May 20, 2009 School Committee Meeting


Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
May 20, 2009

7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers

I. Approval of Minutes: Regular and Executive Session Minutes for May 6, 2009.

II. Superintendent’s Report:

A. National Honor Society Students (Quincy High and North Quincy High Schools)

B. Trends in Transportation, June 2

C. District Review, June 8-12

D. High School Graduation Dates

E. Assessment Day 3 (Middle and Elementary Schools)

F. Retiree Luncheon, June 3

G. Teacher Mentor Celebration

III. Open Forum: An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public Schools. After giving his or her name and address, each speaker may make a presentation of no more than four minutes to the School Committee.

IV. Old Business

A. Update on building projects, renovations, and construction: Mr. Murphy to report.

B. Update on the New Quincy High School: Mrs. Dwyer to report.

C. Update on Central: Mrs. Bragg and Mrs. Mahoney to report.

D. Final Approval of Outdoor Weather Policy:

E. Final Approval for Section 10 of the Policy Manual:

V.  New Business:

A. Out-of-State-Travel Requests:

  1. Central Middle to Gettysburg, PA. See Attachment A.

  2. Point Webster Middle to New York City: See Attachment B

  3. Atlantic Middle School to Camp Burgess: See Attachment C.

B. Quincy Public Schools FY 2010 Budget

VI. Additional Business:

VII. Communications:

VIII. Hearings:

IX. Reports of Special Committees:

A. Special Ed. Subcommittee: Mrs. Mahoney to report.

B. Budget Subcommittee: Mr. Mariano to report.

X Executive Session: Negotiations

XI. Adjournment:

Subcommittees of the School Committee

Subcommittee Date Referred Business Pending
Budget & Finance
Mariano/Bragg/McCarthy 4/11/2007 HS Health Curriculum
  3/29/2008 Bus Rental Fees
  3/29/2008 Building Rental Fees
  9/10/2008 Revolving Funds 5-yrs. History
School Facilities Management    
Dwyer/Mahoney/Mariano Major Building Projects  
  3/4/98 QHS/Central/Sterling Building Plans
  10/20/2004 ADA Report
  9/7/2005 Alternative Plans for Central Middle School
  2/8/2006 Conservation
  4/9/2008 11.6 School Facility Policy
  4/9/2008 Track
  9/10/2008 NQHS gym floor named
Health, Safety & Security    
Puleo/Mahoney/McCarthy 10/18/2006 School Zone, Traffic Safety Concerns
  4/11/2007 HS Health Curriculum
  3/26/2008 Increase School Breakfast Participation
School Policy    
Bragg/Dwyer/McCarthy 1/10/2001 Policy Manual
  3/12/2008 Teacher Evaluations
  9/10/2008 Grade Configurations
  3/11/2009 MS Interim Letters
  3/11/2009 Naming of QPS schools/places/etc.
Special Education    
Mahoney/McCarthy/Mariano 1/17/2007 Emergency Information Form
  1/17/2007 Substitute Teachers for SPED
  3/21/2007 Implementation of IEPs
  9/24/2008 INSPIRE Initiative
Rules, Post Audit & Oversight    
Dwyer/Puleo/Bragg 10/29/2008 Faxon Field
Channel 22    
Mahoney/McCarthy 10/17/2007 Encourage greater use of



Quincy, Massachusetts - May 20, 2009
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Regular Meeting

A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall. Present were Mrs. Jo-Ann Bragg, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mr. Ron Mariano, Mrs. Elaine Dwyer, and Mr. Dave McCarthy, Vice Chairman.

Vice Chairman Presiding

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The Superintendent called the roll and Mayor Koch and Mr. Puleo were absent. Also present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Mrs. Tefta Burrelli, Clerk; Messrs. Mullaney, Murphy, O’Brien, Draicchio, Keith Segalla, Ms. Roberts, Hughes, and Dr. Sylvia Pattavina. Ms. Tracey Christello, Citywide and Mr. Paul Phillips, QEA. The Mayor is in Washington, DC.

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Reg. & Exec. Session. Approved 5/6/2009

On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mrs. Mahoney, the Committee approved the regular and executive session minutes for May 6, 2009. The ayes have it

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Student Recognition Nat. Honor Society

The Committee welcomed the National Honor Society seniors of both high schools, along with their principals, assistant principals, and advisors. The students received a certificate of appreciation from the School Committee.

