June 12, 2019 School Committee Meeting


Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 6:30 pm
Coddington Building

I. Approval of Minutes:

A. Regular Meeting Minutes for May 15, 2019
B. Professional Development Minutes for May 22, 2019
C. Public Hearing Minutes for May 29, 2019

II. Open Forum: An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public Schools. Community in this context is defined as a resident of the City of Quincy, a parent of a student who attends the Quincy Public Schools, or an employee of the Quincy Public Schools. Non-community persons not permitted to speak at Open Forum may submit written statements to the School Committee. After giving his or her name and address, each speaker may make a presentation of no more than four minutes to the School Committee. An individual may not exchange their time or yield to others.

III. Superintendent’s Report:

A. Inspire Quincy

B. Recent Quincy Public Schools Events:

  • Graduations

  • Spring Concerts

  • Choral Awards

  • EL Parent Advisory Council Open House

  • Special Education Track & Field Event

  • Girl Rising Event

  • Community Service Learning Celebration

  • Welcome to Kindergarten Parent Academy

  • Student Athletic Summit

  • Mentor Program

  • NQHS Hockey Coach Recognition

  • Retirement Luncheon

C. South~West Middle School Opening Day and Open House

D. DESE Promising Practices Recognition at City Council

E. Homework & Website Initiative Updates

F. Supports for Vaping Awareness Education in Grade 8

G. System Initiatives 2018-19

H. Summer Scene 2019 and Summer Reading

IV. Old Business:

A. Update of School Committee Policy 10.18 Anti-Bullying - Mr. Bregoli
For discussion; eligible for vote at September 11, 2019 meeting.

B. Update of School Committee Policy 10.5.7 Homeless Students - Mr. Bregoli
Enrollment Rights and Services
For discussion; eligible for vote at September 11, 2019 meeting.

C. Creation of School Committee Policy 10.5.8 Foster Care Students - Mr. Bregoli
Enrollment Rights and Services
For discussion; eligible for vote at September 11, 2019 meeting.

V. New Business:

A. FY2020 QPS Budget (Vote) - Dr. DeCristofaro, Mr. Mullaney

B. FY2019 QPS Budget Transfers (Vote) - Mr. Mullaney

C. CTE Advisory Board Mr. Keith Segalla

D. Dual Enrollment - Dr. Hallett, Mr. Keith Segalla
Update requested by Mr. Andronico

E. School Committee Policy 5.6 Food Service Management - Mr. Andronico
for referral to Policy Subcommittee

F. Joint Resolve with City Council Seeking the FCC to Protect Local Access Television - Mrs. Lebo

G. Out of State Travel (One-Day): South~West Middle School Grade 6 to
Canobie Lake Park, Salem, New Hampshire on June 14, 2019.

VI. Additional Business:

VII. Communications:

A. Upcoming Teaching & Learning Subcommittee meeting on June 17, 2019 at 6:00 pm at the Coddington Building.

B. Letter from Dr. Hallett

C. Letter from Mr. Couglin

VIII. Reports of Subcommittees:

A. Policy: Mr. Bregoli to report on the May 13, 2019 meeting.

B. Budget & Finance: Mrs. Hubley to report on the May 22, 2019 meeting.

C. Special Education: Mr. Andronico to report on the May 22, 2019 meeting.

D. Joint Athletics & Wellness and Policy: Mr. Gutro and Mr. Bregoli to report on the May 29, 2019 meeting.

E. Facilities, Transportation & Security: Mr. DeAmicis to report on the May 29, 2019 meeting.

IX. Executive Session: None

X. Adjournment:

Subcommittees of the School Committee

Athletics & Wellness

  1. Before School Exercise Programs Referred at the September 10, 2014 Special Organizational Meeting. Monitoring the implementation of these programs across QPS.

  2. Substance Use Education & Prevention Referred at the September 6, 2017 Special Organizational Meeting. Monitoring of the system-wide initiatives for students and families and the collaboration with outside agencies.

  3. Wellness Programs Referred at the September 6, 2017 Special Organizational Meeting. Monitoring of the school-based and system-wide initiatives related to student and staff wellness.

  4. Evaluation of Coaches Referred at the September 6, 2017 Special Organizational Meeting. Requesting further discussion of process of formal review of coaches by the Athletic Directors.

