Quincy, Massachusetts - April 7, 2010
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday,
April 7, 2010 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall. Present were: Mr. Dave
McCarthy, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Ms. Barbara Isola, Mrs. Elaine Dwyer, Mrs. Jo-Ann
Bragg, Mayor Thomas P. Koch and Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Vice Chairman.
Vice Chairman
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The Superintendent called the roll and all members were present. Also present
were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Mrs. Tefta Burrelli, Clerk; Messrs.
Mullaney, Draicchio, and Keith Segalla; Ms. Roberts, Tenaglia, Todd, and Hughes.
Paul Phillips, QEA President; Ms. Tracey Christello, Citywide. Emily Hajjar,
Student Representative.
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Reg.Mins Approved 3/17/2010
On a motion by Mr. McCarthy, seconded by Mrs. Dwyer, the Committee
approved the regular session minutes for March 17, 2010. On a roll call vote,
the motion passed unanimously 7-0.
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Student Recognition
The Quincy High School and North Quincy High School Foreign Language
Departments were present with their Essay Contest winning students. The
winners read their essays to the Committee. They received a certificate of
recognition from the Committee.
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Robotics Student Recognition
Mr. Ed Smith, Robotics Facilitator, gave an update on the very successful Robotics
Program in the schools. This year, students will travel to Florida for their first
competition and on May 22 they will compete at Northeastern University.
Mayor Koch commended the Robotics students who went out into the Quincy
neighborhoods and helped out those people whose homes were flooded.
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Computer Survey
At the Committee’s request, a survey was conducted on student computer
availability. The survey concluded that this year, 86% of Quincy Public
Schools students have a computer at home and 83% have internet access
compared to 63% having a computer at home and 76% having internet
access in 2001. In addition, students have access to technology at the library,
homes of relatives and friends, school, and parent workplaces if they do not
have computer/internet access at home.
Ms. Isola expressed her concern that while we have all these resources, 53%
of our students at Clifford Marshall don’t have computers. This is something
she thought the Committee should be aware of. We still have students who
can’t avail themselves of computer use.
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RTTT to Budget Subcommittee
On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Ms. Isola, the Committee put the
RTTT into the Budget Subcommittee. The ayes have it. The Committee
asked the Superintendent to outreach to Mr. Phillips.
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Open Forum
Mr. Bill Zamzow again spoke to the RTTT and the fact that the QEA refused
to sign the MOU. Quincy has a second chance to reapply for RTTT. Given
this opportunity, he hopes that Paul Phillips will schedule a fair and open
session of RTTT funding, and the QEA will allow their members to cast a
vote for or against pursuing RTTT funding.
Ms. Tracey Christello, on behalf of the North Quincy High PAC, thanked
Mayor Koch for the Technology money for North Quincy High School as
well as the safety and security initiatives that were put in.
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Bldgs. & Grounds Mr. Murphy Reports
The Maintenance Department has finished making the teacher’s lounge
at North Quincy High into a new Science Technology room. This is a the first
phase of a four-room transformation. The men are patching roofs after the
rain storms, re-glazed window frames at Central, installed 100’ of new drain
spouts at Snug Harbor. The plumbers have replaced steam valves at Montclair
and Merrymount. They cleared a roof drain over the Art room at North Quincy
High School. At Broad Meadows, they cleared the girls’ locker room drain.
Painters have been painting classrooms at various schools that had been
affected by the recent rains.
Mrs. Dwyer asked Mr. Murphy to get a price for re-pointing at Merrymount,
Atherton Hough and Montclair. At Merrymount School, one of the restrooms
on the Perkins Field side had to be closed off because the plaster on the ceiling
had fallen in. The bathroom is still out of use. She asked Mr. Murphy to
put together a listing of some major jobs that need to be done to school
buildings and for capital improvement money.
Mayor will get list to SC
Mayor Koch said he has already asked Gary Cunniff and Helen Murphy to
get these items together so he can go to the City Council for some capital
monies. This list will include those priorities. They are looking at five schools
with major roof problems. When he has that information, he will share it
with the Committee.
Mrs. Bragg inquired about the pot holes at Squantum and Snug Harbor drive
ways. Mr. Murphy has notified the DPW Commissioner with a list of schools.
