March 4, 2015 School Committee Meeting


Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 7:00 pm
Coddington Building

I. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting Minutes for January 14, 2015; Special Meeting Minutes for February 3, 2015; Public Hearing Minutes for March 2, 2015.

II. Open Forum: An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public Schools. After giving his or her name and address, each speaker may make a presentation of no more than four minutes to the School Committee. An individual may not exchange their time or yield to others.

III. Superintendent’s Report:

A. Inspiring Quincy

B. Recognitions: Project 351 Ambassadors and Food Services Staff

C. QEA Negotiations

D. Kindergarten Registration, March 3

E. Sterling Building Committee

F. MSBA Accelerated Repair Program

G. Parent Academies/High School Course Selection Night

H. School~Community Partnership Events/Read Across America

I. FY2015 Grant Booklet

J. Elementary Laboratory Center (ELC) Program

K. Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the US Senate Visit, March 6

L. Coaches Summit

M. High School Science Fairs

N. Home-School Connections: Atherton Hough, Beechwood Knoll, and Wollaston Elementary Schools Newsletter

IV. Old Business:

A. 2015-2016 School Year Calendar (Dicsussion/Vote)

B. 2015-2016 School Committee Calendar (Discussion/Vote)

V. New Business:

A. QPS Initiatives 2014-2015 - Dr. DeCristofaro

1. Common Core Implementation

2. New Teams

3. Parent Academies

4. Advanced Placement Pathways

5. Elementary Grade Reporting and Ad Hoc Grade 5 Status

B. School Year Calendar 2014-2015 (Discussion)

C. Out of the Country Travel

1. North Quincy High School to Paris and Bourges, France, April 14 through April 24, 2015.

2. Quincy High School to Paris and Cote d’Azure, France and Barcelona, Spain, April 16 through April 23, 2015.

D. Overnight Travel

1. Quincy High School Student Council to the Massachusetts Association of Student Councils Annual Conference in Hyannis, Massachusetts, March 11 through March 13, 2015.

VI. Additional Business:

VII. Communications:

A. Upcoming School Committee Meetings (Coddington Building, 7:00 pm):

1. March 18, 2015 2. April 8, 2015

B. Upcoming Subcommittee Meetings (Coddington Building, 5:00 pm):

1. Special Education Subcommittee, Wednesday, March 25, 6:00 pm

2. Teaching & Learning, Monday, March 30

3. Facilities & Security, Monday, April 13

4. Quarterly Budget & Finance, Monday, April 13

VIII. Reports of Subcommittees:

A. Policy Subcommittee: Mr. Bregoli to report on the January 14, 2015 and February 23, 2015 meetings.

B. Special Education Subcommittee: Mrs. Mahoney to report on the January 21, 2015 meeting.

C. Quarterly Budget & Finance Subcommittee: Mrs. Hubley to report on the February 3, 2015 meeting.

D. Teaching & Learning Subcommittee: Ms. Isola to report on the February 3, 2015 and February 23, 2015 meetings.

E. Health, Transportation, and Safety Subcommittee: Mr. DiBona to report on the February 25, 2015 meeting.

IX. Executive Session:

X. Adjournment:

Subcommittees of the School Committee

Budget & Finance
Hubley/Bregoli, DiBona, Isola, Koch, Mahoney, McCarthy

Facilities and Security

  1. Sterling Building Plans Referred to Subcommittee by the School Building Task Force in 1998.

  2. Houses on Saville Avenue Referred to Subcommittee at the May 18, 2011 School Committee Meeting. Currently home to the City’s Public Building department, the School Committee and Superintendent see no future educational uses for these properties.

  3. President’s City Inn Referred to Subcommittee at the October 10, 2012 School Committee Meeting. Safety concerns have been expressed about this property that abuts the new Central Middle School. Current construction plans were reviewed at the March 18, 2014 Subcommittee Meeting.