  5. Bishop Field Update Referred at the May 2, 2018 School Committee meeting and amended at the May 16, 2018 School Committee meeting; request for information on planned upgrades and a regular Park Board Meeting update (Mr. Bregoli, School Committee representative to the Park Board).

  6. Potential MIAA Athletic League Change for NQHS Referred at the September 10, 2018 Special Organizational Meeting for further discussion.

  7. Share Tables Referred at the October 24, 2018 School Committee meeting for discussion of amending Wellness Policy 1.7 to include guidelines. (Also referred to Policy Subcommittee.)

  8. Health Curriculum Referred at the October 24, 2018 School Committee meeting for review and discussion.

  9. School Nurses Referred at the February 6, 2019 School Committee meeting for further review and discussion.

  10. Elimination of Styrofoam from School Nutrition Service Referred at the March 20, 2019 School Committee meeting for further review and discussion.

Budget & Finance

  1. Chapter 70 Funding Referred at the March 6, 2019 School Committee meeting for discussion and creation of a position statement.

Facilities, Security, and Transportation

  1. School Playgrounds Referred at the September 14, 2016 Special Organizational Meeting. Requesting an update from the Park Department on recent equipment and safety fiber upgrades and projects in planning.

  2. New Middle School project Referred at the September 14, 2016 Special Organizational Meeting. Schedule updates to be provided as the planning phase moves into construction.

  3. Water Testing Results & Repair Referred at the December 7, 2016 School Committee meeting to monitor the schedule for fixture repair or replacement.

  4. Solar Panels on School Buildings Referred at the September 10, 2018 Special Organizational Meeting for update on Solar City, energy consumption, and related cost savings.

  5. QPS Vehicle Storage Facility Relocation Referred at the September 10, 2018 Special Organizational Meeting as a requested update.

  6. ALICE Protocol Referred at the September 10, 2018 Special Organizational Meeting for further review and discussion.

  7. Direct Emergency Contact from School Offices to Quincy Police Department (Panic Button) Referred at the September 10, 2018 Special Organizational Meeting for review and discussion.

  8. School Improvement Plan Facilities Needs Referred at the November 14, 2018 School Committee meeting for further review towards progress of addressing these issues.

  9. Expanding the Della Chiesa Early Childhood Center Referred at the May 15, 2019 Subcommittee to discuss a feasibility study.


  1. Middle School Grading System Referred at the December 10, 2014 School Committee meeting for review and discussion.

  2. School Committee Policy Book Referred at the January 13, 2016 School Committee meeting for review and updating as needed.

  3. NQHS Mascot Referred at the November 9, 2016 School Committee meeting.

  4. Extended School Day/Recess Scheduling Referred at the December 6, 2017 School Committee Meeting.

  5. School Year Calendar 2020-21: Referred at the September 10, 2018 Special Organizational Meeting for review of starting school before Labor Day, September 7, 2020.

  6. Potential Revision of Wellness Policy 1.7 to Incorporate “Share Tables” Referred at the October 24, 2018 School Committee meeting for consideration. (Also referred to Athletics & Wellness Subcommittee.)

  7. School Committee Policy 9.11.1 Homework Referred at the December 12, 2018 School Committee Meeting for review.

  8. School Committee Policy 11.8 Public Solicitations in Schools Referred at the December 12, 2018 School Committee Meeting for review.

  9. School Committee Policy 10.18 QPS Anti-Bullying Policy Referred at the April 10, 2019 School Committee Meeting for update to reflect the 2013 regulations.

Rules, Post, Audit & Oversight

Special Education

  1. High School Inclusion Classes Referred at the September 10, 2018 Special Organizational Meeting for a requested update of the status for the 2018-2019 school year.

Teaching and Learning

  1. Advanced Program Pathways Referred at the May 20, 2015 School Committee Meeting to review opportunities to challenge above-level students at all grades.

  2. Enrollment Data/Class Size: Referred at the October 14, 2015 School Committee meeting for further review and discussion.

  3. Superintendent Evaluation Referred at the September 7, 2016 School Committee meeting for preparation and procedure review.

  4. High School Mid-Term Examinations Referred at the June 14, 2017 School Committee meeting for further review and discussion.

