Quincy, Massachusetts - December 16, 2009
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Regular Meeting
A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday,
December 16, 2009 in the Clifford Marshall Elementary School. Present were
Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mrs. Elaine Dwyer, Mrs. Jo-Ann Bragg, Mr. Nicholas Puleo,
and Mr. Dave McCarthy, Vice Chairman.
Vice Chairman
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The Superintendent called the roll and Mr. Ron Mariano and Mayor Koch were
absent. Also present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Mrs. Tefta
Burrelli, Clerk; Messrs. Mullaney, Murphy, O’Brien, Draicchio, Keith Segalla,
Ms. Roberts, Tenaglia, Todd, and Hughes. Ms. Tracey Christello, Citywide and
Paul Phillips, QEA. Donna Niosi and Lawrence Liuzzo, high school Student
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Reg. Session. Min. Approved 11/18/2009
On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mr. Puleo, the Committee approved
the regular session minutes for November 18, 2009. The ayes have it.
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Student Recognition QHS Girls’ Volleyball
The Quincy High School Girls’ Volleyball Team was present to receive
recognition from the Committee. They had an extraordinary season.
There was a lot of adversity – no home court, bused every day and lack of
height. They played all their games away and were undefeated. Their coach,
Jackie Niosi, was voted South Sectional and Boston Globe State Coach of
the Year. The ladies received a Certificate of Achievement from the School
Committee. Thanks also went to their parents who give so much support to
the students.
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Supts. Report
Mr. Keith Segalla reported that Tis the Season.... was a huge success.
Proceeds, $10,000, will go to the Music Department. On March 26,
at the Marriot, the Partnership will feature “Elvis.”
School Business Partnership Stop & Shop
Mr. Segalla introduced Andrea Astrachan of Stop and Shop who highlighted
the programs they use to enhance and educate. Stop and Shop is a Platinum
supporter. They contribute to students with site support and career connections,
teacher mini grants. Elementary students come into the stores and learn how
to make healthful decisions when they shop. Each teacher receives a teacher’s
guide, classroom poster, activity book for each child. They send guest lecturers
to Quincy High School. All stores give gift cards, career connection, have mock
interviews, job shadowing, and have regular employment for students. They
provide a summer internship program. Quincy High School participate in the
four-year program where students learn “corporate culture.”
The Committee thanked Ms. Astrachan and Stop & Shop for being a great
partner to the Quincy Public Schools.
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Open Forum
At the Open Forum, Daruis Varmahmoodi, asked that the Policy Subcommittee
look at the tardy policy. Although he had a doctor’s note, he was still marked
“tardy.” He asked the Committee to take it up.
Mr. Paul Phillips thanked everyone for attended the hearing for the Hanlin
Charter School. The problem, he said, is this charter school wants to remove
Asians and put them in a separate place. They will be segregated which is
not a good thing.
The Superintendent thanked the school staff, Senator Morrissey, City Councilors,
and School Committee staff who took time to appear at the hearing for the
charter school. It was a great opportunity to share everything Quincy does. The
staff was phenomenal.
Mrs. Bragg reiterated all the programs Quincy has for Asian students which
the Hanlin Charter School did not list. Mr. Puelo thought the Superintendent’s
staff that came to testify was impressive. The Superintendent and staff showed
a great level of class and professionalism. The Hanlin Charter School is offering
a segregated environment. They are targeting a very specific population.
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H1N1 Flu Clinic
Approximately 1,000 doses of seasonal flu vaccine were administered to
both students and staff. Our school nurses conducted the clinics. The remaining
seasonal flu clinics will take place at North Quincy High School tomorrow morning.
The first H11N1 flu clinic will take place tomorrow afternoon at Sterling. Broad
Meadows will be on Monday, December 21. The remaining H1N1 middle and
high school clinics will follow after Christmas. Parents are being notified of dates
through the Instant Alert Messaging System. He thanked Jane Kisieluis and our
school nurses for their hard work. All flu clinics will be completed by mid-January.
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Student Recognition Lions Club Speech Competition
Christine Logan Cedrone and the Lions Club held a Speech Competition entitled
“America, Land of the Free." The final speeches were presented in the Church
of the Presidents for six Quincy and North Quincy students. The winner was
Meghan Peterson, grade 11, Quincy High School.