  4. North Quincy High School Campus Expansion/Teel Field Project Referred at the January 22, 2014 School Committee Meeting. A presentation on the proposed enhancements will be scheduled.  

Health, Transportation & Safety

  1. School Meal Charges Referred to Subcommittee at the March 21, 2012 School Committee Meeting. New state and federal regulations require formalization of the school meal charges policy.

  2. Science Lab Safety: Referred from the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee at the April 2, 2012 meeting. Monitoring of supplies will be handled by School Safety Teams.

  3. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Referred to Subcommittee at the September 24, 2012 Special School Committee Meeting. Student Support Services working with Lincoln Hancock, Clifford Marshall, and Parker Elementary Schools on piloting this initiative.

  4. Traffic Concerns at North Quincy High School Referred to Subcommittee at the March 5, 2014 School Committee Meeting. Concerns about East Squantum Street crosswalk/parking lot entrance.

  5. Solar Array Installation on School Roofs Referred from the Facilities & Security Subcommittee on September 10, 2014. Monitoring of the ongoing projects and the educational opportunities.

  6. Learn to Swim Referred at the September 10, 2014 Special School Committee Meeting. Monitoring the ongoing partnership between QPS and the South Shore YMCA.

  7. Farm to School Referred at the September 10, 2014 Special School Committee Meeting. Monitoring the Planning Grant rollout, a collaboration of QPS and the Planning Department.

  8. CPR Certification Referred from the Policy Subcommittee at the September 10, 2014 Special School Committee meeting. Grade 8 students will be certified through Health classes.

  9. Before School Exercise Programs Referred at the September 10, 2014 Special School Committee meeting. Monitoring the implementation of these programs across QPS.

  10. Food Services Technology Referred at the September 10, 2014 Special School Committee meeting. Exploring the options for further publicizing the advantages of these new systems.


  1. Graduation Requirements Referred to Subcommittee at the September 7, 2011 School Committee Meeting and discussed at the October 11, 2011 School Policy Subcommittee. The discussion centered around adding a fourth year of Math as a graduation requirement; the issue is tabled until more is known about the impact of the new Common Core Standards on the Massachusetts frameworks.

  2. New Educator Evaluations Referred at the September 7, 2011 School Committee Meeting and shared with the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee. Further discussion will be held in joint Subcommittee Meetings and Executive Session as it pertains to collective bargaining.

  3. High School Community Service Referred to Subcommittee at the December 14, 2011 School Committee Meeting. In the 2012-13 school year, Grades 10 and 11 completed requirement. In the 2013-14 school year, Grades 11 and 12 completed the requirement. In 2014-15, Grades 9-11 plus any seniors who did not complete their Grade 11 requirement will perform Community Service.

  4. Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities Referred at the June 13, 2012 School Committee Meeting. Review and discussion of amending the existing policy requested to explore the possibility of raising revenue by accepting advertising sponsorships.

  5. Residency Referred at the September 18, 2013 Special School Committee Meeting. Review of existing policy and expansion to include additional information on verification process.

  6. Review of High School Academic and Extracurricular Programs Referred at the November 13, 2013 School Committee Meeting. A comparison of the offerings at both schools to be analyzed to ensure equitable and parallel opportunities for all students at both facilities.      

  7. Open Enrollment Referred at the October 8, 2014 School Committee meeting for review and discussion to focus on the timeline for placement decisions and communication to parents.

  8. Middle School Grading System Referred at the December 10, 2014 School Committee meeting for review and discussion.

  9. Emergency Procedures Policy Referred at the December 10, 2014 School Committee meeting for review and updating of the existing policy to reflect current standard protocols.

Special Education

  1. Student Information for Substitute Teachers Originally referred to Subcommittee at the January 17, 2007 School Committee Meeting. Aspen Student Information System Special Education module reports will be utilized to share information with substitute teachers beginning in September 2014.

  2. Special Education Program Assessment Referred to Subcommittee at the January 28, 2012 Special School Committee Meeting. This will be an ongoing discussion of the curriculum initiatives for Special Education.