  5. NQHS Mascot Referred at the May 2, 2018 School Committee meeting for review and discussion.

  6. Graduation Follow Up Survey Referred at the September 10, 2018 Special School Committee meeting.

  7. District Goal for Science Referred at the October 10, 2018 School Committee meeting for further discussion.

  8. MCAS Growth Percentile Referred at the October 10, 2018 School Committee meeting for further discussion.

  9. School Improvement Plan Goal Development Referred at the November 14, 2018 School Committee meeting for further discussion.

  10. Foreign Language Program Referred at the January 9, 2019 School Committee meeting for review.

  11. Integration of Native American Representation into Social Studies Curriculum Referred at the May 13, 2019 Teaching & Learning Subcommittee meeting.

  12. Health and Sexual Health Education in High School Referred at the May 13, 2019 Teaching & Learning Subcommittee meeting.

  13. Chronic Absenteeism Referred at the May 15, 2019 School Committee meeting for further discussion, including tardiness and dismissals.

Ad Hoc Committees

New Middle School Building Committee

School District Maps

Created at the September 10, 2014 Special School Committee meeting to review issues related to school district maps.


Quincy, Massachusetts – June 12, 2019 
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Regular Meeting

A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at the Coddington Building at 6:30 p.m. Superintendent DeCristofaro called the roll and present were School Committee Chair Mayor Thomas Koch, Mr. Anthony Andronico, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Douglas Gutro, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, and Mrs. Emily Lebo, Vice Chair.

Vice-Chair Presiding

Also present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk; Mr. Michael Draicchio, Dr. Beth Hallett, Ms. Rebecca McInnis, Mr. James Mullaney, Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Ms. Maura Papile, Ms. Erin Perkins, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla; Quincy Education Association President Allison Cox; and Citywide Parent Council Co-Presidents Scott Alessandro and Courtney Perdios.


There was a moment of silence for members of the armed services at home and overseas.

Mrs. Lebo read the following statement into the record: Pursuant to the Open Meeting Law, any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium. Attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible.


Regular Meeting Minutes Approved 5.15.2019

Mrs. Hubley made a motion, seconded by Mr. Andronico to approve the Regular Meeting minutes for May 15, 2019 as presented. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Professional Development Meeting Minutes Approved 5.22.2019

Mrs. Hubley made a motion, seconded by Mr. Andronico to approve the Professional Development Meeting minutes for May 22, 2019 as presented. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.

FY2020 Budget Public Hearing Minutes Approved 5.29.2019

Mrs. Hubley made a motion, seconded by Mr. Andronico to approve the FY2020 Budget Public Hearing minutes for May 29, 2019 as presented. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.


Open Forum

Citywide Parent Council Co-President Courtney Perdios thanked Mayor Koch, School Committee, and the Superintendent and Leadership Team for consideration of issues brought forward during the year, including beginning the process of updating the Homework Policy and Security.


Superintendent's Report

Dr. DeCristofaro opened the Superintendent’s Report with the Inspire Quincy video featuring the Special Education Track & Field event, the Elementary & Middle School Lego Robotics competition, the Girl Rising Celebration, the Community Service Learning Breakfast, the Student Athletic Summit, and South~West Middle School Opening Day,

The High School Graduations were held on June 10 and June 11, over 730 students graduated over two beautiful evenings, thanks to HighSchool Principals Mr. Shaw and Mr. Taglieri, Assistant Principal Ellen Murray, Student Support Services Department Chairs Ms. Paula McGeady and Ms. Helena Skinner, the High School Deans, Department Heads, the Choir and Band, and Safety & Security Director Michael Draicchio and his staff and Chief Keenan and the Quincy Police Department

Dr. DeCristofaro recognized NQHS Junior Joanna Setow, who placed 1st in the Harvard Political Review Essay Competition, which recognizes and reward youth engagement in politics and NQHS Business Teacher Matt Gibbons who was named Hockey Coach of the Year by MIAA.

