Public education is strongly supported in Quincy for its all-important role in both the development of individuals as citizens and as productive members of the local and regional economy. The Quincy Public Schools possess a long-standing tradition for innovative curriculum and excellence in public education.
Quincy Public Schools is comprised of 11 elementary schools, five middle schools, two high schools, and an early childhood center.
Students attend schools based on neighborhood areas. Our street directory provides the boundary area information for specific elementary, middle, and high schools. Enrollment in Quincy Public Schools varies depending upon the school building. Buildings house general education programs and system-wide special education programs and utilize space to meet the changing student needs and demographics.
Low class size has been a priority of the Quincy School Committee. Many elementary schools enjoy enrollment and staffing ratios that yield an average of 20 students for every teacher. The student staffing ratio at the middle and high school levels continues to meet the guidelines approved by the Quincy School Committee. Increases in staffing, the addition of new classrooms, and new construction have combined to hold student-staff ratios consistent.
In addition to our programs during the school day, we offer a variety of additional educational opportunities before and after school, on Saturdays, and during the summer. These opportunities provide both enrichment and targeted instruction interventions to meet the individual needs of all of our students.