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Opportunities & Challenges Placed on hold.
The Opportunities and Challenges Team will be on hold until three issues and
appropriate groups have time to discuss and make appropriate decisions for
our City and school system. This Team’s work will be placed on hold until
these issues have been fully discussed.
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Grants Received
Congratulations went to Sterling Middle School, Christine Barrett and Janice
Erler, for writing and receiving a Science and Technology Grant “Green in the
Middle” for $25,000. This money is for ecological and environmental initiatives
at Sterling.
Edie Hughes has authored and been granted two awards – the first for $15,000
for Professional Development inclusion services to Special Education children
Pre K-3. Also, Ms. Hughes and her Literacy Team received a grant award for
$50,000 to support professional development for critical issues in literacy from
Kindergarten to 12.
Mary Fredrickson and Rich O’Brien received a competitive ARRA Technology
Grant in the amount of $159,480 awarded over two years for implementation in
on-line assessment in the areas of ELA, Math & Science for our ELL high school
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Robotics Team Keith Segalla Reports
On Saturday, December 5, Quincy Public Schools Team HYPER hosted a
middle school LEGO competition which was held at North Quincy High
School. There were 47 middle schools teams (6 from Quincy) competing.
The event drew more than 800 people from all over the state. There were 97
volunteers and over 25 alumni of the high school robotics team. Mark Griffen
flew in from California to help out with the event. Mark graduated from our
robotics program in 2002 and is now a test engineer at Bio-Rad Laboratories.
Thanks went to Ed Smith for facilitating the Robotics program.
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Bldg. & Grounds Kevin Murphy Reports
Maintenance has been busy with several moves this month and many holiday concerts at various locations. They’re working on heating issues
at Coddington Hall, repairing valves and controls. Plumbers drained and
winterized the boiler room at the Stadium. They’re rebuilding a boiler
feed pump to the boiler at Central Middle School, repairing or replacing
many fixtures and some toilets at North Quincy High School. Carpets,
ceiling tiles are being replaced and the soundboard at the North Quincy
gymnasium. Maintenance will begin construction of a new computer lab
at Atherton Hough. Painters have completed the gym and the Hunt St. lobby
at North Quincy High. They’ll be painting the cafeteria and first floor corridors
during school vacation week. Squantum will be getting a new tiled floor around
the perimeter of their library and removing the carpeting from room 9 and tiling
that room. Electricians will be supplying a new electrical panel to Sterling
Middle School’s cafeteria during vacation week.
Mrs. Mahoney asked about a light in the back of North Quincy High at the
entrance into the gym where the parking lot is. Mr. Murphy will check it out.
Mrs. Dwyer asked Mr. Murphy if he wanted the School Committee to
contact Honeywell about school issues. Mr. Murphy said he would be
happy to share the installations of various schools and will show the Committee
what the deficiencies are. Mrs. Dwyer suggested calling another facilities
meeting to go through the list and see what our problems due to installation
and perhaps form a letter on just those issues.
The Committee has been waiting a long time to get some Honeywell information
from the City. Mr. Murphy said he would be happy to work with anybody, but
it is in Mr. Cunniff and Mr. Timmins’ hands. However, he can peck away at the
deficiencies. He will comprise a list of 10-15 deficiencies items per school. Mrs.
Dywer asked Mr. Murphy to provide a copy to the School Committee. They
will meet after the holiday and make a decision what the Committee wants
to do about Honeywell.
Regarding North Quincy, Mrs. Dwyer said she read in the newspaper that he
did some repair to the roof – put a whole new roof on two sections. They
referred to money coming from 2007 capital improvement plan.
Mrs. Dwyer asked if the money came from the 2007 Capital Improvement
Bond and if there is any money left in that. If so, there are a couple of things
on our list that are pretty important. At the meeting in January, they will
discuss whether or not we could get an appropriation from that bond to fix
some of those immediate problems. Mr. Murphy said that he had to repair
the two roofs at North Quincy High School before he could repaint the
auditorium and the atrium. Restrooms there cost $63,000 and $88,000 to
replace the glass in the Atrium. Mr. Murphy said he didn’t know where
that money came from. Mrs. Dwyer asked him to find out all that
information for the January meeting.
