Quincy School Committee
Special Education Subcommittee Meeting
A meeting of the Special Education Subcommittee was held on Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 7:00 pm at the Coddington Building. Present were Mr. James DeAmicis, Ms. Barbara Isola, Mrs. Emily Lebo, and Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Chair. Also attending were Superintendent Richard DeCristofaro, Ms. Sarah Anderson, Mrs. Catherine Carey, Mrs. Donna Cunningham, Ms. Julie Graham, Mr. Richard Kelly, Mr. Louis Marcucci, Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Mrs. Maura Papile, Mrs. Erin Perkins, Mrs. Tracy Phelan, Mrs. Jessica Desmond; Quincy Parent Advisory Council to Special Education Board Members Ms. Beck and Ms. Nabstedt; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
Mr. DeAmicis called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
North Quincy High School Special Education Department Chair Tracy Phelan and students from the LEAP program reviewed the expanded transitions program, which serves 20 students at North Quincy High School. Students spend four years in high school, graduating with their peers and then going onto workplace. Students begin with working at North Quincy High School’s Red Raider café and advance to outside placements accompanied by a job coach. Outside placements this year include: Bright Horizons, Eastern Nazarene Library, Quincy Public Schools Coddington, Food Services, and Custodial, SS YMCA, Germantown Neighborhood Center, Marina Bay Nursing Home, Quincy Crisis Center Food Pantry, and the WIC Nutrition Center. Mrs. Phelan also unveiled the new LEAP logo.
Dr. DeCristofaro thanked the students for their hard work. Ms. Isola said the students really explained what the program is about and clearly enjoy what they do. Mrs. Lebo asked if we have access to the ICE program, but we don’t. Mrs. Mahoney thanked the presenters.
Mr. Marcucci will be staying with the students as they move into the next phase of the placements. Mrs. Phelan said the program has so much paraprofessional support, they have flexible assignments with students at their work sites and transition the traveling and supervision to independence. The goal is to assist students in figuring out what they like to do.
Dr. DeCristofaro said a great program has great leaders, thanked Mrs. Phelan, Mr. Marcucci, and Mrs. Desmond, Ms. Anderson’s new perspective has provided so much opportunity for the students.
Mr. DeAmicis said it is great to have an update by the students in person, the collaboration between the teachers, administrators and students is amazing to see.
Ms. Beck thanked the students for the presentation, admires them for trying the different opportunities. She asked about t-shirts, the students will receive t-shirts and Ms. Beck offered QPAC funding to assist with additional t-shirts to sell.
The students thanked School Committee and invited them to the LEAP luncheon on June 14.
Mrs. Perkins then reviewed the Special Education program location transitions for the 2017-2018 school year:
CARES (one class from Squantum to Snug Harbor), this will allow for students to remain in one building for K-5.
The Learning Center K-2 is currently at Squantum with Grades 3-5 at Parker. Grades 3-5 will move to Squantum for 2017-2018 school year.
The STARS program for Grades 1-4 at Clifford Marshall will move to Parker for 2017-2018.
Letters have been sent to families and parents may have tours as requested for the new schools. Open house dates will be scheduled prior to the new school year.
Dr. DeCristofaro reviewed the Agency Resource Fair issue, originally scheduled for May 6, conflicted with Cleaner Greener and the Boston Agency Fair and so he recommended postponing the event to the fall. Ms. Anderson explained that the Special Education webpage has been expanded to have additional resources, Family Guide to Transitions, 211 website, and Family TIES. The program from the Agency Fair will be added. Ms. Beck recommended Smart 911, families can register their family information so first responders are prepared in case of an emergency. Mrs. Mahoney suggested the QPS website could be upgraded, technology has changed in the last six years. The new City of Quincy website is very accessible.
Mrs. Lebo suggested a Parent Academy on accessing resources for Special Education parents.
For the QPAC Update, Ms. Beck is working on Wahlburgers visit for the Transitions class. A parent concern centered around translation options for upcoming QPAC or Subcommittee meetings. Mrs. Mahoney noted there are many languages spoken by QPS families. Mrs. Lebo wondered if the minutes can be translated. Mr. DeAmicis asked if agency materials are available in other languages, and they are if they are from federal or state sources. Mrs. Perkins will ask Beth Hallett about QARI and options for support through them.
Ms. Beck asked about student ratios. Mrs. Perkins said in an inclusion class, there will be one more regular education student than special education students. (A class of 25 could have 13 regular education students and 12 special education students.)
Ms. Beck announced that she will be taking next school year off from QPAC.
Special Education Subcommittee dates for 2017-2018 will be determined at the Special Organizational Meeting on September 7, 2017.
Mrs. Lebo made a motion to adjourn at 8:00 pm, seconded by Mrs. Mahoney. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.