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Supt’s Report

There will be a retirement luncheon at the Presidents Café in the New Quincy High School on June 23. A Teacher-Mentor Celebration at the Clifford Marshall School on June 2 and Assessment Day Three at middle and elementary schools. Teachers will work together to begin goals setting.

Ms. Janice Erler reviewed the Summer Scene programs for 2009. Schedule booklets will go out to all students. Registration will be at North Quincy High School.

Mrs. Bragg asked that the Superintendent consider providing the Summer Literacy Program at a cost basis. Mrs. Dwyer asked that the summer programs be held at the new Quincy High School as those rooms are air conditioned.

Trends in Transportation Expo will be head at Quincy High School Adams Lecture Hall on Tuesday, June 2.

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education District Review of our Special Ed program will begin June 8-12. The DESE will talk to teachers, administrators, and parents. The Superintendent thanked Special Ed. Director, Judith Todd, for taking on this assignment.

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Open Forum

At the Open Forum, Matt Lockwood-Mullaney spoke to the test scores in Quincy. He said it’s not fair to make comparisons, but to ask ourselves how to do better. He didn’t raise these uncomfortable questions at the last meeting because he wants to be on hard on the members, principals, or teachers, but because they are important questions to confront.

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Laura Keally stated her son will be attending North Quincy in September, and he will be taking honors classes. Over the years he has been privileged to have been taught by dedicated and caring teachers who helped him reach his potential. Mrs. Keally has been re-elected to the position of Public Relations Chairperson of the QPAC to Special Education. She stated that parents, teachers and administrators cannot stand alone. It is essential that elected officials be part of the team.

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Census in Schools

Ms. Linda Patrelli, representing the Census in Schools Program, asked that the schools get involved in the 2010 census. Their goal is to educate everyone who resides in Quincy so that Quincy gets the appropriate funding it deserves. She will schedule a meeting with the Superintendent.

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Mr. Malik Gulister again addressed the Committee about his son, a tenth grader at Quincy High School. Mrs. Powell is working with Mr. Gulister and his son.

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Bldg. Update

Mr. Kevin Murphy reported that the installation of the lights at the Stadium has been completed. Some minor work needs to be done on the emergency lights, but he is waiting for the parts. The main office at North Quincy High School was rewired, and carpenters built a 60’ x 15’ wall at Lincoln Hancock School to be used as a storage facility.. Electricity and paint are still needed. The carpenters are installing a Computer Lab at Montclair. The Maintenance Department is getting an early jump on summer projects.

Painting at Sterling stairwells is ongoing. He has ordered all the supplies for both high school graduations.

Mr. McCarthy asked who to call about grass mowing at the schools. He said the grass around the flagpole at North Quincy up until Monday was a foot high, which he found unacceptable. He would like the schools to pay more attention and call when the grass hasn’t been cut.

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QHS Building Committee Mrs. Dwyer reports

Mrs. Dwyer reported that the Quincy High School Building Committee met on Friday, May 15. The old CTE building is completely down. It put a additional cost of $1,417,637 due to the asbestos. Mr. Santoro brought forward a punch list of things that have to be done—signage, etc. They will spend money to tighten up and fix up between the old and the new high school. Another $9.000 is being spent on a design. The $250,000 allocation is fast being spent. We are 24 days behind schedule. Gilbane is going to work on Saturdays. The next meeting is June 26.

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Central Bldg. Committee Mrs. Bragg & Mrs. Mahoney to report

The Central Building Committee met on May 14. They are sending a letter to the Chris White, SBA, to make sure they know that they are not using the former Quincy High School for Central but that we are building a new Central. They don’t want any problems with the money so they are asking for clarification. The Superintendent shared with the members 15 years of QPS enrollment and some enrollment reports that the SBA did on their own which showed our enrollment is pretty steady. They are asking for a new 600-pupil Central Middle School.

They set up a subcommittee with Mrs. Mahoney, Jack Nigro and Gary Cunniff to negotiate the project manager contract. Mrs. Mahoney is concerned that the City Solicitor felt he didn’t have the time to commit to be on that team. Mrs. Mahoney requested, through the Superintendent, to have the City Solicitor or a member of his staff, the Assistant City Solicitor, be part of that team and follow the legal parameters. Mrs. Bragg agreed with Mrs. Mahoney that there needs to be legal representation on that team. The Superintendent will speak with Mr. Timmins about the contract.

