Quincy School Committee
Teaching & Learning Subcommittee Meeting -June 17, 2019
A meeting of the Teaching & Learning Subcommittee was held on Monday, June 17, 2019 at 6:00 pm in the Coddington Building. Present were Mr. Anthony Andronico, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Douglas Gutro, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, and Mrs. Emily Lebo, Subcommittee Chair. Also attending were Superintendent Richard DeCristofaro, Ms. Maura Papile, Ms. Erin Perkins, Ms. Kimberley Quinn, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr. Edward Smith, Ms. Bridget Vaughan; Quincy Education Association President Allison Cox; Citywide Parent Council Co-Presidents Scott Alessandro and Courtney Perdios; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
Ms. Perkins and Ms. Roy presented on Social Studies Curriculum alignment process which will continue throughout the summer. From the list provided by Mrs. Lebo (see minutes from April 30 Teaching & Learning Subcommittee), items 1-6 are covered in Grade 3-4, which is local and regional history. In Grade 5, items 7-10 align with the standards and can be incorporated. For middle school, in Grade 8 US History and Civics, there are opportunities to integrate these topics. In high school, EL US History, US History 1 (Grade 10), US History 2 (Grade 11), all have opportunities for alignment, along with World History 1 (Grade 9). Ms. Roy said that high school department chairs are interested in opportunities for direct contact with the local tribal leaders.
Several parents were present and suggested collaboration with local resources, for example linking local history/economics and whaling with the Forbes Museum in Milton. Another idea was for local field trips be less focused on colonial history and add local environments, such as the clamming beds.
Ms. Perdios suggested emphasizing that native peoples are current community members, not only historical figures.
Mrs. Lebo said there may be grants that could assist with bringing in additional perspectives to the Social Studies Curriculum.
Dr. DeCristofaro said that the Health Education Curriculum analysis is ongoing with Ms. Papile and her team. Ms. Papile said that there is an alignment between many of the topics in the Newton High School curriculum and the middle school health curriculum, although not to the same depth. Ms. Papile said that Professional Development opportunities seem to be the immediate way to address the currency and changing needs.
Mrs. Lebo said that Jen Bolton from DOVE would love to be more involved, feel they are making a difference with the groups they are doing. Ms. Papile said that the Health Interventionists do meet with all Grade 9 students multiple times during the school year. They also meet with small groups for targeted interventions. Mrs. Lebo asked if there was a way they could work with students who are scheduled for a study in the terms where there is not gym, for grade 10. Ms. Papile agreed that it will be important, could possibly partner with the nurses on this. Ms. Papile said there are three days of Professional Development planned.
Mrs. Lebo said that the DESE Health Curriculum frameworks are so outdated and the work we do is so beyond this.
Mr. Bregoli asked about parent involvement and Mrs. Lebo suggested a Parent Academy. Mr. Bregoli agreed that giving parents the language to speak to their children about these topics would be helpful.
Mrs. Hubley said Bay State Community Services offers small groups for parents as well.
Mr. Alessandro said that this approach to Health education is similar evolution as the DARE curriculum, giving students a positive focus rather than “scared straight”
For the final item on the agenda, Graduate Follow-up Planning, Ms. Papile said the high school department chairs said financial planning is a key piece, understanding the total cost of college education. MEFA presents in October and in November, recent alumni speak to current seniors about their experiences. Ms. Papile said we are going to continue to look for opportunities to assist students and families, will be analyzing the National Student Clearinghouse data. New data is available in November each year, will allow for following cohorts. Many reports are available through this program, samples were provided.
Mrs. Lebo is concerned about the number of students who actually enter college vs. those who report they are going to college. Is senior year absenteeism connected to failure to enter college? It seems clear that the students who begin college persist and graduate within 6 years but what about the students who never begin. Mrs. Lebo noted that students without legal immigration status cannot receive financial aid.
Mr. Bregoli is interested in the breakdown between male and female student attendance and higher education completion rates. Mr. Andronico asked about data by race/ethnicity and technical programs (information will be gathered by CVTE follow up).
Mr. Alessandro said “summer melt” is a concept in higher education, students may intend to attend college but over the summer, their plans change for a variety of reasons. It may be helpful to have information available about Quincy College or other local colleges that will accept students on short notice and may be more affordable.
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to adjourn the Teaching & Learning Subcommittee meeting at 6:50 pm, seconded by Mr Gutro. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.