April 2, 2012 Teaching/Learning Sub Meeting


Quincy School Committee
Teaching and Learning Subcommittee
Ms. Emily Lebo, Chairman
April 2, 2012 - 4:30 P.M.

  1. Welcome and Introductions Mrs. Lebo

  2. Perkins Core Indicators - Mr. Segalla, Mrs. Fredrickson

  3. Educational Technology - Mr. Segalla
    Professional Development
    Hardware/Software Updates

  4. Common Core and Curriculum Updates - Mrs. Roberts

  5. Additional Items: Science Lab Safety Checks - Mr. Segalla, Mrs. Roberts

  6. Remaining Teaching and Learning Sub-Committee dates: May 14, 2012, June 11, 2012


Teaching and Learning Subcommittee Meeting

Monday, April 2, 2012

A meeting of the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee was held on Monday, April 2, 2012 at 4:30 pm in the 2 nd Floor Conference Room at the NAGE Building. Present were Ms. Barbara Isola, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, and Mrs. Emily Lebo, Chair. Also attending were Superintendent DeCristofaro, Assistant Superintendent Colleen Roberts, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mrs. Mary Fredrickson, Ms. Beth Hallett, Ms. Judy Todd; Ms. Allison Cox, President, Quincy Education Association; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

The meeting was called to order at 4:35 pm by Mrs. Lebo.

The first item on the agenda was a presentation on the Perkins Core Indicators by Mr. Keith Segalla and Mrs. Mary Fredrickson. The six core indicators for high schools mandated by the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) are:

  • Academic Attainment in Language Arts and Mathematics

  • Technical Skill Attainment

  • Completion

  • Graduation Rate

  • Placement

  • Nontraditional by Gender Participation and Completion.

Performance data on the progress towards meeting these indicators is collected annually across Massachusetts on two levels: participants (one-year enrollment in CTE program) and concentrator (two consecutive year enrollment, not necessarily in same major, in CTE program). If Massachusetts fails to meet at least 90% of the State Adjusted Performance Level, an improvement plan must be developed and implemented for that indicator. Data is collected for total population, by gender, ethnic groups, subgroups, nontraditional enrollees, and tech prep students. If Quincy Public Schools fails to meet at least 90% of the Local Adjusted Performance Level (negotiated with DESE) for a core indicator, QPS is required to develop and implement a Local Perkins Improvement Plan for that core indicator.

Mrs. Fredrickson then reviewed actual data for attainment towards core indicator adjusted performance levels over the last four years. Mrs. Lebo complimented Mrs. Fredrickson on her understanding of this complex data and suggested that she be added to a state level committee (SPAC) on Perkins and upcoming changes.

The next item on the agenda was a review of Educational Technology in the Quincy Public Schools. The current Technology Plan (a District Improvement Plan component) covers the years 2009-2012. Development will begin shortly for the new plan which will be for the period of November 2012 through October 2015. The Technology Plan drives many Program Improvement Plans and impacts School Improvement Plans as well.

For Professional Development, over thirty courses were offered this year. Many of the trainings supported QPS’s transition to Microsoft Office 2010. Other professional development has been focused on specific new software and hardware, such as Study Island and MimioTeach; this professional development is often provided by the companies these were purchased from. On the hardware side, 188 of a total of 3,000 computers were replaced system-wide through a combination of the QPS budget, SPED ARRA grants, mitigation funds, DESE grants. Of the 3000 computers deployed in the schools, 82% were considered high-end when installed. Ms. Isola requested information about the age of the computers in each school. Educational Software purchases totaled $75,000 from the QPS budget; there were other purchases through Perkins Grants, SPED grants, and other sources.

Mrs. Roberts then reviewed the Common Core and Curriculum Updates. Using the remaining budget allocation for this year, Go Math! Grades 1 and 2, consumable Pupil Editions will be purchased for the next five years and the publisher will provide the Grades 1 and 2 manipulatives free of charge. Supplemental workbooks for Grades 4-5 and 6-8 and agenda books for Grades 4-8 will be purchased. In addition, Mrs. Roberts would like to purchase informational texts for all grades, particularly high school, and is researching costs for these.

In next year’s budget, Mrs. Roberts is proposing purchasing Grade 3 of Go Math! For the Reading pilot, the publisher is providing the Journeys materials for Grades K-4 at Lincoln-Hancock and Grades K-5 at Squantum for free. Mrs. Roberts is also looking at Title I money to see if a couple more schools can be added to Journeys pilot at a cost. Mrs. Roberts is also looking at a K-8 Writing program called Write Traits (aligned with Journeys). On April 26, there will be a Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) seminar at Bridgewater State that six principals and department heads are attending. Ms. Isola asked how this program differs from the John Collins’ Writing Across the Curriculum program. Mrs. Roberts responded that we are waiting to see their new materials; there is also a tie-in in with Keys to Literacy program. Mrs. Lebo clarified that Mrs. Roberts is presenting district-wide initiatives and individual schools also have budget lines for textbooks and materials.

The last item on the agenda was the Science Lab Safety. Using a checklist provided by Mrs. Lebo, Mr. Keith Segalla worked with the Science Department heads at both high schools to identify needs. New equipment was ordered and is being installed, mostly at North Quincy High School. Some signage was needed at QHS, and has already been completed. The Middle School Science Labs will be evaluated after April vacation. Mr. Segalla is suggesting that each school have a Safety Team, involving the Science Department head. Ms. Isola asked if there is a process to replace items in First Aid kits on a regular basis. Mr. Segalla noted that it is checked once a year, but we can develop a reorder form. Mrs. Roberts moved that this item be referred to a different subcommittee for permanent placement and Mrs. Hubley suggested the Health, Transportation, and Safety subcommittee.

The Subcommittee’s next meeting is Monday, May 14 and the subcommittee moved the ELL Program Update to the June 11 meeting. The amended list of agenda items for the last two meetings of the year are as follows.

May 14

  • Review of System Profile and Progress Report

  • Alternative Program Goals (review current statistics and trends)

  • Naviance (presentation by Paula McGeady, Helena Skinner, Maura Papile; discussion of usage for following students post-graduation)

  • Screening Process for ELC and APC (review)

  • Common Core and Assessment Updates from DESE

June 11

  • Professional Development Quarterly Report (including information on Summer courses being offered)

  • ELL Program Update (Beth Hallett)

  • Draft Assessment Calendar

  • Draft Timeline for SIP and PIP (Academic and Academic Support) development; alignment to Subcommittees

  • Outline of what Principals will present at SIP review, standard items to be covered

  • Common Core and Assessment Updates from DESE

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.