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Outdoor Weather Policy

On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mrs. Mahoney, the Committee took the Outdoor Weather Policy off the table. The ayes have it. There is a slight change since the last meeting. The Athletic Director, Jim Rendle, said that Athletics already weighs in on the weather. The Athletic Director, in consultation with the full time trainer, discuss the high and/or low temperatures. All coaches are involved. The coaches have a mandatory water break every half hour. The following statement was added to the policy “sporting events may be continued with proper clothing and hydration.”

Outdoor Weather Policy Approved

Mrs. Bragg made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Dwyer, to approve the Outdoor Weather Policy. On a roll call vote, the motion passed 5-0. Mayor Koch and Mr. Puleo were absent.

Section 10 Policy Manual Approved

On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mr. Mariano, the Committee moved approval of Section 10 Policies. On a roll call vote, the motion passed 5-0. Mayor Koch and Mr. Puleo were absent. As soon as the last policy is finished; the Policy Manual will be put on a disk and sent to everyone and it will also be on the webpage.

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Out of State Travel Central to PA

On a motion by Mrs. Dwyer, seconded by Mrs. Mahoney, the Committee approved the trip for Central Middle School students to go to Gettysburg, PA from June 10 - June 12, 2009. The ayes have it.

PW to NY City

On a motion by Mrs. Dwyer, seconded by Mrs. Bragg, the Committee approved the trip for Point Webster Middle School students to go to New York City from June 10 –June 12, 2009. The ayes have it.

AMS to Camp Burgess

On a motion by Mrs. Dwyer, seconded by Mr. Mariano, the Committee approved a trip for Atlantic Middle School students to go to Camp Burgess from June 2 – June 5, 2009. The ayes have it.

Mrs. Bragg asked that the Committee receive the forms before all the money is collected. Requests should come to the Committee at an earlier date.

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Budget Subcommittee Mr. Mariano reports

Mrs. Mariano reported that the Budget Committee met to go over the budget presentation. They were taken aback by the necessary adjustments the Superin- tendent has had to make during these extremely difficult times. There will be extreme choices that have to be made. It is the intent of the Subcommittee to meet next Wednesday, June 27 to discuss with the Superintendent ways to increase revenues. Everything is on the table. They will come up with a dollar figure to add back in the budget to sustain some programs. There will be another follow up meeting and then a public hearing.

Mrs. Dwyer added that they did not vote on anything last night. These are only recommendations. The School Committee hasn’t cut anything yet.

The impact of unemployment on the budget this year has been significant. There are rising special needs tuition and transportation costs. The wage deferment by some unions is very helpful. The ARRA money has been very helpful. Title I funding is coming in. We received a level dollar appropriation from Mayor Koch and exclusive of negotiated increases and other budget needs that are desperately needed in the school system which has added to our deficit.

Mr. Mullaney presented the following FY 2010 Budget analysis:

The Projected FY 2010 Budget for level services is $89,981,840. Projected funding and offsets come to $7,859,499. The appropriation needed from the City after adjustments is $82,122,350. The appropriation received from City of Quincy for FY2010 is $81,083,562. There is a budget shortfall of $1,038,738. The Superintendent and his Team are suggesting the following cuts:

Academic Classroom Teachers – Instructional¨

Shifts and reductions in staff due to budget and class size 14.8
Elimination of middle school foreign language program 10.0
Elimination of Department Head Position 1.0

Academic Programs Instruction:

Shifts and reductions in staff due to budget and class size 1.0
Eliminate 1.0 Music Teacher
Eliminate 1.5 Art Teacher
Eliminate 0.5 Occupational Ed. Teachers
Eliminate 1.8 Phys Ed Teachers
Eliminate 5.0 Literacy Teachers
Eliminate 3.0 Health Teachers and realign with Physical Education
Shift of .3 from department head to media program
Eliminate 2.5 Media Teachers and eliminate middle school media program
Reduction in staff due to retirement and realignment of a middle school SPED program 1.0

Academic Support

Decrease in funds needed for level services due to acceptance of wage freeze


Shift of Director from QPS Budget to Title I program

Coordinators and Department Heads

Shift of 0.3 from department head to media program 0.3

Professional Part Time

50% cut in funding of extra curricular activities in middle and high schools

Non Academic Support

Reduction in 7 secretarial and clerical positions due to budget constraints
Reduction of 5.0 custodial positions
Reduction of 1.0 Maintenance position
Reduction in overtime for maintenance, custodial and security

