On July 8, the Quincy School Committee unanimously passed a resolution on School Culture:
WHEREAS, students and alumni in our community have voiced their concerns with racial bias
within our education system; and
WHEREAS, schools have the responsibility to equip students with their civil right of obtaining
a free and appropriate public education, it is the responsibility of each school to ensure we create
a welcoming community for ALL students; and
WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of our district to provide to all staff, including School
Committee members, ongoing professional development on diversity, equity, and inclusion; and
WHEREAS, the School Committee approved recruiting and retaining a diverse and culturally
responsive workforce as a 2019-2020 goal; and
WHEREAS, institutional and systemic racialized practices have no place in Quincy Public
Schools and all policies must be sustainable and evidence-based; and
WHEREAS, incorporating into our curriculum works from diverse perspectives is critical; and
WHEREAS, we as leaders have a responsibility to speak to the issues of racism and implement
positive change; be it
RESOLVED: that the Quincy School Committee reaffirms its commitment to ensuring that the
qualities of diversity, equity, and inclusion are embedded and practiced for our students,
families, faculty, and staff.
We must ensure our own school culture is one where every student feels they are treated with dignity and respect.