Quincy, MASSACHUSETTS – July 16, 2020
Special Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Special Meeting
A special meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held remotely on
Wednesday, July 16, 2020 at 5:15 p.m. School Committee Clerk Laura Owens
called the roll and present were Mayor Thomas Koch, Mr. Paul Bregoli,
Mr. Douglas Gutro, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mr. Frank Santoro,
and Mr. Anthony Andronico, Vice Chair.
Vice-Chair Presiding
Also present was: Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
School Committee
Summer Meeting Dates
Mr. Andronico took the meeting agenda out of order and opened discussion about upcoming meeting dates.
Mrs. Lebo asked about the proposed delay in interviewing final candidates to the week of August 3; the Search Committee will be finished interviewing semi-finalists on July 20, 2020.
Mr. Andronico said that the additional time would allow for interview question development.
Mrs. Lebo feels the interview questions need to be less rigid than the semi-finalists interviews. Mr. Andronico agreed and that School Committee using the Massachusetts Association of School Committees guide as a reference can have some latitude to tailor questions to the specific candidates.
Mrs. Lebo asked about checking references. Mr. Andronico said that Mr. Koocher suggested designating one or two School Committee members to make those phone calls and report back to School Committee
Mrs. Lebo asked if finalist interviews are in the evening and Mr. Andronico confirmed.
Mr. Santoro asked if deliberations are in public and Mr. Andronico confirmed.
Mr. Gutro asked if additional items can be added to the Special School Committee meeting agenda as needed or requested and Mr. Andronico confirmed.
Mrs. Lebo said we are allowing two weeks for interviews without knowing how many finalist candidates there will be. Mr. Andronico said the two weeks will allow for working with the finalist candidate schedules.
Mr. Gutro made a motion to accept the Wednesday, July 29 and Monday, August 10 Special School Committee Meeting dates.
On the motion, Mrs. Lebo asked about the Technology Usage Policy and the deadline for student handbooks. Mr. Santoro said student handbooks are usually available on the first day of school.
Mr. Santoro seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.
QPS Superintendent
Mr. Santoro said five of the eight semi-finalist candidate has been interviewed, two more are scheduled for Friday, July 17 and the final interview is scheduled for Monday, July 20. The Search Committee will deliberate following the last interview and make recommendations to School Committee.
Mr. Gutro made a motion to adjust the timeline for Superintendent candidate interviews to be August 3-August 14 and the School Committee vote for appointment be held on August 21. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.
Mr. Andronico suggested 90-minute interviews for each candidate, especially given that site visits are not possible. Mr. Santoro said the semi-finalist interviews have been 75 minutes long and recommends only one finalist be interviewed per night.
Mrs. Lebo made a motion for the QPS Superintendent Finalist candidate interviews be 90-minutes and scheduled one per night. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0
For the interview questions, Mr. Andronico asked for ideas on question development. Mr. Bregoli said School Committee should formulate their own questions and Mr. Santoro would like an opportunity to review questions so they are not repetitive. Mrs. Lebo would like to be able to ask follow up questions to another member’s question.
Mrs. Lebo asked for clarification, any information from reference phone calls or the interview will be discussed in public meetings.
Mr. Gutro suggested that each School Committee have five questions prepared in case a candidate answers a question during opening statement
Mr. Gutro made a motion for each School Committee member to create questions independently. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion.
On the motion, Mrs. Lebo asked for clarification, the questions can be different for different finalists based on their resumes.
On a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.
Mayor Koch made a motion for Mr. Santoro and Mr. Andronico to check the finalist candidates’ references. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.
Mayor Koch made a motion to adjourn the Special School Committee meeting at 6:00 pm. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hubley and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.