Rules, Post Audit & Oversight

Teaching and Learning

  1. New Educator Evaluations Referred at the September 7, 2011 School Committee Meeting and shared with the School Policy Subcommittee. The 2013-2014 school year is the first year of the new Educator Evaluation process and a collaboration will continue between the School Committee, Superintendent’s Leadership Team, and the Quincy Education Association around issues related to the implementation.

Ad Hoc Committees: Channel 22

Sterling Building Committee

Sterling/Point Webster Grade 5

Created at the September 10, 2014 Special School Committee meeting to review issues related to Grade 5 being located in middle school buildings.

School District Maps

Created at the September 10, 2014 Special School Committee meeting to review issues related to school district maps.


Quincy, Massachusetts – March 4, 2015
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Regular Meeting

A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at the Coddington Building. Present were Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Noel DiBona, Ms. Barbara Isola, Mayor Thomas Koch, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mr. David McCarthy, and Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Vice Chair.

Vice-Chair Presiding

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The Superintendent called the roll and all were present. Also present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk; Mr. Ron Adams, Mr. Nicholas Ahearn, Mrs. Diane Babcock, Ms. Christine Barrett, Ms. Christine Flynn, Dr. John Franceschini, Mrs. Mary Fredrickson, Mr. Daniel Gilbert, Ms. Beth Hallett, Ms. Courtney Mitchell, Mrs. Robin Moreira, Mrs. Joanne Morrissey, Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Mrs. Maura Papile, Mrs. Erin Perkins, Ms. Jacqueline Principi, Ms. Madeline Roy, Ms. Aliza Schneller, Mr. Lawrence Taglieri, Ms. Judy Todd; Ms. Allison Cox, President, Quincy Education Association; Mr. Scott Alessandro, Citywide Co-President and Student Representatives to School Committee Ms. Isabella Cobble (Quincy High School) and Michael Mullaney (North Quincy High School).

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There was a moment of silence for service members serving overseas.

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Regular Meeting Minutes Approved 1/14/15

Mr. McCarthy made a motion, seconded by Ms. Isola, to approve the Regular Meeting minutes for January 14, 2015. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Special Meeting Minutes Approved 2/3/15

Mr. McCarthy made a motion, seconded by Ms. Isola, to approve the Special Meeting minutes for February 3, 2015. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Public Hearing Minutes Approved 3/2/15

Mr. Bregoli made a motion, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, to approve the Public Hearing minutes for March 2, 2015. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Open Forum

Mrs. Courtney Perdios spoke on the online survey for School Year Calendars, the extensive outreach was remarkable. By contrast, outreach was not the same for proposal for the proposed Sterling grade level change proposal entertained last year.

Mr. Scott Alessandro, speaking as a parent, would like to maximize educational time on learning. Supports the idea of blizzard bags but not as a replacement for time in front of teachers and starting school before Labor Day, ending earlier in June.

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Superintendent's Report

Dr. DeCristofaro opened the Superintendent’s Report by introducing the Inspire Quincy video, featuring Lincoln Hancock Literacy Night, the North Quincy High School Quiz Show Team, Peer Tutoring at Broad Meadows, Project 351 Ambassadors, Middle School Competitive Swimming Skills Clinic, CPR/AED Training, Read Across America, Motor Skills Development at Squantum, and the Food Services Staff.

This year’s Grade 8 Project 351 Ambassadors were recognized: Chase Reardon from Broad Meadows, Garell Willis from Sterling, and Brian O’Connor from Point Webster. Project 351 Alumni Leadership Council member Noor Al-Saad from Quincy High School (and a Broad Meadows alum) was also recognized.