Academic Expenses:

Increase in repair funds to address budget shortfalls
Increase in SPED Tuitions to address increases costs of LEA assignment
Increase testing funds to address shortfalls due to increased test expenses
Increase in supply funds to address budget shortfalls
Increase various supply lines to address budget shortfalls and reallocate print shop cuts
Increase in textbook funds to address budget shortfalls
Increase in software funds for program and license needs

Non-Academic Expenses:

Increase in level service funding for utilities
Increase in funding for repairs and maintenance,
Increase in Health and Medical Supplies, postage, professional printing, uniforms, instate travel and dues for the MASS and MAASC.
There is a decrease in rentals, leases by moving from the CDC to the Early Childhood Center and a decrease in transportation and rental vehicles.
There is a request for $1,398,750 for a new budget line item to reimburse city for the cost of unemployment benefits resulting from staff reductions for budgetary and DESE certification requirements.

The two other items that we were hit with are unemployment at $1,398,750 and the reestablishment of the maintenance line of $200,000. The total shortfall is $2,637,538. This is what we have to come up to balance the budget.

Mrs. Bragg asked for a break out for future budget meeting the amount of unemployment for the DESE requirements as opposed to what our budget is. The entire city of Quincy has only budgeted $272,000 for unemployment for the entire City. No other city department is paying for unemployment. We will have to cut $1 million for unemployment which was not always there.

Mr. Mullaney explained the ARRA money, the Circuit Breaker, Title I and the IDEA grant money.

Mrs. Dwyer said we were looking for $89,981,849 for our FY2010 budget. Regardless of the projected funding and if we can’t count on those, we’re only getting from the City $81,083,562. The difference is $8,898,287, a short fall from one year to the next. Luckily we’re getting new money from ARRA, Circuit Breaker, IDEA. We’re still short $6,018,287.

For next week’s meeting, Mrs. Dwyer wants to look at what’s in the Comcast Account, the $200,000 for the maintenance supplies, the $100,000 court fine from the QEA for their strike, and the $300 for each employee we’re being charged for the GIC. That’s approximately $500,000 that we didn’t get from the City side. Mrs. Dwyer is taking the approach that the $81 million from the City is unacceptable.

Mrs. Mahoney wants to look at

the Foreign Language Arts program and take a look at reconfiguring to keep the 8th grade program
A breakout on how the Health and Physical Ed. programs are going to work out.
How many and why teachers are not licensed. How long have they been non-licensed.
Deferments The contracts haven’t been ratified as yet.
Professional development part time being cut. It’s only going to be in the high school.
The DPW line item that has been added in.
ROTC. The City gets reimbursed from the Air Force. How much money the City receives.
Unemployment. It is underfunded in the City side. Other City departments are not paying. Mrs. Mahoney asked the Superintendent to ask the Mayor for consideration with regard to the hardship of this expense. Perhaps spread this out over two years.

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Staff Recognition

Mrs. Bragg congratulated the AFROTC at North Quincy. They received the Distinguished Unit Award. This is the fifth consecutive year they have received this award. She also received an email from a parent praising the leadership and teachers at Central Middle School.

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SPED Subcommittee Mrs. Mahoney reports

Mrs. Mahoney reported that the SPED subcommittee met on May 13. They had a finance report and discussed the ARRA money. They discussed the INSPIRE proposal. A Task Team has been established to create goals and discuss strategic investments in an inclusive manner. All suggestions are welcome. A grant is being filled out and due on June 1st. Priority will be in building a foundation for the Reading Academy. All elementary and a teacher at each middle school will be trained in Orton-Gillingham. The drug task symposium went well. They touched on transportation. This was their last meeting. The following dates were selected for meetings: October 28, January 13, March 10 and May 5. On a motion by Mrs. Mahoney, seconded by Mrs. Bragg, the minutes for the Special Ed Subcommittee were approved. The ayes have it.

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The Committee noted the following resignations:

Teachers: Lisa deWykerslooth, Patricia Hannon-Pattison, Laura Hardee, Christine Hynes

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Adjourn to ES

On a motion by Mrs. Dwyer, seconded by Mrs. Mahoney, the Committee went into executive session at 9:40 p.m. for the purpose of negotiations. They did not return. On a roll call vote, the motion passed 5-0. Mayor Koch and Mr. Puleo were absent.