Oct. 7, 2013 Ad Hoc Meeting


Quincy School Committee
Ad Hoc Subcommittee
Monday, October 7, 2013, 5:00 pm
Superintendent’s Conference Room, NAGE Building

  1. Review and Discussion of Superintendent’s Annual Plan Goals

  2. Adjournment


Quincy School Committee
Ad Hoc Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, October 7, 2013

An Ad Hoc Subcommittee meeting was held on Monday, October 7, 2013 at 5:00 pm in the Superintendent’s Conference Room at the NAGE Building. Present were Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Ms. Barbara Isola, Mr. Dave McCarthy, and Mrs. Emily Lebo. Also attending were Superintendent Richard DeCristofaro and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

Mrs. Lebo called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm and reviewed the process for Superintendent goal setting, as defined by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). The Superintendent creates two goals for himself, plus a number of goals for the School Committee to choose two to four additional goals from. The Superintendent will be evaluated on all four standards, even if the goals do not cover all of these standards. Mrs. Lebo suggested that a review of progress towards goals would be done in six months and the Superintendent’s evaluation completed in Fall 2014. All School Committee members will complete the evaluation forms and these are public information. A summative evaluation will be prepared from the Committee's individual evaluations.

Dr. DeCristofaro then reviewed the seven goals he created for School Committee to choose from. These goals are all items that are underway in Quincy Public Schools, including the District Improvement Plan. Mrs. Lebo asked about adding parent involvement to the DIP and Dr. DeCristofaro said that he has spoken with Citywide Parents Council about establishing goals that could be worked collaboratively. He also noted that Goal 5 relates to Home-School Connections as well.

Dr. DeCristofaro asked the School Committee members present for their thoughts on the goals and after discussion, they agreed to recommend Goals 1, 5, and 7 to the full School Committee at the October 9 meeting.

For the Superintendent's Goals, Dr. DeCristofaro discussed the kind of documentation that could be produced for the Principal Evaluation process; Deputy Superintendent Mulvey will be consulted for guidance. Information should be presented in a redacted way. Mrs. Lebo suggested that the DESE rubrics would be helpful for deciding what should be presented as examples.

Dr. DeCristofaro then discussed Superintendent's Goal #2; this goal involves working directly with teachers as it carries through the School and Program Improvement Plans to Individual Educator plans. Dr. DeCristofaro will work with principals individually to focus on their high needs subgroups for targeted interventions. Site based improvement will be supported by the School Improvement Plan action steps.

Mrs. Lebo feels that the revised goal aligns better with the first goal about Principal Evaluation, and it is very specific and appropriate. Ms. Isola said that she appreciated Mrs. Lebo's input and guidance on the development and refinement of this goal. Mrs. Lebo said the discussion really articulated what the schools will be doing moving forward.

All members of the School Committee present agreed that both Superintendent goals will be recommended for the full School Committee approval at the October 9 meeting.

Mrs. Hubley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 pm. The motion was seconded by Mr. McCarthy and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.