Quincy, Massachusetts – May 1, 2019
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Regular Meeting
A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday,
May 1, 2019 at the Coddington Building at 6:30 p.m. Superintendent
DeCristofaro called the roll and present were School Committee Chair Mayor
Thomas Koch, Mr. Anthony Andronico, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. James DeAmicis,
Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, and Mrs. Emily Lebo, Vice Chair.
Vice-Chair Presiding
Also present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk; Mr. Michael Draicchio, Dr. Beth Hallett, Mr. James Mullaney, Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Ms. Maura Papile, Ms. Erin Perkins; Quincy Education Association President Allison Cox; and Citywide Parent Council Co-Presidents Scott Alessandro and Courtney Perdios.
School Committee Member Mr. Douglas Gutro was absent.
There was a moment of silence in memory of Mrs. Barbara Kelly, teacher at
the Myles Standish and Montclair Elementary Schools for 27 years, who
passed away recently.
Regular Meeting Minutes Approved 4.10.2019
Mr. DeAmicis made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hubley to approve the
Regular Meeting minutes for April 10, 2019 as presented. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Open Forum
Mr. Daniel Molloy thanked Quincy Public Schools for educating his students both benefited from the School Committee Open Enrollment Policy and the Arts education programs. Mr. Molloy encouraged School Committee to consider having a full-time choral teacher at each high school and invited School Committee to attend the All-City Middle & High School Choral Festival on May 16.
Citywide Parent Council Co-President Scott Alessandro thanked Ms. Perkins, Ms. Vaughan, and Ms. Roy for presenting on the MAP Assessments at the most recent Citywide Parent Council Meeting. Mr. Alessandro encouraged consideration of adding a Data position to the administrative staff and opportunities for Professional Development and instruction for High School Health and Sexual Education.
Superintendent's Report
Dr. DeCristofaro opened the Superintendent’s Report with the Inspire Quincy video featuring the state Department of Conservation & Recreation tree planting at North Quincy High School, the Women in the Trades Summit at Quincy High School, the Elementary School Traveling Salad Bars, the Improbable Players presentation for middle school parents, Healthy Choices Night, and the NQHS/QHS Color Guard.
Upcoming Arts Events: Mamma Mia at North Quincy High School, May 3-5; the Quincy High School Fashion Show on May 9 at 7:00 pm; and the Middle School Choral Festival on May 16 at Central Middle School at 7:00 pm.
South~West Middle School will open for staff and students on Monday, June 3 and an open house will be held for families on June 5. There will be a formal dedication ceremony in the fall once demolition of the existing building is complete and the site is landscaped. Sterling/South~West staff will begin packing and training on the school’s technology and security features in the next few weeks. The Junior Building Committee (students currently in 9th grade) will be meeting on May 14 to tour the new building.
The Homework Initiative team is meeting on Friday, May 3 to plan how the surveys will be rolled out to students, parents, and staff the week of May 28.
Two new initiatives to collaborate with School Committee were proposed at Teaching & Learning Subcommittee on April 30, 2019 by Mrs. Lebo. The first is to ensure consistent integration of Native American representation into the History & Social Sciences Curriculum. The second is to explore high school Health curriculum and opportunities for human sexuality education. In addition, Mr. Andronico is interested in pursuing an initiative to update the Quincy Public Schools website. Mr. Andronico would like to put together a group to explore what would best meet the needs of the staff, students, and families of Quincy Public Schools.
Dr. DeCristofaro announced that School Nutrition Director Sara Dufour has secured a grant to purchase equipment for the Summer Lunch program through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The Massachusetts School Nurse of the Year is North Quincy High School’s Kristin Houlihan, who will be recognized at the May 15, 2019 School Committee Meeting.
On Friday, April 26, Nobel Laureate Dr. Richard Roberts visited and met with 60 NQHS and QHS Physics students. Dr. Richards received the Nobel Prize in 1993.
Thanks to members of the Superintendent’s Leadership Team for presenting at the Citywide Parent Council meeting (Ms. Perkins, Ms. Roy, Ms. Vaughan) and organizing the Healthy Choices Family Night (Ms. Bailey and Ms. Papile).
Upcoming Parent Academy events are Greg Tang on May 7 (Elementary School Mathematics) and Welcome to Kindergarten on June 4.
The system-wide Professional Development Tuesday afternoon that was cancelled in February due to snow was rescheduled as a voluntary event, with over 140 teachers signing up to participate on May 7, thanks to the leadership of QEA President Allison Cox.
Upcoming Quincy Public Schools events include the Community Service Learning Breakfast on May 30 and the Student Athlete Leadership Summit on June 7. The 2nd SADD Summit will be held on May 9 with students from Quincy, North Quincy, and Braintree High Schools participating. Family events include Girl Rising on May 29 and the QPAC Sensory Night on May 17, both at Quincy High School.
Old Business
School Committee
Policy 9.11.6
Graduation Exercises
Mr. Andronico made a motion to approve the School Committee Policy 9.11.6 Graduation Exercises revisions as presented. Mr. DeAmicis seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 6-0. Mr. Gutro was absent.
New Business
Public Buildings
Department Update
Public Buildings Commissioner Paul Hines presented an update on the maintenance and improvements at school buildings throughout the city.
Approximately 2,000 work orders for regular maintenance have been completed between September 1, 2018 and April 30, 2019. MSBA projects are continuing at North Quincy High School roof and Beechwood Knoll with added out of scope items to complete the re-installation of the air conditioning units.
