Bullying Prevention at Quincy Public Schools
The goal of Quincy Public Schools is to enhance and sustain safe and healthy learning environments through a multi-tiered strategy - including prevention, effective and compassionate intervention, and community-wide social promotion. A safe learning environment is one in which every student develops emotionally, academically, and physically in a caring and supportive atmosphere free of intimidation and abuse.
QPS Bullying Prevention Plan
Per MGL c.71, § 37O, the Quincy Public Schools has updated the Bullying Prevention and Intervention plan for district wide implementation in the 2022-23 school year. Read the QPS Bullying Prevention Plan »
Reporting Bullying Incidents at QPS
Members of the QPS school community are encouraged to report bullying incidents directly to their building principals; they may also report incidents anonymously to the Senior Director of Student Support via the QPS Bullying Reporting Form.
Bullying Prevention Resources
Quincy Public Schools has aggregated educational resources from agencies committed to bullying and cyberbullying prevention. Review Bullying Prevention Resources »