Quincy, Massachusetts - January 6, 2010
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday,
January 6, 2010 in the Squantum Elementary School. Present were: Mrs. Elaine
Dwyer, Mrs. Jo-Ann Bragg, Mr. Dave McCarthy, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Ms. Barbara
Isola, Mrs. Anne Mahoney and Mayor Thomas P. Koch, Chairman.
Vice Chairman
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The Superintendent called the roll and all members were present. Also present
were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Mrs. Tefta Burrelli, Clerk; Messrs.
Mullaney, O’Brien, Draicchio, Keith Segalla, Ms. Roberts, Tenaglia, Todd, and
Hughes. Ms. Tracey Christello, Citywide and Paul Phillips, QEA. Darius
Varmahmoodi, and Lawrence Liuzzo, high school Student Representatives.
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Reg. Session. Min. Approved 12/9/2009
On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, the Committee approved
the regular session minutes for December 9, 2009. The ayes have it.
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Squantum Principal Welcomes Committee
Principal, Steve Sylvia, welcomed everyone to the Squantum Elementary School.
He thanked the members for their policy which allows them to have small class sizes.
His teachers are committed and caring. Kindergarten classes are on target for
certification. Squantum School has partnered with their PTA to build new book
cases around the Media Center. They have a new computer lab. They have added
Brain Pop, Just Meets, Book Flics, etc. computer programs for students.
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Supt. Appointed SC Secretary
On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mrs. Mahoney, the Committee appointed
Superintendent Richard DeCristofaro Secretary to the School Committee. On a roll
call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.
Mrs. Burrelli Appointed SC Clerk
On a motion by Mr. McCarthy, seconded by Mrs. Dwyer, the Committee appointed
Mrs. Tefta Burrelli Clerk of the School Committee. On a roll call vote, the motion
passed unanimously 7-0.
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Supts. Report
The Mayor thanked the Superintendent, Keith and Kevin Segalla, Kevin Murphy
and students from both high schools for the work they did to make the Inauguration
a success at North Quincy High School. He was very pleased and grateful.
The Superintendent also thanked the Mayor for holding the Inauguration at
North Quincy High School. He praised the Culinary Arts students, the Student
Council from both high schools, Maintenance, Janice Erler and Principal Earl
The Mayor then thanked Dave McCarthy the outgoing Vice Chairman and
welcomed Emily Lebo and Barbara Isola. He turned the gavel over to Anne
Mahoney, the new Vice Chairman.
Mrs. Bragg pointed out that this is the first time in the history of Quincy that
there has ever been five women on the School Committee.
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Bldg & Grounds
As Mr. Murphy was not present, the Superintendent read his building report.
At Squantum, they removed an old rug in room 14 and retiled that area.
They cut up and retiled the perimeter of the library with the assistance of
Flair Carpet and Tile Co. At Central, they’ve repaired the buckling gym floor
and retiled a stairwell landing. Maintenance upgraded an electrical panel in
the kitchen at Sterling, renovated bathrooms at Lincoln Hancock, and fixed
the water line at Montclair. Much of the time, they worked at North Quincy
for the Inauguration--ceiling tiles in bathrooms, signage, and glass on doors
were replaced. Both girls’ bathrooms were painted, they changed over 100
sound panels, painted storage closets, and the custodians did a lot of work.
The auditorium roof was replaced. The Mayor spent $539,000 on the roof
and $41,000 to rebuild the elevator. The Atrium glass will be done during
the February vacation.
The Committee was very grateful to the Mayor for all the work done at
North Quincy High School.
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QHS Bldg. Committee Mrs. Dwyer Reports
The Quincy High School Building Committee met for a presentation from
Jack Gillan, Traffic Engineer. There is a problem with Saville Ave. whereby
cars are coming down Saville Ave and into the school parking lot. They
considered closing off the street but, the Fire Department was opposed to that.
Therefore, there are only two options — removable barriers or a swing gate.
The gate would not be locked. This would prevent cars from coming into
the lot and turning around.
Discussion has begun on what to do with the old Quincy High School. It is a
City building but under the authority of the School Committee. Mrs. Dwyer
will bring back prices to either renovate or tear down the old building. We’ll
be out of that building in October.