Food Services Staff members with 20 or more years of service were recognized by School Committee: Sandra Bernstein (21 years); Georgianna Bonnie (21 years); Diane Bowes-Deagle (22 years); Mary Lou Camerlin (23 years); Donna Costa (32 years); Debra Elder (23 years); Fritz Gerstenecker (26 years); Mary Ann King (29 years); Mary Kintigos (22 years); Florence Mackie (20 years); Mary McCann (39 years); Judith McNaught (27 years); Food Services Director Joanne Morrissey (21 years); Susan Mullen (21 years); James Nee (25 years); Joseph O'Neill (20 years); Anthony Priscilla (20 years); Debbie Russo (25 years); and Gladys Shaheen (28 years).

After a brief recess, Superintendent DeCristofaro resumed his report.

Dr. DeCristofaro noted that School Committee has not held a regular meeting since January 14, due to the unprecedented amount of snow that fell in Quincy over the five weeks beginning January 26. Dr. DeCristofaro thanked the Department of Public Works, Public Buildings & Maintenance, Custodial Services, and Parks Department, all who worked incredibly hard to remove the snow safely from public buildings and city streets. Special thanks to the Quincy Police Department, who provided many days of coverage, the Quincy Fire Department, the roofing contractors who worked within the city with the Principals, Deputy Superintendent Mulvey, and the Mayor’s Office Staff.

Dr. DeCristofaro announced that the Quincy Education Association has notified School Committee of its Request to Bargain a successor agreement to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement dated September 1, 2012-August 31, 2015.

Kindergarten Registration began March 3, 2015, and preliminary enrollment figures are consistent with past years. Kindergarten Enrollment will be updated at subsequent School Committee meetings.

Several Parent Academy evenings are planned for March: Middle School Tools & Strategies will be held March 5 at Point Webster; Opiate Knowledge Night is scheduled for Tuesday, March 10 at Central for middle and high school parents; and the Grade 8 Course Selection nights are scheduled for March 23 at North Quincy High School and March 26 at Quincy High School. Many staff members participate in the planning of these events, develop special presentations, and welcome the opportunity to work with parents.

The FY2015 Grant Booklet was shared with School Committee and can be presented at the next Quarterly Budget & Finance Subcommittee.

At the Kiwanis luncheon held earlier today, $25,000 was donated to different Quincy Public Schools programs. The Kiwanis of Quincy will be recognized at the March 18 School Committee meeting.

Thanks to Lisa McBirney from the Mayor’s Office, seventy students from both Quincy and North Quincy High School will be participating in piloting the interactive experience at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, prior to opening to the public on March 31.

During the first week of February, Fallon Ambulance and Quincy Public Schools Health Services staff provided all Grade 8 students in school with an overview of cardiac health and CPR basics. On Saturday, February 7, Fallon Ambulance staff fully certified over 100 students and parents in CPR/AED training at Central Middle School.

A Varsity Coaches Summit was held on January 22 and provided an opportunity for meaningful discussion on issues facing the teams at both high schools and the Patriot league.

The Elementary Laboratory Center admission process was reviewed at the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee on February 3, 2015. Admission to the program is based on the top 20% of cumulative Grade 3 MCAS performance. Those students were then administered the Reasoning subtest on February 28 or March 3. Students and families will be notified of the results in late April. This is a system-wide program and will hopefully lessen the anxiety around the entrance process for the program. With a clear criteria and defensible data, this limits over-assessing students and ensures the most appropriate candidates are brought forward. Dr. DeCristofaro noted that there were questions around students who are eligible and do not complete the program and these will be explored further.

Dr. DeCristofaro thanked the City Council for authorizing filing the Statements of Interest for Squantum in the Core Program and Beechwood Knoll (windows, doors, and roof), Merrymount (roof) through the Accelerated Repair Program.

Both high schools recently hosted Science Fairs, with over 200 projects submitted. 23 students moving on to the Regional Science Fair.

Dr. DeCristofaro thanked Special Education Director Judy Todd for the Special Olympics program recently held at Squantum, staff were assisted by volunteer students from North Quincy High School.

The revised Assessment calendar was shared, reflecting that DESE has extended the MCAS window in response to this winter’s weather and the volume of school cancellations.