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QHS Bldg. Committee Mrs. Dwyer reports
The Quincy High School Building Committee did a presentation for the City
Council. The new school is on target to open next summer. We have used $5
million of our contingency fund and we have $3 million left.
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Central Bldg. Comm.
Mrs. Bragg reports
On Thursday, December 10, 2009 the Central Middle School Building Committee
and the Owner’s Project Manager’s team from Tishman Construction, met
with representatives of the SBA to discuss the next steps necessary to build
a new 600 pupil Central Middle School. Real Estate appraisals on the properties
should happen sometime after the first of the year. They confirmed the SBA
voted for a new Central so a feasibility study is not needed. The project has
moved into the Preferred Schematic Category. The City of Quincy and Tishman
Construction will spend the next two weeks putting together the Request for
Services (RFS) to hire a designer/architect. Once the RFS and advertisements
are completed they are submitted to the SBA for approval. The city is aiming
for that approval to come the beginning of January 2010. Once approved, the
advertisements will be placed in the Central Register and newspapers for two
to three weeks. The designer/architect proposals will be received back in early
February. The owner’s project manager reviews the proposals, check references
and qualifications before submitting them to the state’s Designer Selection Panel
who will narrow the field to the top three proposals then submit their top ranked
firm to the Central Middle School Building Committee where a contract will be
created between the firm and the city. This should be completed in April.
The SBA will be more involved than they were on the Quincy High School Project.
The SBA must approve the project, scope, and budget. The Central Building Committee
will begin meeting more regularly if all goes well and working on the spacing needs,
design criteria, layout of the new school and schematic design by the end of April.
It will take a little over a year to complete the design and get all the necessary
approvals and about a year and half for construction. It is possible a new Central
Middle School will be ready for students by the end of 2012. Presently, the City
is looking at about a 68% reimbursement rate from the state on a $35 to $45 million
project. There are incentives and opportunities offered by the state to increase the
reimbursement rate which will be pursued as much as possible.
Next meetings are January 14 and February 11 @ 9:30 a.m.
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DIP Overview 2009-2010 Mr. O’Brien reports
The District Improvement Plan shows how the school system operates.
Mr. O’Brien created an overview showing the management of all of the
areas. Over the last few years, they have come up with a system and started
out by grouping all of these things into 6 major categories – leadership
communication, assessment, curriculum, human resources, student access
and support and the financial management. Things are put into teams and
become much more manageable. This is the way the school system is structured.
Different people are assigned job and they are responsible for performing
their job. Tonight they will discuss and examine a program, evaluate the
program as a whole, identify any weaknesses, look at the quality of the teachers
in the various programs, checking the achievement of the students, what types
of professional development may be needed, and curriculum instruction that needs
to be brought into the system.
Ms. Judy Todd and Donna Cunningham explained how they put their program
together. The directors and coordinators were given the task program improve-
ment plan. Its purpose was to look at each of our department and determine
the current levels of performance and identify areas for improvement.
They listed the number of students by school and by disability group and have
completed a PIP for a second year in the row. They looked at student achievement,
what progress are our students making. They used MCAS data, district-wide as
well as by school. They identified specific skill weaknesses. From this review
they identified specific areas that need to be addressed. The team developed
three smart goals. They created a timeline and the key people responsible to
execute these smart goals.
This year still on the development plan is an effort with Kevin Murphy and
Kevin Segalla. They are working on a preventative maintenance plan identifying
responsibilities for the custodial and a maintenance staff.
Mrs. Bragg asked that this item be kept on the agenda for the next week.
She wanted more time to review this report. This will remain on the agenda.
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MCAS Growth Model
Mrs. Mary Fredrickson presented the new Growth Model, an MCAS progress
assessment. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Measuring
Growth in student performance on MCAS.
She slowed slides that were provided by DESE. We now have a model from
DESES that quantifies that growth for us-- what is growth, how do we measure
it in groups, what they have learned so far and what information is available.