There was discussion on the parking lot on Coddington St. The original plan
had a two-story parking facility. Since the project was $1 million over budget,
they scratched the parking facility. Fill was put there in order for trucks to go onto
the spot. That fill has to come out. Gilbane has to put that parking lot back to
its original form The Committee discussed an open space hot top parking lot.
Mrs. Dwyer said they would have to look into a retaining wall. The problem with
hot top is there is no where for the rain/water to go.
The Mayor said he would like to look at a plan for the whole wetland area. He
acknowledged the good work Mrs. Dwyer and everyone has done on the Quincy
High School Building Committee.
Mr. McCarthy asked Mrs. Dwyer to check on the use of water on the construction
site to get an idea of how much water they used and the electricity used for the
generators. Also, the neighbors on the corner of Woodward/Russell are concerned
that several old fire extinguishers have been thrown there.
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Central Bldg. Comm. Mrs. Bragg Reports
The Central Building Committee will meet on January 14 at 9:30 a.m. at City
Hall. The SBA has received the necessary documents. Designer architect bids
are going out.
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Program Improvement Plan (PIP) for Special Ed.
Mrs. Bragg had tabled the PIP for Special Ed. report from the last meeting. She
asked Ms. Todd a few questions that she had. She would like more involvement
with QPAC on Special Education issues. She asked Ms. Todd to consult with
teachers and parents. She would like to see more outreach.
The Superintendent plans to have more mini presentations of the PIPs.
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Educational Software Initiatives
The Squantum staff was present to demonstrate the Educational Software
Initiatives that are being used in their classrooms. They presented several
software applications. Some of the programs included Destination, Study
Island, Intellitools, Brain Pop, Fraction Nation, Reading Counts, PLATO,
Bookflix, FASTT Math. Most of these programs can be done at home by
The Committee members participated in an Interwrite Board demonstration.
These boards are now installed in all the classrooms at the new Quincy High
School. Ed Smith and Michael Imhoff, science teachers at Quincy High School,
gave the demonstration.
Mrs. Isola asked about those students who don’t have a computer at home.
She asked the Superintendent to find out how many students have computers
at home. Do we have laptops for students.
Mrs. Lebo asked if the programs are not in all schools, do we try to make
some sort of equitable distribution. Mr. O’Brien said we hope to do in the
spring this year. We need to evaluate before we buy them for all schools.
We do not have laptops for students.
Mayor Koch said because of the new technical advantages at the new Quincy
High School, there should be smart boards at North. He is open to pursuing
that. It would cost $3,500 per classroom. The Mayor will meet with the
Superintendent to see what the cost for each school is and come up with a
The Superintendent thanked the staff, Peter Swanson and the many “all-stars”
in this school system.
At 8:45 p.m. the Committee recessed for 10 minutes.
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Conflict of Interest MGL 268, sec.19
Mr. Kevin Mulvey, Director of Human Resources, reviewed the Conflict of
Interest Law (MGL 268, sec. 19). He gave the Committee a summary of the
law. Everyone, including paid employees, volunteers, must return a receipt
acknowledging receipt of the law to the City Clerk’s office after taking a
test on line. You have until April 2, 2010 to take the test and pass it in. The
Mayor said this goes to all city employees, election workers, boards, etc.
Mrs. Dwyer questioned page 4 – “an example of a violation regarding a school
committee member.” They may not participate where a person of his immediate
family has a financial interest. He also may not participate in any matter
in which a perspective employee or business organization of which he is
a director has a financial interest. Participation includes discussion as well as
delegating the matter to someone else.
We have in the past had School Committee members who have immediate
family in the school system, and we all vote and work on the budgets. She is
concerned that there is a couple of members, including herself. Is this saying
that she can’t work on the budget or is this just about teacher contract negotiations.
Mr. Mulvey said in his opinion, with regard to the budget, if someone on the
Committee that had a relative that was a member of the teaching staff, that
person on the Committee should recluse himself from any negotiations or
discussion with regard to negotiating, budget or contract negotiations in that
line. But with regard to voting on the over all budget, which that line is included,
the School Committee member is entitled to vote on the entire budget. You would
recluse from discussion and participating in the individual budget line, which
would be the teacher contract negotiations, but when it came to the entire vote
of the Committee with regard to the overall budget, under case law, you can vote
on the entire budget.
Mr. Mulvey said if there are concerns participating in negotiations, they need
to get an opinion from the City Solicitor or the State Ethics Commissioner.