Peabody Public Schools staff visited several sites this week at DESE’s recommendation to observe our exemplary English Language Learner program in preparation for their Coordinated Program Review.

Home-School Connections for the Atherton Hough, Beechwood Knoll, and Wollaston Elementary Schools were shared with the School Committee.

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Old Business

2015-2016 School Year Calendar

Mrs. Hubley opened the discussion of the School Year Calendar for 2015-2016. Mr. Bregoli noted parent and staff input on the recent online survey, with almost 5,000 responses. Mr. Bregoli would like to entertain the possibility of starting school before Labor Day, particularly this year when Labor Day falls on September 7.

Mr. DiBona echoed Mr. Bregoli’s remarks, this is a unique year and many other school systems have already moved to this model. He is not suggesting this is for every year. Thanked Superintendent DeCristofaro for his consideration for student and staff safety in calling school off on eleven school days. He also introduced the idea of replacing the February and April vacations with one in March; he is not suggesting a combination of both options.

Mr. McCarthy said that he is a traditionalist, noting that historically, we have had many years with two or fewer snow days. He would like to leave the school year calendar as is. In the past, parents have not been in favor of starting before Labor Day. He is not in favor of adjusting vacations, especially in reaction to the weather pattern of this year.

Mrs. Mahoney agrees with Mr. McCarthy, this is a reaction to this year’s weather. This was discussed at earlier meetings in January, before the snowy season began and School Committee decided that it was too short notice to change next year’s calendar. The one vacation in March idea may put QPS at a disadvantage in terms of the standardized testing schedule. Would like to see DESE make uniform recommendations about vacation time so school systems are making decisions across the state. Going forward, Mrs. Mahoney would like to discuss creative online learning options and “blizzard bags” to provide some structure during long stretches out of school. If starting school before Labor Day is beneficial to the community, School Committee has to give notice for change.

Ms. Isola said that in reviewing the survey results, most responders were neutral or against beginning before Labor Day. In thinking what makes the most sense educationally, the discussion should begin in Fall 2015 for the following year. Ms. Isola would like to add to the agenda for an upcoming Teaching & Learning Subcommittee some type of supplemental education options for home, although nothing can replace time with a teacher in the classroom.

Mrs. Hubley agrees with Ms. Isola, in conversations with parents, their voice echoes the survey results. Parents seem to be divided on the one vacation idea.

Mr. Bregoli clarified that he would not want to combine the February and April vacations. He is interested in starting before Labor Day start as an opportunity for students to get acclimated. He understands that this is a short time frame for parental notification, but feels it does make sense educationally.

Mayor Koch recalled that when this was raised several years ago, parent opposition was clear, long lines at Open Forum of speakers against the idea. Mayor Koch will support the calendar as presented, but is open to discussion for later years.

Mr. Bregoli made a motion to approve the School Year Calendar for 2015-2016 as presented. Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it, 5-2. Mr. Bregoli and Mr. DiBona voted NO.

2015-2016 School Committee Calendar

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the School Committee Calendar for 2015- 2016. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it 7-0.

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New Business

Mrs. Hubley requested School Committee’s indulgence to take the agenda out of order and move to New Business, Item B.

2014-2015 School Year Calendar

Mr. Bregoli requested that Superintendent DeCristofaro update School Committee on the waiver request status. Dr. DeCristofaro said that we learned definitively today from Commissioner of Education Mitchell Chester’s office that the requested three-day waiver for the State of Emergency days was denied.

Dr. DeCristofaro said that with eleven days of school cancelled, the last day of school is scheduled for June 30th, with one day to make up. The next item of importance is the decision on how to make up the 180th day. The Commissioner has indicated that this must be through scheduling a school day on Good Friday, April Vacation, or a Saturday. We have submitted a request for extended day option to make up additional days and if granted, school could end before June 30, unless we have additional snow days.

Mr. Bregoli said he is disappointed in today’s decision, it shows no courage and vision, consideration of students and families, and the financial burden on communities. Waivers were granted in the Blizzard of 1978, so there is precedent.