Mr. Murphy will check with the DPW Commissioner.
Due to the rain storms, Atlantic Middle School (water in their boiler room)
Bernazzani (road flooded, making travel impossible) Quincy may receive
some assistance monies from FEMA
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New QHS Mrs. Dwyer reports
The new Quincy High School is ahead of schedule. The auditorium will be
open the first day of school in September. The gymnasium will be ready a
few weeks sooner than anticipated. Boxes have arrived for teachers to pack
for their move over the summer.
Starting April school vacation, there will be no parking from the old high
school heading down toward Southern Artery on both sides of the street—the
Y side and the high school side. All new curbing and new traffic lights will
be installed. Only one lane of traffic will be open on each side. Mrs. Dwyer
has asked Gary Cunniff to make sure that Councilors Gutro and Laforest
are aware. Also, the public needs to be notified, the Y needs to be notified,
and the professional building across from the old Quincy High School needs
to be notified. This work will continue for one month.
Mrs. Dwyer has asked for a full report on our contingency money--what our
balance was when we started, all the expenses we had, and what’s left for a
balance. Mrs. Dwyer will share that with the Committee when she gets it.
The building committee now meets two times a month--on the second and
last week of the month.
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Central Bldg. Comm. Mrs. Mahoney reports
The Designer Selection Team working with Tishman, looked at various
schools, unique designs, community use, constricted sites, traffic and play
space. The three top designer choices are Ai3, Kaestle Boos, and CGKV.
On May 4 they will interview these three and select a designer. This meeting
is open to the public.
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Asst. Supt. Position New Job Description Off table
On a motion by Mrs. Lebo, seconded by Mrs. Bragg, the Committee took the
Assistant Superintendent’s job description off the table. The ayes have it.
Curr. Director position to Budget Subcommittee
a motion by Mrs. Lebo, seconded by Mrs. Bragg, they moved into the Budget
Subcommittee discussion for a position of Curriculum Director. On a roll call
vote, the motion passed 6-1. Mrs. Dwyer voted NO.
On a motion by Mrs. Lebo, seconded by Mrs. Dywer, the Committee moved
approval of the position of the Assistant Superintendent as it stands.
The Superintendent said in his reorganization, he is eliminating the position of
Curriculum Director. Mrs. Lebo said she does not want to see these two
positions rolled into one. She would like to see two separate positions—
Curriculum Director and Assistant Superintendent.
Asst. Supt. position Approved
The title approved this evening is Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum
Instruction and Student Achievement.
On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.
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Transitions Presentation
Ms. Colleen Roberts and Ms. Maura Tanaglia gave an extensive overview
on the transition activities our staff carry out to assist students from Pre K
to Kindergarten, from Kindergarten to first grade, from elementary school
to middle school and from middle school to high school. These are major
events in a student’s life.
The Committee would like to see more emphasis put on the Chapter 74
programs when students are in middle school. Mr. McCarthy was concerned
that people think the trade school is gone. He would like them to come up with
a way to bring the Chapter 74 programs to the middle schools. Mrs. Bragg
agreed that the CTE programs are great programs and should be highlighted
and stressed. Eighth grade students need to see the programs otherwise they
won’t know if they are interested in it or not. The Pathway Brochure doesn’t
mentions technical programs. This should be changed.
All freshmen in the Quincy High School take a survey what they think they
want to do from ninth grade on to college. The Committee asked that this be
done at North Quincy High School also. Mr. Segalla said they can do that.
The Committee asked about the graduate follow-up report. This has not been
done since 2007 as there is a cost. An exit report is done. It contains
what is reported to the DESE and it is very similar.
Mrs. Mahoney suggested tracking our students post high school via email,
create a data base so we can keep in contact them. This is cost efficient. We
should find a way to direct parents to our webpage.
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School Choice
On a motion by Mr. McCarthy, seconded by Mrs. Lebo, the Committee
approved the Superintendent’s recommendation that the Quincy School
Committee withdraws from the obligation to enroll non-resident students
in the Quincy Public Schools for the 2010-2011 academic year for the
following reasons:
a. Continued projected enrollment conditions at the elementary
and middle schools based on current and projected enrollments
b. Policy of the Quincy School Committee to adhere to class size
On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.
