Facilities and Security Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, January 7, 2013
A meeting of the Facilities and Security Subcommittee was held on Monday, January 7, 2013 at
4:30 pm in the 2
nd Floor Conference Room at the NAGE Building. Present were Mr. Paul Bregoli,
Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, and Mr. David McCarthy, Chair. Also attending were Superintendent
Richard DeCristofaro, Assistant Superintendent Colleen Roberts, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Mr.
Kevin Murphy, Mr. Kevin Segalla, Ms. Allison Cox, President of the Quincy Education
Association, and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
Mr. McCarthy called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm; the purpose of the meeting is a review of
security concerns at individual schools and system-wide. Dr. DeCristofaro reviewed that each
principal met with their staffs to gather their specific concerns, which were combined with the
master list of School Improvement Plan Maintenance items. Mr. Draicchio also has a lighting
audit to share and Mr. Kevin Segalla will review Custodial/Security Protocols.
Dr. DeCristofaro reviewed some of the global issues raised by school staffs, including
identification for workers who travel between schools, such as the Maintenance staff, IT Techs,
and occasional staff members, such as Substitutes and Student Teachers. Mr. McCarthy
suggested something distinctive that is visible from a distance. Teacher access to the building
through keypads, fobs, or swipe cards would negate the need for open doors at any time.
There were several other global suggestions and additional information will be researched and
cost estimates gathered. Several schools relayed concerns about emergency plans for
evacuating during “unstructured time,” for example, lunch, recess, or assemblies, and training
for cafeteria/lunchroom staff and substitutes. Teacher substitute packets do include each
school’s emergency information. Mrs. Roberts suggested that an emergency procedures
overview be added to the substitute packet provided by Human Resources and that candidates
verify they read it. Ms. Cox noted that emergency procedures are posted in each classroom.
Additional staffing to add office aides at the elementary schools and remaining middle school
currently without this position would be an additional 7 positions, $116,000 in salaries annually.
Dr. DeCristofaro and Mr. McCarthy suggested recommendations and decisions should be based
on school types (elementary, middle, and high school). Dr. DeCristofaro suggested that Mr.
Murphy review and annotate the master list for work that already has been completed and
provide cost estimates for the requested items, such as interior door locks and window shades.
Mrs. Hubley said the main concern she has heard from parents is classroom door locks. Mr.
Bregoli is concerned about the high school main entrances being unlocked; he suggested that
the security officers screen and admit visitors. Mr. Bregoli also asked about the School
Resource Officers; Mr. Draicchio said their shift is 7:00 am to 3:00 pm and they generally stay at
the high schools unless Mr. Draicchio asks for support at another location. Mr. Bregoli asked
about the security camera placements and Mr. Draicchio said that some schools have had
adjustments and some schools have new intercom systems with cameras at eye level.
Mr. Murphy noted that the Mayor has approved a subcontractor to be brought in to assist
some of the school computer lab issues, camera installations, and lighting. The two staff
electricians are working on emergency issues, especially those relating to heat. Mr. Bregoli
asked if the Mayor may be amenable to going to the City Council to ask for additional
appropriations to address these safety issues. Another idea would be to partner with some of
the surrounding cities and towns to purchase items and/or work together to lobby the state
legislature for additional funding.
Mr. McCarthy asked Ms. Cox about any additional concerns. Ms. Cox said that arrival and
dismissal are sometimes complicated for teachers if parents ask to come into the building. Ms.
Cox said that a clear protocol would help teachers; principals can communicate with parents
through their newsletters. Mr. McCarthy asked about current security protocols for admission
and Mr. Draicchio reviewed the instructions the school staffs have received. The Subcommittee
then reviewed the Custodial/Security protocols. Mr. McCarthy would like to see some
uniformity on the door checks during the day. Dr. DeCristofaro said that we can work with the
principals to limit the doors that are open in the morning for teacher and student entrance.
On the outside lighting audit, Mr. Murphy said that the outside electrical contractor will handle
any lighting issues that involve the bucket truck. Mr. Draicchio noted that any lights that can be
reached by custodial staff have been replaced. Mr. McCarthy said that Snug Harbor, Atlantic,
Point Webster, and Quincy High School would be the priorities for outside lighting issues.
Mr. McCarthy complimented Mr. Draicchio, Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Kevin Segalla for their
proactive work in keeping the school facilities secure. Mr. McCarthy said that this meeting was
a good overview of global concerns and there should be further discussion about priorities. He
also suggested scheduling a status update meeting in February.
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to adjourn the Facilities and Security Subcommittee Meeting at
6:00 pm. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.