaro, Mrs. Mary
Fredrickson, Ms. Beth Hallett, Mrs. Ellen Murray, Mrs. Maura Papile, Mr. Frank Santoro, Ms. Gina
Scanlan, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr. Rob Shaw, Ms. Judy Todd, and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
Mrs. Lebo called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm
Principal Frank Santoro presented the Quincy High School Improvement Plan, reviewing the
principal’s message and reflecting on last year’s goals. Last year’s MCAS goals were met and the
Assessment Team met to analyze data and create goals for the 2012-2013 school year. Quincy High
School’s second goal related to the NEASC visit, which was successfully completed and the
accreditation document should be forthcoming shortly.
For the 2012-2013 school year, the school’s goals are: (1) During the 2012-2013 school year, Quincy
High School will improve students’ skills at answering multiple-choice questions to ensure that our
percent correct improves by three percent on both the Math and ELA exams. (2) During the 2012-
2013 school year, Quincy High School will continue to foster growth in vocabulary knowledge and we
will close the gap within 5 points of the state average in ELA test questions related to vocabulary. (3)
During the 2012-2013 school year, Quincy High School will meet all of the state participation targets
for all students and all subgroups. (4) To use 100% of the Early Release Professional Development
Sessions to increase staff knowledge on the identified NEASC recommendations for improvement (a)
Rubric Assessments of the New Expectations; (b) Technology Within the Classroom; (c) Formative
Assessment Strategies; and (d) Interdisciplinary Writing. (5) To formally appoint a Quincy High School
Wellness Team that includes participants from the Physical Education, Nurse, Cafeteria, and
Administrative Staffs and begin to address Quincy High School’s implementation of the Alliance for a
Healthier Generation’s Healthy Schools Program for the 2012-2013 school year.
More students than ever participated in MCAS testing at Quincy High School, however, the school fell
below target in two subgroups and is ranked as Level 2 school. Dr. DeCristofaro noted the exemplary
Professional Development at Quincy High School and Mr. Santoro‘s leadership in fostering the
school’s interdisciplinary teams. Mrs. Lebo noted that the school’s achievement levels are excellent,
especially the Grade 10 proficiency rate (83% for ELA, 77% for Math, 66% for Science). The school’s
PPI is commendable, given the school’s demographics of 10% ELL and high needs population.
Mrs. Lebo asked about Common Core alignment; Mr. Santoro said that contractual time is focused on
this alignment. Mrs. Lebo also asked about Substantially Separate classrooms for SPED; Mr. Santoro
said QHS has an inclusion model. Mrs. Lebo asked about the Activity Stipends and Mr. Santoro noted
that both high schools met to be sure that before- and after-school activities were parallel at both
Mrs. Lebo asked about facility issues, including safety and temperatures. Mr. Santoro said that some
issues are related to the Honeywell issue the city is managing, others are design-related (rooms with
no windows). Mr. Santoro talked about Advanced Placement testing; currently, AP students are not
required to take the test and this is something the Principal’s Council is reviewing. Mrs. Murray
spoke of the philosophical debate, the school has a duty to expose as many students as possible to
the AP curriculum, but can’t assume that all families can afford for students to take these tests. The
AP has cut subsidies for these tests in recent years.
Ms. Isola made a motion to approve the Quincy High School Improvement Plan. Mrs. Lebo seconded
the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Mr. Robert Shaw presented the North Quincy School Improvement Plan and spoke of the busy year
to come in preparation for the NEASC visit. The school worked together on creating new goals for
2012-2013 that reflect the whole school community’s roles. The school’s new core value statement
was created with staff, students, and parental input along with the revised student expectations: The
North Quincy High School community values increasing knowledge, building character, and
encouraging service in order to graduate students who demonstrate 21st century skills and contribute
to the global society. The North Quincy High School graduate will (1) think critically; (2) communicate
effectively; (3) collaborate successfully; (4) utilize technology; (5) embrace responsibility; and (6)
demonstrate respect. These student expectations will be evaluated and results presented on midterm reports.
In terms of last year’s goals, the MCAS goals were not all met across the board, but progress was
demonstrated and achievement continues to be very high. For the Grade 10 MCAS, 95% were
proficient in ELA, 84% for Math, and 76% for Science.
North Quincy High Schools goals for 2012-2013 are: (1) Increase the average score on the Topic/Idea
Development portion of the Long Composition of the 2012 English/Language Arts MCAS to 66%. (2)
Increase the Student Growth Percentage (SGP) on the 2013 Math MCAS to 62. (3) Increase the
number of courses using informational texts (other than textbooks) to 100% by June of 2013 and
encourage student interest in reading with building-level actions that promote literacy throughout
the 2012-2013 school year. (4) Continue and extend programs and activities that encourage student
fitness and emotional well-being and ensure that 100% of students in grades nine, ten, and eleven
articulate a fitness or personal growth goal and work toward its achievement in 2012-2013.
Initiatives are supported across multiple departments, especially the Common Core-related
informational text and wellness goals. Much of the school’s professional development is focused on
preparing for the NEASC visit, but there is much interrelation between those goals and the transition
to the Common Core.
Mrs. Lebo complimented the MCAS proficiency scores, which are much higher than the state
averages for Grade 10 students. Mrs. Lebo asked about whether any of the facilities issues were
safety issues, especially electrical. Mr. Shaw said they are more practical than safety issues. Ms. Isola
asked about the mice issues and the rug issues; the exterminators are working on the mice issue. The
rugs are being replaced over time.
Ms. Isola made a motion to approve the North Quincy High School Improvement Plan. Mrs. Lebo
seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Mr. Keith Segalla, Ms. Gina Scanlan, and Mrs. Mary Fredrickson presented the Career and Technical
Education Program Improvement Plan by reflecting on the goals from 2011-2012. Last year’s goals
for advanced Interwrite Board training for CTE staff, preparation for NEASC visit and supporting
documentation, and the Advisory Board member hosting a visit to their workplace for seniors all were
completed. The CTE Advisory Team goals were met as well.
Ms. Scanlan presented the 2012-2013 goals, beginning with the CTE Advisory Team: (1) Design and
develop Quincy Public Schools Career & Technical Education Advisory Committee Report by May
2013 for presentation to the Quincy School Committee by June 2013. (2) To enlist one CTE Advisory
Board Member to present a relevant lesson to its CTE major by April 2013. For the Career &
Technology Education Team, the goals are (1) Each CTE Instructor will produce and present one
lesson using the MA Common Core Curriculum, College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for
Speaking and Listening by May 2013. (2) Integrate the use of Technology Tools for all students in
each CTE major and CTE elective course by June 2013.
Mrs. Fredrickson reviewed Quincy Public Schools’ progress towards meeting the CVTE Core
Indicators. The cohort presented are graduating concentrators from the class of 2012, based on their
Grade 10 MCAS performance in 2010. For ELA proficiency, 8 populations met or exceeded the
proficiency target, 3 were below target; for Math proficience 11 populations exceeded the target, 1
was below target. For Technical Skill Attainment and Completion Goal, all populations exceeded the
target. For the Graduation Rate goal and the Positive Placement Goal, all populations exceeded or
met 90% of the target. For Non-Traditional Participation and Non-Traditional Completion,
Improvement Plans are needed to increase participation and completion.
Mrs. Lebo complimented the follow-up survey results and reiterated her request for this information
for all graduates.
Ms. Isola made a motion to approve the Career & Technical Education Program Improvement Plan.
Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Ms. Isola made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 pm. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on
a voice vote, the ayes have it.