Mayor Koch will get a ruling from the City Solicitor and get back to the
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Additional Business Café Tables
Mrs. Bragg asked what was being done to fix the cafeteria tables at the Marshall
School. Mr. McCarthy said he was at the Marshall School the day a table fell
on two students. They have looked at the tables and the way they are set up.
The bolts have worn over the years. The kids know how to take the chains off.
They are looking at all the schools that have that set up and will come back with
a locking bar that padlocks.
To Health & Safety Subcommittee
He moved this issue into the Health and Safety
and Security Subcommittee.
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Incident Reports
Mrs. Bragg inquired about Incident Reports. She hasn’t received any Incident
Reports in a long time and was wondering why they don’t go to the Committee
any more. She would like a heads up before she gets a call from a reporter.
She doesn’t think that all need to come to Committee, but only those that are
The Superintendent said we still do Incident Reports but has not been in the
practice of sending them to School Committee. That’s a Committee decision.
If they want Incident Reports they need to give him direction in regard to the
level of concern. However, he has been calling members to let them know
when there is something that he believes could pose a level of concern.
Mrs. Bragg said we have a policy on this that was discussed a couple of years
back about communications to the School Committee and maybe they will
revisit that. She thought it says that there is a time when School Committee
needs to be informed of serious issues and it was left what was serious to
the Superintendent’s discretion. She did want some communication between
the Superintendent and the School Committee regarding incidents.
Mrs. Burrelli will look at the policy manual.
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Gift to Squantum
On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mrs. Lebo, the Committee accepted
three large boxes of boots, hats, scarves worth over $2,000 from Mary Gustofson
for the Squantum School. The ayes have it. Mr. Sylvia will work with his
guidance staff and Maura Tenaglia to distribute them to other schools.
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The next Special Ed. Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for January 13, 2010
at 7:00 p.m. at Broad Meadows Middle. School.
Associate Member, Darius Verhamoodi, invited everyone to McDonalds on
January 19 from 4-7 p.m. Teachers will work and 20% of the profits go to
Quincy High Schools.
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Race to the Top (RTTT)
Colleen Roberts gave an overview of the Race To The Top Initiative (RTTT).
This is a US Department of Education initiative and the Massachusetts
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Mrs. Roberts, Mrs.
Mahoney, Mr. Phillips and the Superintendent attended an informational
meeting in Worcester. Massachusetts would received $250 million over a
four-year period. You cannot supplant. This is the second part of Education
Reform. The Memorandum of Understand states we have to send all three
signatures to the United State Department of Education by January 19,
2010. Fifteen percent of the funds will be passed on to Quincy Public Schools.
The remaining may be used by the state. Signatures have to come from the
Superintendent, the Mayor and Mr. Phillips. All three participants must sign.
If you don’t sign, you won’t get any money. The four years run from 2011-2014.
By signing, the district will have to use data to improve instruction. Our
district principals have teacher effectiveness based on performance. One of
the things we hear is if a school district signs it can opt out at any time. You
would have to give the remaining funds back.
To Executive Session
On a motion by Mr. McCarthy, seconded by Mrs. Lebo, to go into Executive
Session at 9:40 p.m. for the purpose of Collective Bargaining. On a roll call
vote, the motion passed 5-0. MRS. BRAGG and MRS. DWYER ABSTAINED.
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Supt & Mayor will sign MOU
The Committee returned to regular session at 9:55 p.m. On a motion by Mr.
McCarthy, seconded by Mrs. Lebo, the Committee voted to have the Mayor
and the Superintendents endorse the Memorandum of Understanding. On a
roll call vote, the motion passed 5-0. MRS BRAGG and MRS. DWYER
voted to ABSTAIN. The Mayor recognized that the QEA has to sign as well.
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New Subcommittees
The Committee received a memo from Vice Chairman, Anne Mahoney listing
the Subcommittee members. They are as follows:
Committee Chairman Members
Budget & Finance A. Mahoney J. Bragg / E. Lebo
School Facilities E. Dwyer E. Lebo /D .McCarthy
Health & Safety D. McCarthy B. Isola / E. Dwyer
School Policy J. Bragg B. Isola / E. Dwyer
Special Education E. Lebo D. McCarthy /A. Mahoney
Rules/Post Audit & B Isola A. Mahoney /J. Bragg
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On a motion duly made and seconded, the Committee adjourned for the evening
at 9:58 p.m. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.