May 30, 2018 Athletics Sub Meeting


Quincy School Committee
Athletics & Wellness Subcommittee
Doug Gutro, Chair
Coddington Building
Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 6:45 p.m

  1. Spring Athletics Report - Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Niamkey, Mrs. Clancy

  2. Athletic League Change Process - Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Niamkey, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Taglieri

  3. Coach Evaluation (Draft) - Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Niamkey, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Taglieri

  4. Health & Wellness Symposium Review - Dr. DeCristofaro

  5. BOKS Program Update - Dr. DeCristofaro

  6. Adjournment/Thank You!


Quincy School Committee
Athletics & Wellness Subcommittee Meeting  - May 30, 2018

A meeting of the Athletics & Wellness Subcommittee was held on Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 7:30 pm in the Coddington Building. Present were Mr. Anthony Andronico, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Mrs. Emily Lebo, and Mr. Douglas Gutro, Chair. Also attending were Superintendent DeCristofaro, Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Mrs. Kathryn Clancy, Mr. Kevin Mahoney, Mr. Jean-Jacques Niamkey, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Lawrence Taglieri; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

Assistant to the Business Director Kathryn Clancy presented an overview of Spring Athletics: NQHS had 211 athletes, 17% students participation. At QHS, 328 athletes, around 22% participation. Yearend gate fees and user fees are consistent with past years, as are Athletic equipment expenditures. For the full school year, 35% of students participate in athletics for one or more seasons. Of the 966 student athletes, 609 or 64% are 1-sport athletes, 251 or 26% are 2-sport athletes, and 95 or 10% are 3-sport athletes.

Mr. Niamkey presented on a potential timeline and process North Quincy High School moving from the Patriot League to the South Shore League.

Mrs. Lebo asked for clarification of when a league change would take effect, it would be for the 2020- 2021 school year. Mrs. Lebo asked if a school could be left without a league, Mr. Niamkey said it is possible.

Mr. Andronico asked for more information on the South Shore League stability. Mr. Niamkey said that for example, Randolph only fields teams in certain sports and is an associate member. Mashpee may choose to move to the new Cape & Islands League.

Mr. Bregoli asked if North Quincy High School has similar status for certain sports. Mr. Niamkey said that for Girls Soccer and Boys Baseball, NQHS is an associate. Mr. Bregoli noted that NQHS has been in the Patriot League for the last 11 years, was independent for many years before joining.

Mrs. Lebo asked what the benefit of being in a league. Mr. Niamkey said there is a set schedule for a certain number of games, very difficult to schedule a full season of games otherwise. Playoff and Championship opportunities are also tied to league membership.

Mr. Bregoli provided a summary of wins and losses over the last four years for North Quincy High School teams against the Patriot League.

Mr. Shaw noted that in 2008, when NQHS joined the Patriot League, there were 400 more students at the school. Mr. Shaw is concerned that switching leagues would put us in a league with a similar mix of wins and loss opportunities, but is comfortable with exploring the league change.

Mrs. Lebo requested similar information for Quincy High School on wins and losses in the Patriot League. Mrs. Lebo asked if the Patriot League would try to keep NQHS and Mr. Niamkey said they might be concerned about the divisional balance.

Mrs. Hubley asked if all teams at a school have to be in the same league and this was confirmed.

Mrs. Lebo said that this is a decision to be made at the school level, with input from coaches and administrators. Dr. DeCristofaro agreed that there will be further conversation at the school level and School Committee will be kept informed.

Mr. Mahoney presented a draft Coach Evaluation and Mrs. Lebo complimented the comprehensiveness. Mr. Gutro asked about how coaches are currently evaluated, Mr. Niamkey said that currently, the evaluation process is less formal and is simply an end of season checklist. Mr. Gutro asked whether the QEA has seen the review and this has not happened yet.

Mrs. Hubley asked about the process of monitoring student achievement, how would proficiency and needs improvement be defined. Mrs. Lebo said that a rubric would be needed to assist with the evaluation process. Dr. DeCristofaro suggested that this evaluation process would need to be implemented to develop a rubric.

Mr. Niamkey said five NQHS teams have qualified for the MIAA tournament (Boys Volleyball, Girls & Boys Tennis, Girls Softball, Boys Lacrosse) and three students are competing at the Track & Field AllState meet on June 2. Mr. Mahoney reported that no QHS teams qualified for spring MIAA tournaments, but one student qualified for the Track & Field All-State meet. Yesterday was the middle school Track & Field City Championship, almost 500 students competed.

Mr. Taglieri appreciates the School Committee’s interest in Athletics and will share the QHS records. Mr. Taglieri said that Quincy High School is looking to change divisions within the Patriot League, which will be a two-year process.

Mr. Shaw said that even with the limited participation numbers, the school’s spring athletic performance and the five tournament teams are a source of pride.

Dr. DeCristofaro concluded the meeting by reviewing some Wellness initiatives, noting that the Health Advisory Council and Health Services teams meet regularly to plan activities and events to involve the school staff, students, and families. The Spring session of the BOKS program is concluding, QPS is 2 1/2 years into 3 year grant, over 1,000 students participating each year at 16 schools. Would welcome suggestions for other Wellness items to add to Subcommittee Agendas.

Mr. Andronico made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.