Recent Quincy Public Schools events included spring concerts for chorus and band at all school sites and the All-City Middle & High School Choral Festival. At the recent In the Park music event, the Combined High School Band and Choir, placed 1st in the Band division and Chorus placed 1st overall. The first English Learner Parent Advisory Council meeting was held in late May, 46 parents attended, a first step toward the establishment of this group. The Special Education Track & Field event was held on May 31 for 170 students at Pageant Field for a morning of events and a cookout, supported by the NQHS ROTC and QHS Early Education students. 126 parents attended the recent Kindergarten Parent Academy, many Kindergarten teachers and nurses attended. The Mentor Program under the direction of Madeline Roy and Jim Hennessy held their final meeting and celebrated a successful year of 39 new professional staff members mentored by veteran staff members.The Girl Rising Celebration was held on May 29, all five middle schools were represented by 150 students and their English teachers. At the Community Service Learning Breakfast, 110 students from Grades 4-12 were recognized for their efforts. At the Student Athletic Summit, 50 rising senior athletics leaders participated in workshops about leadership, nutrition, and team building. The QPS Retirement Luncheon was held at the Presidents Café, sponsored by QEA.

Quincy Public Schools’ selection for the DESE Promising Practices Review was recognized by City Council on Monday, June 3, an initiative of Councillor Brian Palmucci. Deputy Commissioner Jeff Wulfson called Superintendent to compliment the programs, parents, and students they met with on the visit

Opening Day at South~West Middle School was held on June 3, another wonderful day, thanks to Ai3, Bond, PCA 360, supported by South~West staff, Mayor, the Quincy City Council, and the School Committee.

The Homework Survey is completed, analysis of the data is just beginning, thanks to Ed Smith for working with the schools to gather the data.

The new Quincy Public Schools Website initiative is underway, thanks to the leadership of Mr. Andronico. A design team will be created to include QPS professional, parent, and community stakeholders.

To provide support for the Grade 8-9 transition for parents and students, a special newsletter was created by Student Support & School Nurses and will be emailed to families.

A summary of the 2018-19 QPS Initiatives will be shared with School Committee via email, a year-end review of 38 initiatives and most were reviewed in full School Committee or Subcommittee during the course of this school year.

Summer Scene programs are being planned, beginning with a STEM focused program for Grades 3-8, the week of June 24, thanks to Mayor Koch.

The Wollaston Elementary School Air Quality state report will be shared with School Committee, Suzanne Condon is reviewing and will have an analysis to share. Mr. Gutro asked if there are recommendations that pertain to Wollaston or any other school, perhaps this can be discussed at an upcoming Facilities Subcommittee.


Old Business

Revision of School Committee Policy 10.18 QPS Anti-Bullying Policy (Discussion)

Revision of School Committee Policy Section 10.5.7 Homeless Students

Creation of School Committee Policy Section 10.5.8 Foster Care Students

Mr. Bregoli introduced the proposed revision to School Committee Policy 10.18 Quincy Public Schools Anti-Bullying Policy for discussion. As there was none, he moved on to the next item, discussion of the proposed revision to School Committee Policy 10.5.7 Homeless Students Enrollment Rights and Services. As there was no discussion, Mr. Bregoli introduced the proposed new School Committee Policy 10.5.8 Foster Care Students Enrollment Rights and Services. Mr. Bregoli noted that the establishment of this Policy section conforms to recommendations from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. There was no discussion of this new Policy.

All three Policy sections are eligible for vote at the September 11, 2019 School Committee Meeting.


New Business

FY2020 QPS Budget Approval (Vote)

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the FY2020 Quincy Public School Budget as presented. Mr. Gutro seconded the motion.

On the motion, Mrs. Lebo thanked the Mayor, City Council, and the taxpayers of Quincy for the Quincy Public Schools Budget funding.

On a roll call vote, the ayes have it 6-0. Mr. DeAmicis was absent.


New Business

FY2019 QPS Budget Transfers (Vote)

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the FY2019 Quincy Public Schools Budget transfers as presented. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it 6-0. Mr. DeAmicis was absent.

Mr. Gutro thanked Mr. Mullaney for his preparations for the budget meetings, appreciates the attention to detail.


New Business

CVTE Advisory Board Annual Summary Presentation

Executive Director of Career Vocational & Technical Education Keith Segalla reminded School Committee that CVTE Programs operate under MGL Chapter 74, which mandates an annual summary presentation to School Committee. Advisory Committees are prescribed under the law and consist of representatives from the local business community who assist in establishing program goals, shop safety evaluations, curriculum review, meeting agendas and minutes, budget allocations and expenditures for safety, curriculum, technology, equipment from the $123,307 in Perkins Grant funding.