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QHS to Govt. Conference in Boston 4/8-4/10/2010
On a motion by Mayor Koch, seconded by Ms. Isola, the Committee approved
the Quincy High School students to the YMCA Youth and Governmental Conference
in Boston from April 8 – April 10, 2010. The ayes have it.
QHS to Marlboro 4/19-5/1/2010
On a motion by Mayor Koch, seconded by Ms. Isola, the Committee approved
the Quincy High School trip to Skills USA Mass. State Leadership Conference
in Marlboro from April 29 to May 1, 2010. The ayes have it.
QHS to NY 4/16/2010
On a motion by Mayor Koch, seconded by Ms. Isola, the Committee approved
the trip to New York City for Quincy High School Students on April 16, 2010.
The ayes have it.
Mrs. Dwyer asked that the name of the school appear on the front page of the
Trip Request packet.
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School Facilities Subcommittee Community Garden
Mrs. Dwyer brought up the Snug Harbor Community Garden. She checked
with members tonight and they have decided that Snug Harbor Community
School may not be the best place for a community garden. They asked the
Superintendent to draft a letter and notify Mr. Perdios.
Community Garden @ SH rejected
Mrs. Dwyer made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Lebo to reject the garden for
the Snug Harbor Community School and not go ahead with the community
garden as proposed by the Quincy Community Garden Club.
Mrs. Isola stressed that it was never approved by the School Committee. She
was opposed to it and still is for safety reasons, esthetics, and its size. Mayor
Koch also stated he thought it would be problematic.
On a roll call vote, the motion to reject the Community Garden at the Snug
Harbor Community School passed unanimously 7-0.
Mrs. Dwyer asked that a letter of commendation be sent to the bus driver and
the coach on board who got the students off the bus safely after a fire broke
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Policy Subcommittee Mrs. Bragg Reports
The Policy Subcommittee met on March 23. They have set up a hot line for
people to report students they think do not live in Quincy but are attending
Quincy schools. They also discussed the Attendance Tardy Policy and
decided they need clarification on what is happening from the high school
principals. The Superintendent and the high school principals will review
this policy and get back to the Subcommittee. This item will remain in the
Policy Subcommittee.
The Open Forum on the Agenda was discussed. Ms. Isola wants Open Forum
to be first on the Agenda. Mrs. Dwyer asked what would happen if the meeting
was in the middle of a presentation. Mrs. Isola was sure they would use their
common sense and not stop and tell students to sit down.
The Open Forum on our Agenda will be at 7:15 p.m. The Superintendent’s report
will be before that and at 7:15 p.m. they will recess to the Open Forum.
On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mrs. Isola, the Committee approved
holding the Open Forum at 7:15 p.m. The ayes have it. This will remain on
the agenda for a final vote.
On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, the Committee moved
approved of the Policy Subcommittee minutes. Those who were in attendance,
voted yes.
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Budget Subcommittee Mrs. Mahoney reports Transfers Approved
The Budget Subcommittee was held at 6:30 p.m. this evening to review the
Quarterly Budget. There are some issues within our line items. In order
to correct this, Mrs. Bragg, made a motion, seconded by Ms. Isola, to transfer
$250,000 to the Regular Transportation line to come from:
Transportation and Rental Vehicles $119,410.89
Gasoline $120,589.11
Natural Gas $ 10,000.00
On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.
Mrs. Bragg made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Dwyer, to transfer $360,085.00
to the Special Education Tuition line to come from:
Longevity – Academic Classroom Teacher $107,978
Longevity – Academic Programs $134,512
Longevity – Academic Support $ 75,400
Longevity-Non-Academic Support $ 42,195
On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.
On a motion by Mrs. Dwyer, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, the Committee
approved the Quarterly Budget. The ayes have it.
Mrs. Mahoney said the school system has been very resourceful in its
budget. She thanked the Superintendent for being so attentive. The Circuit
Breaker money has changed. She warned that there are difficult times ahead.
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On a motion by Ms. Isola, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, the Committee voted
to adjourn for the evening at 9:55 p.m. On a roll call vote, the motion to adjourn
passed unanimously 7-0. There was no executive session.