Mrs. Mahoney asked if the extended day option could be denied and Dr. DeCristofaro confirmed this. Mrs. Mahoney said the Commissioner should take into account the special safety considerations of this city, would like to know what other communities are in a similar situation. Dr. DeCristofaro said we should know next week whether extended days will be an option.

Ms. Isola echoed Mr. Bregoli’s comments; these three days were states of emergency when no travel was allowed. Objects to the summarily dismissive way the waiver request was handled. Exceptions to rules and regulations must be looked at carefully; not to provide an explanation is disrespectful to the Mayor, School Committee, Superintendent, parents, students, and staff.

Ms. Isola made a motion that School Committee send a letter to Governor Baker requesting that he review our waiver request. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion.

On the motion, Mayor Koch noted that he spoke with Lieutenant Governor Polito last week and would like to expand our focus. Quincy is in a unique situation and in addition to communicating with the Governor, Mayor Koch suggests contacting the Senate President, and the Speaker of the House. He is very disappointed with the arrogance of the denial.

Mayor Koch amended the motion to be that School Committee send a letter to Governor Baker, Speak of the House DeLeo, and Senate President Rosenberg requesting that they review our waiver request. The motion was seconded by Ms. Isola.

On the amended motion, Mr. DiBona would like the letter to stress the complexity of managing our 19 school buildings; other towns on the South Shore do not have the same number of sites.

Mayor Koch said that the bar continues to be raised on snow removal and safety continues to be paramount. We are doing more than ever to ensure student safety, in collaboration with the DPW and QPS: bus routes, walking routes, sidewalks and crosswalks. Mayor Koch said it can’t be emphasized enough that we have broken all the records; state senators visited from other parts of the state and were in awe of our snow. The Commissioner should answer for his lack of understanding.

Mr. Bregoli said the Commissioner’s arrogance towards Quincy and other South Shore towns, including delegating the phone calls to the DESE Chief of Staff, is infuriating.

On a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.

Mayor Koch requested that the Superintendent draft a letter for School Committee review.

Mr. Bregoli said that to address the one day to be made up, suggested an early release day on Good Friday would be the best option. Mr. Bregoli asked for clarification on the cost: $51,000 for an early release holiday. For extended day option, 12 days with an additional 30 minutes would cost $51,000.

Mr. DiBona expressed his opposition to scheduling a makeup day on a Saturday. Families with shared custody may be affected and it cuts into family time.

Mr. McCarthy agrees that extended day would be a good option, if DESE gives us the option. Mr. McCarthy is opposed to Good Friday as an option for rescheduling, this is a very important day to many families. Would consider a Saturday option, but prefers extended day.

Mayor Koch agreed that there is no right and wrong in different School Committee member’s opinions. Agrees with Mr. McCarthy, this would be changing a longstanding tradition and affect many families who don’t view this as a holiday.

Dr. DeCristofaro clarified that DESE may not allow extended days to make up for the one day that we are beyond June 30.

Mr. McCarthy asked for clarification on when the vote would take place; the next meeting is the first opportunity to vote on the issue.

Mayor Koch suggested that School Committee can suspend their operational rules, we shouldn’t get caught up in the details of the process.

Ms. Isola asked if School Committee could agree to suspend normal rules and vote tonight and Mayor Koch agreed.

Mr. Bregoli asked if we agree to schedule school on a Saturday, would that signal the Commissioner we are giving up on the extended day option.

Mrs. Mahoney reviewed that we need to make up one day, but asked what will happen if we don’t. Dr. DeCristofaro said there are not specific penalties, but it could make us ineligible for certain state grant funding.

Mrs. Mahoney made a motion that the makeup day be scheduled on Good Friday, an early release day.

Mayor Koch suggested the motion to suspend School Committee’s rules should happen first.