We are used to seeing MCAS results that are about achievement measured in
an individual student’s improve over time. This new model is unique in that a
student can achieve at a low level but still improve.
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Mrs. Bragg noted the retirement of Maureen McKenna. Ms. McKenna, a teacher
at Broad Meadows, who began working in Quincy in 1970 and is now retiring.
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Gifts to QHS
On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mrs. Mahoney, the Committee
moved approval of a gift of $10,000 for the students of Quincy High School
from Mr. George Burke. Mr. Burke has over the years given over $100,000
in scholarship money to the Quincy High students and $40,000 in gifts. The
ayes have it.
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School Facilities Mgt. Subcommittee Mrs. Dwyer reports
The School Facilities Management Team met on Monday, December 7, 2009.
They took all the needs from previous School Improvement Plans and ongoing
issues, added in the new School Improvement Plans the principals brought.
We have knocked off a lot of issues over the last years. Thanks went to Kevin
Murphy and his staff at Maintenance. Ninety percent was taken care of with
Honeywell. Our next move, after the holiday, is to assess cost figures to the
remaining projects and gives that to the Mayor so he can figure out how much
we need. Mrs. Dwyer asked Mr. Murphy and Mr. McGillvray to assess and
give them a priority list. We will take off all the projects that we get done over
the holiday breaks. We will have a cost assessment and then we can work on
a priority assessment of all issues.
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Committee Recognition
Although Mayor Koch was not present, he sent a few words to be read by
the Superintendent. Mayor Koch said there can be no question that the work
Mr. Mariano and Mr. Puleo did will have a lasting effect on Quincy Public
Schools and out City’s future. He thanked both of them for their service and
outstanding dedication to Quincy’s school system. Nick Puleo joined in 2008
on the vote of a joint convention after finishing as the runner up in the 2007
election. His immediate and clear grasp of the unprecedented financial
challenges facing our schools again, and his ideas on how to confront those
challenges proved invaluable as they worked together to protect education
amid this historic economic crisis.
At the Mayor’s request, Mr. Mariano filled the vacancy on the School Committee.
This in itself is a testament to the commitment Ron Mariano has shown to the
Quincy Public Schools for more than two decades. After serving on this Committee
for 16 years, when asked to serve, he immediately stepped forward because Ron
cares deeply about this school system and this City.
As chairman of the budget subcommittee he led us through one of the most
difficult years in recent memory. Because of his leadership, this Committee
remained unified despite the tough choices it had to make. We will miss his
counsel as we fact another
difficult year.
Superintendent DeCristofaro echoed the Mayor’s comments. Mr. Puelo served
on the Health and Safety subcommittee, reviewed district wide polices, worked
on student crossing plan at North Quincy High School. He has done an extra-
ordinary job opposing the charter school application in Quincy. Best wishes
in graduate school.
We will miss Ron’s budget strength and leadership in the last year’s budget.
A focused, no nonsense gentleman who is always direct in his messages speaking
loudly for children, teachers and families. Quincy’s gratitude and best to him and
his wife.
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SC Orientation
School Committee Orientation Session 1was held today for Ms. Isola and
tomorrow for Ms. Lebo. We will plan Session 2 for the second week in January.
Lastly, the Superintendent thanked the Director of Human Resources, Kevin
Mulvey, and Ann McCarthy for planning an excellent Professional Status
Reception for our teachers.
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High School Tardy Policy to Subcommittee
Under Additional Business, Mrs. Bragg took off two of her requests from the
School Committee Request List. Also, Mrs. Bragg put into the Policy Sub-
committee High School Tardy Policy and two Food Services Policies. They
will be discussed in January.
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The Committee noted the following appointments:
Teachers: Tanya Norris, Susan Ramponi, Florence Whelan
Guidance: Mary Lee
The Committee noted the following retirement:
Teacher: Maureen McKenna
The Committee noted the following resignation:
Teacher: Mary Kurtilla
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On a motion made by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mrs. Dwyer, the Committee
voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:33 p.m. for the evening. There was no
Executive Session. On a roll call vote, the motion passed 6-0. Mayor Koch
and Mr. Mariano were absent.