Larger scale projects planned for Summer 2019 include replacing boilers at Clifford Marshall and Quincy High School and replacing the cooling tower at Point Webster. Heating. HVAC controls are being retrofitted at Clifford Marshall and Point Webster, along with pipe insulation installed at Clifford Marshall to address long-standing issues with humidity. The NQHS chillers are on order and will be installed in Summer 2019. In Fall 2019, the Capital Improvement Plan will be revised and presented to City Council. The current CIP has eighty items, seventy are school-related and many are still in process.
Mr. Hines said that the facilities information in the School Improvement Plans and input from the building principals and custodians is key to keeping ahead of building needs.
Mrs. Lebo thanked Mr. Hines for his oversight of the school buildings. Asked for consideration of new lockers at Point Webster. Mr. Hines agreed and noted that Wollaston will also be considered for new lockers.
Mayor Koch thanked Mr. Hines for his oversight of all city buildings and thanked City Council for their support in the maintenance and improvements of the buildings. Will be looking to secure additional funding for Capital Improvement Plan, the city is committed to providing safe and inviting learning environments.
Mr. Hines concluded his report reviewing that the new South~West Middle School project has gone so smoothly, thanks to the project team: Owner’s Project Manager PCA 360, Ai3 Architects, Bond Construction and the collaboration with Quincy Public Schools.
Dr. DeCristofaro thanked Mayor Koch and Commissioner Hines, principals know they can count on Public Buildings staff to address issues.
New Business
Opportunities &
Enrollment Presentation
Dr. DeCristofaro reviewed the Challenges & Opportunities presentation, an overview of Quincy Public Schools enrollment over the last 10 years based on February 1 data. Over the last 10 years, the population of Quincy Public Schools has grown by over 500 students. Detail of enrollment by site, breaking out general and special education programming was shared. Schools are coded as red, yellow, and green depending on whether schools have room to accept Open Enrollment students. The presentation will be posted on the QPS website.
Pre-Kindergarten programs at Snug Harbor, Point Webster, and Della Chiesa Early Childhood Center have over 400 students total in integrated and CARES classes. In reviewing elementary class size, 80% of elementary school have 20 or fewer students. Beechwood Knoll, Bernazzani, Lincoln Hancock, Merrymount, and Montclair are designated as red as their neighborhood enrollment is consistent to fill the available classroom space. Lincoln Hancock and Montclair may each be adding a Kindergarten section for 2019-20. Atherton Hough, Clifford Marshall, Snug Harbor, and Squantum are yellow, as there is available space in some grades. Parker and Wollaston are green, as there is available space in all grades.
For middle schools, Central is red, Atlantic is yellow, and Broad Meadows, Point Webster, and Sterling are all green. For all middle schools, 95% of classes have 24 or fewer students. For the high schools, both are green, open enrollment is available at all grades. High school class sizes show 86% have 25 or fewer students. Alternative programs include Quincy Evening High School and GOALS, which provide customized supports for students working towards graduation. As in previous years, 90% of school-age children living in Quincy attend Quincy Public Schools.
Dr. DeCristofaro concluded the presentation by noting that this is a large volume of information, looks forward to further discussion in School Committee.
Mr. Andronico asked of the percentage of students attending QPS is higher or lower than neighboring community. Ms. Owens will follow up with the information from the DESE website.
Mrs. Lebo asked about transfers during the school year for social-emotional concerns; there are very few overall, almost none at elementary and middle school.
Mr. Bregoli is concerned about enrollment continuing to grow at Montclair and Atlantic, at some point School Committee may need to look at district boundaries.
New Business
QPS Website Update
Since Dr. DeCristofaro and Mr. Andronico reported on the new QPS Website Initiative during the Superintendent’s Report, Mr. Andronico tabled this item.
New Business
School Choice (Vote)
Mayor Koch made a motion that Quincy Public Schools withdraw from enrolling non-resident students in the 2019-2020 school year. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 6-0. Mr. Gutro was absent.
New Business
SSEC Representative
Mr. DeAmicis made a motion for Dr. DeCristofaro to continue as the School Committee representative to the South Shore Educational Collaborative Board for the 2019-2020 school year. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hubley and on roll call vote, the ayes have it, 6-0. Mr. Gutro was absent.
Additional Business
Mr. Bregoli removed items 6 (Veterans Memorial Stadium), 10 (2019-20 School Year Calendar), 11 (2019-20 School Committee Meeting Calendar), and 12 (Policy 9.11.16 Graduation Exercises) from Policy Subcommittee as these items are completed.
Upcoming meetings include School Committee Meetings on May 15, 2019 (at Central Middle School); and June 12, 2019. Upcoming Subcommittee meetings include FY2020 Budget meetings on May 13, 2019 and May 22, 2019 both at 6:00 pm; Special Education at 6:15 pm on May 22, 2019. On May 29, 2019, the FY2020 Budget Public Hearing will be followed by Athletics & Wellness at 6:15 pm and Facilities, Transportation & Security at 7:00 pm.
Mayor Koch noted that he will be presenting the proposed FY2020 Budget for the City of Quincy at City Council on Monday, May 6 at 7:30 pm.
Reports of
All School Committee and Subcommittee meeting minutes are posted online at www.quincypublicschools.com/schoolcomm/2018-2019.
Mrs. Hubley reviewed the Quarterly Budget & Finance Subcommittee meeting held on April 30, 2019 which reviewed the FY2019 budget through March 31, 2019. All contractual and scheduled expenses can be accommodated with the funding remaining for this fiscal year. At the June 12, 2019 School Committee meeting, there will be requests for transfers to balance line item surpluses and deficits.
The report of the April 30, 2019 Teaching & Learning Subcommittee was deferred to the May 15, 2019 meeting agenda.
The minutes of the April 30, 2019 Quarterly Budget & Finance Subcommittee meeting were approved as presented.
Executive Session
There was no Executive Session.
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to adjourn for the evening at 8:15 p.m.