Mr. DeAmicis arrived at 7:05 pm.

Quincy Evening High School has long been a grant-funded program, established by Mrs. Lebo when she was CVTE Director and currently managed by Mr. Steve Johnson. The grant allocation has been significantly cut and the cost of the Evening High School will be absorbed by the QPS Budget. State grant funding continues for the Summer Youth Works jobs program for low income students, providing paid real world work experiences.

The Connecting Activities Partnership is a DESE initiative that supports career development activities at our high schools, connecting students with part-time employment opportunities, resume development and interview preparation. Quincy High School CVTE teachers also have opportunities for summer professional development. South Shore Health Systems assisted with curriculum review and are offering EKG training and Phlebotomy training (Dual Enrollment with Quincy College). Mr. Segalla concluded by thanking School Committee for financial support and interest in growing the CVTE programs.

Mrs. Lebo said that the grant writing is instrumental to the program success, and thanked the Advisory Board members on behalf of School Committee


New Business

Dual Enrollment Update

Mr. Segalla then presented an update on Dual Enrollment, This past year, which is the third year of the initiative, 23 courses were offered to 108 Grade 11 & 12 students. Beginning next year, courses will also be offered to Grade 10 students. High school and college courses have aligned objectives, curriculum, and expected outcomes. Dual Enrollment instructors have Masters in their content area and are considered adjunct Quincy College instructors. Facilitators and staff are at the high school Back to School nights to distribute information and answer questions.

Mrs. Hubley asked if all the students who enrolled successfully completed the course and received credit and this was confirmed.

Mr. Andronico said that student loan debt is a huge issue for many adults, Quincy Public Schools is providing the opportunity for students and families to take advantage.

Mr. Gutro asked about the level of the classes. Advanced classes are Advanced Placement track, another way that students may receive college credits after successfully completing the Advanced Placement exam. Dr. Hallett said there are some issues with alignment, the Advanced level classes have more depth. Mr. Gutro said that this is an issue worth future discussion, a student may take an Advanced Biology class in Grade 10 but not take the AP test later. Is there a way to get Dual Enrollment credit for those classes?

Mrs. Lebo said that in the long run, these courses only are a financial advantage if you are a part-time student. Dr. Hallett said that Advanced courses have a higher weight, students with ambitions for higher level colleges will prefer that. Mr. Gutro suggested further education opportunities for parents and students, Dr. Hallett said that the Parent Academy at each high school might be the opportunity for this. Student Support Services staff at each high school present College Information nights. The opportunity to enroll in Dual Enrollment is presented twice a year, in November and March.


New Business

School Committee Policy 5.6 Food Service Management

Mrs. Hubley made a motion to refer School Committee Policy 5.6 Food Service Management to Policy Subcommittee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bregoli and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.


New Business

Joint Resolve with City Council

Mrs. Lebo introduced a Joint Resolve with City Council Seeking the FCC to Protect Local Access Television:

Whereas, the City of Quincy Cable Television has provided a service starting in the early 1980s, provided by cable companies to provide local access television studios, equipment and professional staff to train volunteers who wanted to produce their own programming; and

Whereas, cable companies also promised to pay franchise fees that cover operating costs; and

Whereas, there is a great deal of uncertainty about the future of local programming in part because of the effect of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) rule change, if approved, cable companies would be able to charge for channels that carry local programs against the franchise fee; and

Whereas, Municipal Leaders and others predict that allowing the FCC to reduce franchise fees by the value of in-kind donations would cut spending for local programs by 30 to 70 percent, a loss of $100,000 to as much as $500,000 a year, depending on the community; and

Whereas, at a time when local newspapers are shrinking, local cable stands out as a vital outlet for meeting the informational needs of communities, the negative could result in the following losses to Quincy:

  • Loss of information shared with the City’s residents

  • Loss of broadcasted meetings including City Council, School Committee and local access

  • Loss of programming such as educational, interns, volunteers and collaborating public high schools and colleges to teach television production

  • Loss of individual to have the ability to have a voice to their community

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the City of Quincy, the Quincy City Council, and the Quincy School Committee work together with a unified response to the FCC changes in the form of a letter.