Mrs. Mahoney made a motion to suspend School Committee’s rules of process, seconded by Ms. Isola. On the motion, Mr. McCarthy asked if we should wait for a response on the extended day waiver before voting on the makeup day.

Mr. McCarthy made a motion to table the discussion on the 2014-2015 School Year Calendar.

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2014-2015 QPS Initiatives

Dr. DeCristofaro presented his review of 2014-2015 Initiatives, based on the District Improvement Plan principles of contributory decision-making across Quincy Public Schools. Ms. Todd reviewed the Math Reteach teams, a collaboration of Special Education and regular education Math teachers. Ms. Roy presented about the Digital Learning team, a refocus of the Educational Technology team to move the focus aware from hardware to classroom implementation across all content areas, including training. Mrs. Papile presented about the Discipline & Attendance Team, made up of high school deans, supervisors of attendance, and middle school assistant principals. The group is looking at the barriers to student learning in the middle and high school levels. The team is integral to the Substance Abuse Prevention initiative, specialized training for interventions for students at risk. Mrs. Perkins and Ms. Hallett presented on the Grades K-5 High Needs ELL Team, established to create a draft protocol for identification of ELL students with additional needs. A collaboration of Special Education, ELL, Guidance, and Literacy staff, the focus is on early intervention at Wollaston, Parker, Lincoln Hancock, Clifford Marshall, and Montclair.

Dr. DeCristofaro thanked the Curriculum and Management Team for all of their efforts. He then went on to review the program designs for each standard. Standard 1 encompasses the Budget, School Committee connections to the organization through Subcommittees. Dr. DeCristofaro outlined the upcoming School Survey initiative, working with principals and school councils. The first piece has already been completed, a survey of Grade 9 students and their transition from middle school to high school.

For Standard 2, the Common Core Implementation is evident at every grade across the school system, with teams of teachers working on curriculum mapping. The Parent Academy schedule for the spring was shared, along with updated timelines for Elementary Report Cards and DSAC Collaboration.

For Standard 3, updates on the Next Generation Assessments, Increasing Staff Access to Data, Benchmark Data Collection, the MKEA, and DDMs were shared. The Curriculum and Management Team is managing the transition to online assessments and managing the data streams through these initiatives.

Under Standard 4, Educator Evaluation encompasses classroom, program, and support staff, principals, and the leadership team. In conjunction with this, the QPS/QEA Educator Evaluation Workgroup collaborate to integrate the details of this requirement with the evolving process. The RETELL initiative guided 400 staff members to completing this core content requirement. The Mentor Team pairs new and veteran staff members to ensure a successful first year as a QPS employee through the modeling of best practices.

For Standard 5, initiatives such as PBIS, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Substance Abuse Awareness/Prevention are affecting outcomes for all students, especially those at risk. New this year, a review of the Advanced Placement program from Grades 6 through 12 will focus on the APC program at Central, defining the program, managing the transition to high school, and expansion of advanced programs at all middle schools. An Advanced Placement Pathway booklet will be created to outline educational expectations and outcomes. Next year, the focus will be on the Grades 5-6 transition.

The Program of Studies teams focus on the Elementary, Middle, and High School programs and scheduling. An outgrowth of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee that met last fall, and parent concerns about Grade 5 at Point Webster and Sterling Middle Schools, comparisons between the elementary Grade 5 and the middle school Grade 5 were explored. Staffing configuration changes at Sterling allowed for the development of an elementary school model for the Grade 5 students. (Two teachers for all core subjects, rather than 4 or 5 different core teachers.) Dr. DeCristofaro reminded School Committee that Title I funding is not allocated for Grade 5 at any school due to long-standing funding cut. Dr. DeCristofaro met with Grade 5 Sterling parents about the transition and perspectives for their families. Dr. DeCristofaro also met with the Sterling staff to assess their feelings about the schedule pilot, mostly positive feedback and looking forward to the 2nd year. Dr. DeCristofaro met with the Point Webster Grade 5 staff to review the transition to elementary scheduling for next year. The Sterling and Point Webster principals are now part of the elementary scheduling team and are moving towards a pilot for Point Webster next year. Additional professional development and collaboration time will be planned with Grade 5 teachers citywide.

