Quincy School Committee
Teaching & Learning Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, November 9, 2015
A meeting of the Teaching & Learning Subcommittee was held on Monday, November 9, 2015 at 5:00
pm in the Coddington Building. Present were Mr. Bregoli, Mr. DiBona, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Mrs.
Anne Maoney, and Ms. Barbara Isola, Chair. Also attending were Superintendent DeCristofaro, Mr.
Nicholas Ahearn, Ms. Beth Hallett, Mrs. Renee Malvesti, Mrs. Robin Moreira, Deputy Superintendent
Kevin Mulvey, Mrs. Maura Papile, Mrs. Erin Perkins, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr. Steve
Sylvia, Ms. Judy Todd, Mrs. Ruth Witmer; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
Ms. Isola called the meeting to order, asking each Elementary Principal to present short summaries of
their School Improvement Plans. Ms. Isola also noted that the Facility Needs will be referred to the
Facilities & Security Subcommittee.
Principal Robin Moreira highlighted the Atherton Hough Elementary School Improvement Plan,
reflecting on last year’s goals. DSAC funding allowed for data team meetings and the school staff
followed a suggested protocol to review student work and developed action steps to support student
improvement. Teams included teachers in Substantially Separate Special Education classrooms, gave
all teachers a sense of what students are able to do and strive for. This year, Atherton Hough
organized teacher schedules to allow for collaboration and interventions and supports for each tier of
Literacy. For 2014-2015, the ELA goal of 2% was met for Grade 4, while school-wide saw a 1%
decrease. In Mathematics, the focus was fact fluency and precision to drive improvement in all
strands and the school showed an increase of 3% schoolwide, with gains at all tested grades. The
school culture goal was to enhance communication between home and school; weekly
communication from teachers received great feedback from families, including a better
understanding of standards-based instruction.
Principal Nick Ahearn presented the Clifford Marshall Elementary School Improvement Plan,
reflecting on 2014-2015 goals. Clifford Marshall saw a slight increase in ELA and Mathematics, 0,5%
in average percent correct. There was a school-wide 3% increase in prompt-based writing, which was
a significant focus of Professional Development. Moving forward, teachers are focusing on the craft
of writing, knowing that better writers are often better readers. Increases for subgroup CPIs and
Student Growth Percentile are positive takeaways from last year. Clifford Marshall is a large school,
with favorable class sizes and a 66% high needs population. This year, Clifford Marshall is working
with QARI on focusing on parenting and cultural education. The Marshall Masters afterschool
program has 200 students enrolled. In the third year of PBIS, Clifford Marshall has implemented the
Tier 2 model for emotional support, nine students receive daily check-ins.
Mr. Bregoli asked about how many students in Grade 4 have been at Marshall since Kindergarten. Mr.
Ahearn said there is a core of 75 students; there are 28 general education classrooms and 2 special
education classrooms. Mrs. Mahoney asked about building capacity, noting there are 578 students.
Principal Steve Sylvia presented the Squantum Elementary School Improvement Plan noting that in
addition to the average percent correct, the school staff’s Educator Evaluation goals and action steps
were focused on narrowing the proficiency gap. Squantum’s CPI for ELA moved to 90.9, moved High
Needs up by 8 points. In Math, Squantum’s aggregate CPI moved to 83, and the high needs subgroup
moved to 81, up 14 points. For the Wellness goal, the BOKS program continued with 60 to 75
students in fall session. The outdoor classroom was used to highlight nutrition and healthy eating,
families adopted the garden and watered it all summer; this fall, students harvested, cooked, and
shared recipes.
This year’s Professional Development is focused on the new elementary report card and digital
literacy. Initiatives for student council and community service are underway, along with the after
school program. Mr. Sylvia also thanked School Committee for their support for the Squantum
Statement of Interest submission last spring.
Principal Renee Malvesti presented the Montclair Elementary School Improvement Plan. Montclair
met the overall Mathematics and ELA SIP goals, showing gains in Grades 4-5, but not in Grade 3.
Grade 3 students made progress on other assessments over the course of the year. The Wellness
goal was met through school-wide field days, the BOKS program, and other initiatives of the Health &
Wellness team.
Montclair has strong grade level team models, each grade identifies the needs of the individual
students, create individual and team goals, and action steps. Educator Evaluation goals are basis for
School Improvement Plan.
Montclair staff are enthusiastic about the 2
nd year of PBIS implementation, first awards assembly of
the year held recently. Tier 2 interventions are making a difference with students. Montclair is a 100
year old building that sparkles, new windows and refinished floors. Montclair has an active student
council, with many Community Service initiatives, supported by teachers and parents.
Principal Ruth Witmer presented the Lincoln Hancock Community School Improvement Plan. The
children are fabulous and the school staff enjoys ever-increasing parent support. DSAC and Title I
funding support a multitude of initiatives, including professional development time for grade level
teams. Small groups review student work formally and informally and enjoy common lesson planning
In reflecting on last year’s goals, for ELA, Grade 4 met the goal, with a 3% increase; Grade 3 stayed
level. The Mathematics goal was not met; Grade 3 showed increase, but Grade 4 decreased. Lincoln Hancock staff are working with DSAC and consultants on the consistent decline between Grade 3 and
Grade 4. Lincoln Hancock and Clifford Marshall do not have Grade 5 test scores to balance out the
Grade 4 decline seen at all elementary schools. Lincoln Hancock staff are currently working on item
analysis and implementing a Guided Math model. Lincoln Hancock is in the 2
nd year of implementing
the Lucy Caulkins writing model, impressive results even for the youngest students.
Technology integration ongoing, with Mimio Teach and short throw projectors in use in many
classrooms, thanks to the support of the Parent-Teacher Council. Lincoln Hancock’s student council
collected candy bars for Children’s Hospital families and are engaged in other Community Service
Mrs. Witmer said the school is in fantastic shape thanks to the new windows and doors, repainted
gym and refinished gym floors. Going forward, it would be helpful to have the blacktop refurbished
in the playground area and new game outlines painted.
Looking forward to this year, Lincoln Hancock’s Wellness goal is again focused on PBIS, which has
changed the culture at Lincoln Hancock. Guidance staff teaches lessons on behavioral expectations,
the Lincoln Hancock PRIDE. Tier 2 is limited to 2 students and new this year, students are working on
self-assessments and goal setting, first in a general way and then more specific to student’s
Mrs. Witmer said that as Principal of Lincoln Hancock, she feels very supported by the
Superintendent, Leadership Team, and School Committee.
For 2015-2016, all elementary schools have similar goals for Mathematics and ELA, to increase
performance by 1% over the average percent correct level achieved on the 2015 MCAS Assessments.
Ms. Isola asked about the intercom at Atherton Hough, there have been ongoing issues with static
and quality.
Mrs. Hubley motioned to approve the Atherton Hough, Lincoln Hancock, Clifford Marshall, Montclair,
and Squantum Elementary School Improvement Plans. Mrs. Mahoney seconded the motion, and on a
voice vote, the ayes have it.
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:35 pm. Mrs. Mahoney seconded the motion
and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.