Therefore, Be It Further Resolved, that the City of Quincy provide information to the public on how they can communicate to their federal officials regarding this issue as well as learn more about these proposed changes.

Mr. Gutro made a motion to waive the reading of the resolution. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hubley and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Mr. Gutro made a motion to support resolution. The motion was seconded by Mr. DeAmicis and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.


New Business

Out of State Travel (One Day)

Mrs. Hubley made a motion to approve the Out of State Travel (One Day) of South~West Middle School, Grade 6 to Canobie Lake Park, Salem, New Hampshire on June 14, 2019. Mr. DeAmicis seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.


Additional Business

There was no Additional Business.



On Monday, June 17, the Teaching & Learning Subcommittee will meet at 6:00 pm in the Coddington Building.

Dr. DeCristofaro shared a letter of resignation from Dr. Hallett, as she is leaving to become Deputy Superintendent of the Nantucket Public Schools. Mr. Bregoli thanked Dr. Hallett for her work enhancing the Quincy Public Schools band & chorus programs. Dr. DeCristofaro thanked Dr. Hallett for building the English Learner Education program, collaborative with the professional staff and vision for the Art, Music, Band, and High Needs team with English Learners and Special Education.

Dr. DeCristofaro shared a letter from retiring NQHS Dean Mr. Daniel Coughlin.

Mrs. Lebo noted that School Committee will plan to meet once or twice over the summer to work on Goal development for the 2019-20 school year.

Mayor Koch left the meeting at 7:45 pm.

Mrs. Lebo thanked Dr. DeCristofaro, the Superintendent’s Leadership team, the Principals, and Ms. Owens for assistance during the 2018-2019 school year.


Reports of Subcommittees

All School Committee and Subcommittee meeting minutes are posted online at www.quincypublicschools.com/schoolcomm/2018-2019.

Policy Subcommittee 5.13.2019

Mr. Bregoli reported on the May 13, 2019 Policy Subcommittee meeting, where revisions to School Committee Policy Section 10.18 Quincy Public Schools Anti-Bullying Policy were reviewed, along with a discussion of aligning the middle school grading system with the high school grading system.

Budget & Finance Subcommittee 5.22.2019

Mrs. Hubley reviewed the May 22, 2019 Budget & Finance Subcommittee meeting where School Committee reviewed the FY2020 Quincy Public Schools budget for the final time prior to the scheduled Public Hearing on May 29, 2019.

Special Education Subcommittee 5,22.2019

Mr. Andronico reported on the May 22, 2019 Special Education Subcommittee meeting, Agenda items included a presentation on the MAICEI program at Massasoit, the Special Education Pathways and proposed program changes for the 2019-2020 school year, and an update on QPAC activities.

Joint Athletics & Wellness and Policy Subcommittees 5.29.2019

Mr. Bregoli and Mr. Gutro reviewed the Joint Athletics & Wellness and Policy Subcommittees meeting held on May 29, 2019. The Athletic Directors presented an update on Spring athletics for high school and middle school and looked ahead to preparations for Fall athletics. Revision to School Committee Policy 10.5.7 Homeless Student Enrollment Rights and Services was discussed, along with the establishment of School Committee Policy 10.5.8 Foster Student Enrollment Rights and Services. The last item on the agenda was a discussion about amending School Committee Policy 1.7 Wellness to include “share tables” in cafeterias. Mrs. Lebo noted that School Committee requested Quincy’s Department of Health Commissioner Ruth Jones be involved in this discussion.

Facilities, Security & Transportation Subcommittee 5.29.2019

Mr. DeAmicis reported on the May 29, 2019 Facilities, Security & Transportation Subcommittee where the planned events for the opening of South~West Middle School on June 3 were reviewed, along with plans to upgrade the security of the main entrances at both high schools.

As there were no amendments suggested, the minutes for the May 13, 2019 Policy Subcommittee, the May 22, 2019 Budget & Finance Subcommittee, the May 22, 2019 Special Education Subcommittee, the May 29, 2019 Joint Athletics & Wellness and Policy Subcommittee, and the May 29, 2019 Facilities, Security & Transportation Subcommittee were all approved as presented.


Executive Session

There was no Executive Session.



Mr. Bregoli made a motion to adjourn for the evening at 8:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hubley and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.