In addressing the grading concerns, in conjunction with the development of the new elementary school report cards, students at Point Webster and Sterling will be graded under the elementary rubric beginning in September 2015. Middle School principals will be working on the transitional meetings and activities for Grade 4 students moving up in June.

Dr. DeCristofaro thanked Mr. McCarthy for his leadership on the Ad Hoc Subcommittee and the parents for their input. Dr. DeCristofaro noted that Grade 5 student council members across QPS will be recognized at the Student Leadership summit on April 16. The Presidents Cup Robotics tournament will be expanded to include elementary school Lego Robotics teams for Grade 5 students. The School ~Community Partnership is sponsoring coaches and materials.

For Dual Enrollment, QPS is working with Quincy College on a plan for opportunities for college credits at minimal cost to our students.

For Standard 6, Dr. DeCristofaro reviewed the continuing Aspen Implementation, additional modules will be implemented next year. Planning for Technology, MSBA project timelines were shared. For the Accelerated Repair Program projects, windows & doors have been ordered for North Quincy, Wollaston, Merrymount and will be ordered within two weeks for Lincoln Hancock and Parker. Installation for all five schools is scheduled for Summer 2015. The Quincy School~Community Partnership events continue throughout the year.

Ms. Isola thanked Dr. DeCristofaro and the Superintendent’s Leadership Team, the presentation provided much evidence of collaboration and hard work. Mrs. Mahoney asked for clarification on the Grade 5 scheduling; Sterling’s schedule evolved due to a staffing change and has been very positive for the students. Mrs. Mahoney is glad to see the pilot will be expanded to Point Webster as well and that the elementary grading system will be implemented.

Mrs. Mahoney asked for more information about the Dual Enrollment initiative. Dr. DeCristofaro said this is an opportunity for high school students to enroll in college courses that are not offered otherwise for a nominal cost. We have had preliminary discussions with Quincy College and are exploring other options. The goal is for this to be available in September 2015. Mrs. Mahoney said this is an exciting opportunity and wanted to call attention to it.

Mr. DiBona thanked Dr. DeCristofaro for his leadership in integrating the suggestions of School Committee, including expansion of advanced level classes at all middle schools.

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Out of the Country Travel

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the Out of the Country Travel of North Quincy High School to France from April 14 to April 24, 2015. Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the Out of the Country Travel of Quincy High School to France and Spain from April 16 to April 23, 2015. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Overnight Travel

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the Overnight Travel of Quincy High School Student Council to the MASC Annual Conference in Hyannis, Massachusetts from March 11 to March 13, 2015. Mr. McCarthty seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Additional Business

There was no additional business.

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Upcoming meetings were announced: School Committee on March 18, 2015; and April 8, 2015 and Subcommittee Meetings: Special Education on Wednesday, March 25, 2015; Teaching & Learning on Monday, March 30, 2015; and Facilities & Security and Quarterly Budget & Finance on Monday, April 13, 2015.

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Reports of Subcommittees

Mrs. Hubley noted that full Subcommittee meeting minutes are posted online on the School Committee page at

Policy Subcommittee

Special Education Subcommittee

Quarterly Budget & Finance Subcommittee

Teaching & Learning Subcommittee

Health, Transportation, & Safety Subcommittee

Ms. Isola made a motion to waive reviewing the minutes and approve all minutes. Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

As there were no corrections, the minutes to the January 14, 2015 and February 15, 2015 Policy; January 21, 2015 Special Education; February 3, 2015 Quarterly Budget & Finance; February 3, 2015 and February 23, 2015 Teaching & Learning; and February 25, 2015 Health, Transportation & Safety Subcommittee meetings were approved.

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Mr. McCarthy made a motion to adjourn for the evening at 10:05 p.m. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bregoli and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.