Quincy School Committee Teaching & Learning Subcommittee Meeting
A meeting of the Teaching & Learning Subcommittee was held on November 30, 2022 at 6:00 pm in the Coddington Building. Present were Subcommittee members Mrs. Tina Cahill, Mr. Frank Santoro and Mrs. Emily Lebo, Subcommittee Chair. Also present were Mayor Thomas P. Koch, School Committee Chair; School Committee Members Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley; Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Ms. Diane Babcock, Ms. Kim Connolly, Mr. Peter Dionne, Ms. Marisa Forrester Rodriguez, Ms. Julie Graham, Ms. Laura Latini, Ms. Robin Moreira, Ms. Maura Papile, Mr. Scott Perfetuo, Ms. Kimberley Quinn, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Christopher Tierney, Ms. Bridget Vaughan; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
Principal Robin Moreira presented the Atherton Hough Elementary School Improvement Plan, noting that the school is home to seven citywide Special Education classes (Transitional Kindergarten and Language Development Center) and twelve General Education classrooms. The pandemic has had long-term effect on student learning and social-emotional skills, the school staff have helped students and families to maintain stability, providing strong communication with parents, and regular community meetings with grade levels on age-appropriate topics. Academic teams meet in grade level and vertical teams, targeted action steps ensured meeting MAP goals for the 2021-2022 school year. MCAS proficiency levels showed growth, especially for Science and analysis of these assessment results identified areas of academic needs. Goals for 2022-2023 are for both MAP and MCAS, and are based on rigorous expectations for all of our students.
Mrs. Lebo noted the rigorous goals and the detail of the action steps and the strong Family Engagement through events and the weekly newsletters.
Mrs. Hubley asked about the facilities needs, the Principal’s Office has been moved into a former conference space and needs a window installed.
Mrs. Cahill made a motion to approve the Atherton Hough Elementary School Improvement Plan. Mr. Santoro seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Principal Peter Dionne presented the Bernazzani Elementary School Improvement Plan, noting this is his 17th year as principal. In reflecting on last year’s goals, the school’s strengths are evident in the number of standards where MCAS results are well above the state levels, MAP goals were exceeded for all grades and curriculum areas except for Grade 5 ELA. VOCAL data was very positive in most areas. Goals for 2022-2023 are for both MCAS and MAP, with specific areas of focus identified and targeted action steps. The staff is providing social-emotional learning opportunities for students, including restorative circles and Open Parachute. Professional development supports the implementation of the new curriculum in English Language Arts and Mathematics, as well as the Open Parachute program. With the support of the very active PTO, a number of family engagement events have already been held with more scheduled for the winter and spring.
Mrs. Cahill asked about the initiative to expand diverse book options, Mr. Dionne said that thanks to a donor there has been a continued purchasing of new titles with DEI focus over the last few years. .
Mr. Santoro complimented the clear review of the strengths and weaknesses of the data and the targeted steps.
Mrs. Lebo said that the new classroom materials will also assist with students seeing themselves reflected in the curriculum.
Mrs. Lebo asked about Zones of Regulation, Mr. Dionne explained that this is a program that teaches students about identifying stressors and appropriate reactions.
Mrs. Lebo noted that the issues around the roadway and parking on Furnace Brook Parkway have lingered for years, complications because this is a DCR roadway.
Mrs. Lebo noted that Extended Day listing does not reflect the full year offerings, Robotics and other programs will begin in January.
Mr. Bregoli is concerned about the safety around the school, no guardrail on Furnace Brook Parkway to protect walkers.
Mrs. Cahill made a motion to approve the Bernazzani Elementary School Improvement Plan. Mr. Santoro seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Acting Principal Scott Perfetuo and Assistant Principal Diane Babcock presented the Snug Harbor Community School Improvement Plan, thanked Superintendent Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Perkins, and the SLT for assisting in the transition. Snug Harbor has an amazing staff, dedicated to providing the best possible opportunity for all students. Last year’s MCAS and MAP data showed indication of growth in all grades and curriculum areas, all goals were met or made significant progress towards. CARES students submit portfolios for the Alternate MCAS and the majority of students received the Progressing rating, above state averages for English and Mathematics. Data analysis identified areas for improvement for all students, and VOCAL survey data was largely positive. Looking forward, the goals for this year are MAP focused and will utilize the new curriculum and the support of the Math Interventionists, opportunities for cross-curricular and project-based learning. There are an array of extended day activities and family engagement is growing with the support of a revitalized PTO. Parent-Child Days are once again being held monthly for Grades K-2 families.
Mrs. Cahill complimented the growth of family engagement and the participation in the REACH program.
Mrs. Lebo said the school’s MAP growth is phenomenal, the data for the CARES students is impressive, and family engagement is great.
Mayor Koch thanked Mr. Perfetuo, noted that the VOCAL data had some areas of concern. Ms. Babcock said there is work being done this year to support students in resolving conflict and providing structure for students to express concerns.
Mrs. Hubley is impressed with the family engagement and noted there are some very positive things in the VOCAL data about staff support of students.
Mr. Bregoli asked about the basement flooding issue, Mr. Perfetuo is working with the Public Buildings Department to address a long-term solution to the drainage issue.
Mrs. Cahill made a motion to approve the Snug Harbor Community School Improvement Plan. Mr. Santoro seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Principal Marisa Rodriguez and Acting Assistant Principal Laura Latini presented the Beechwood Knoll Elementary School Improvement Plan, representing the high expectations for the students supported by the staff and their families. High achievement and growth were evident from the MAP and MCAS data, showing recovery from the learning loss of the pandemic. For many grades and curriculum areas, the MAP performance exceeded the national norms. VOCAL data was very positive overall. Goals for 2022-2023 are based on data analysis of last year’s scores and the fall MAP data.
Electrical power went out in the Coddington Building at 7:02 pm, so the Beechwood Knoll School Improvement Plan presentation was cut short.
Mr. Santoro made a motion to approve the Beechwood Knoll Elementary School Improvement Plan. Mrs. Cahill seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Mrs. Cahill made a motion to adjourn at 7:05 pm, seconded by Mr. Santoro. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.