May 5, 2021 School Committee Meeting


Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 6:30 pm
Coddington Building

Per Governor Baker’s order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A sec. 20, the public will not be allowed to physically access this School Committee meeting. Members of the Public can access the meeting live on QATV Channel 22 or at The meeting will also be recorded for rebroadcast and posted on the QPS SchoolTube website on Friday, April 9, 2021.

I. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting Minutes for April 7, 2021

II. Open Forum: An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public Schools. Community in this context is defined as a resident of the City of Quincy, a parent of a student who attends the Quincy Public Schools, or an employee of the Quincy Public Schools. Non-community persons not permitted to speak at Open Forum may submit written statements to the School Committee. After giving his or her name and address, each speaker may make a presentation of no more than four minutes to the School Committee. An individual may not exchange their time or yield to others.

To participate in Open Forum, interested parties may submit written statements to: [email protected].

III. Superintendent’s Report

A. Chairman’s Report - Mayor Thomas Koch

B. QPS Enrollment Update

  • In-Person Learning, Grades K-12

  • QPS COVID-19 Metrics

  • QPS Pooled Testing Initiative

  • QPS Vaccine Clinics

C. QPS Class of 2021 Update

D. Educator Appreciation Week

E. QPS Parent & Community Events

  • Elementary Advanced Learning Opportunities Information Night, May 18

  • Welcome to Kindergarten, May 27

F. Credit for Life Fair: A Digital Experience

G. School Nutrition Update

H. Student Recognitions: Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

I. FY2022 Budget Timeline

J. Quincy School~Community Partnership Newsletter

IV. Old Business:

A. 2021-2022 School Committee Meeting Calendar (VOTE)

B. 2021-2022 QPS School Year Calendar (VOTE)

C. School Committee Policy Book Section 2 (VOTE)

V. New Business:

A. DOVE’s Youth Speak Program - Ms. Chandler, Ms. Boulton

B. School Choice Participation (Discussion & Vote) - Superintendent Mulvey
Superintendent Mulvey recommends that the Quincy School Committee withdraw from enrolling non-resident students in the Quincy Public Schools for the 2021-2022 academic year for the following reasons:

  • Continued concerns at the elementary, middle, and high schools based on current and projected enrollments.
  • Policy of the Quincy School Committee to adhere to class size guidelines.

C. South Shore Educational Collaboration Representative - Superintendent Mulvey

VI. Additional Business:

VII. Communications:

A. Upcoming School Committee Meetings: May 19, 2021 and June 9, 2021 (Regular Meetings, 6:30 pm, Coddington Building)

B. Upcoming Subcommittee Meetings: May 26, 2021: Budget & Finance, 5:30 pm; Teaching & Learning, 6:30 pm; TBD: FY2022 Budget Public Hearing, 6:15 pm

VIII. Reports of Subcommittees:

A. Athletics & Wellness: Mr. Gutro to report on the April 28, 2021 meeting

B. Joint Teaching & Learning and Special Education: Mrs. Hubley and Mrs. Lebo to report on the April 28, 2021 meeting.

IX. Executive Session: None

X. Adjournment:


Quincy, MASSACHUSETTS – May 5, 2021

Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Regular Meeting

Chairman Presiding

A meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at the Coddington Building. Superintendent Kevin Mulvey called the roll and present were Mayor Thomas P. Koch, School Committee Chair, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mrs. Courtney Perdios, and Mr. Frank Santoro.

Also present were: Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Ms. Allison Cox, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Ms. Julie Graham, Ms. Maura Papile, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla, and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

Mrs. Hubley was absent.

School Committee observed a moment of silence for the men and women in the armed forces serving at home and overseas.

Superintendent Mulvey noted the following retired Quincy Public Schools employees who passed away recently: Alicia Coletti (former QPS Assistant Personnel Director & Director of Chapter 1); Cheryl Morano (Cafeteria helper for 22 years); and Lois Brandes (Squantum Elementary School teacher for 41 years).


Approval of Minutes

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting for April 7, 2021. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.


Open Forum

Ms. Owens read a letter submitted by Ms. Rachel Trousdale who wrote to recognize and thank the Quincy Public Schools staff for their work during this school year.


Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Mulvey recognized Mayor Koch for the Chairman’s Report. Mayor Koch announced that at the recent Massachusetts School Building Authority Board Meeting, the Squantum Elementary School was invited into Eligibility Phase, beginning June 1. Public Buildings Commissioner Paul Hines will chair the School Building Committee. Thanks to everyone who participated in Cleaner Greener on May 1, many staff, students, and parents participating at school and park sites.

Mayor Koch will present the FY2022 Budget to City Council on May 17 and to School Committee on May 19. Analysis is underway for the recently allocated federal funding, summer school programming and infrastructure are the priorities.

Mrs. Perdios asked if Chromebooks purchases are eligible and Mayor Koch said we can look at that area of need.


Superintendent Mulvey reviewed that of the 9,711 students currently enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12, 55% are attending school in-person and 45% are attending school remotely. Students who attend remotely may request to return to school by contacting their school principals.


Superintendent Mulvey reviewed the COVID-19 metrics for the two weeks April 21-May 4. There were 21 student cases: 16 in-person and 5 remote and one staff cases. No evidence of in-school transmission during these two weeks.

For the QPS Pooled Testing Initiative, 753 students and staff are signed up to participate. Last week, the positivity rate was 0.13% with one positive case.

In partnership with Manet Community Health Center, 70+ students (with parent consent) and staff members at North Quincy High School received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today. Quincy High School’s clinic is Monday, May 10.

Mr. Bregoli asked whether there was an increase in cases post-April vacation, and Superintendent Mulvey confirmed that there was not.


Superintendent Mulvey updated on planning for the High School Graduation ceremonies; new guidelines released last week will allow for one ceremony for each high school: June 7 for Quincy High School and June 8 for North Quincy High School. Each graduate will be allowed to bring two guests and the guests will register and be assigned seating.

Mr. Bregoli asked for enrollment for graduating classes: 320 for North Quincy High School and 400 for Quincy High School.

An outdoor prom event is being planned for the Class of 2021, to be held in Upper Merrymount Park on June 18 for Quincy High School and June 19 for North Quincy High School. Thanks to Public Buildings Commissioner Paul Hines, Natural Resources Commissioner Dave Murphy, the high school principals, class advisors, the staff and parents involved in the planning.

Mrs. Lebo asked for clarification, due to current gathering restrictions, only QPS seniors can attend the event.

Mrs. Lebo asked for and received assurances about security for the event.

Superintendent Mulvey announced that thanks to the South Shore Plaza Macy’s department store, the Salvation Army, and Christine Koch, Quincy Public Schools has received a donation of 500 brand new prom dresses. Seniors are invited to Central Middle School on Saturday, May 15 between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm to choose a prom dress.

Superintendent Mulvey acknowledged the petition generated by seniors at both high schools that requested an earlier sign out date. Due to the requirements of the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education’s Time on Learning regulations, this cannot be accommodated. The Class of 2021 will sign out on Wednesday, June 2.

Superintendent Mulvey noted that both high schools are hosting virtual Senior Event information nights for students and parents on Thursday, May 6.


Superintendent Mulvey spoke about this being Educator Appreciation week, an opportunity to acknowledge our teachers, guidance counselors, nurses, paraprofessionals, and administrators for their extraordinary efforts on behalf of our students and families. This past year, more than ever before, educators have been called on to be creative, supportive, and adaptive and he expressed appreciation of all they do every day.

Mr. Santoro thanked all of the Quincy Public Schools educators, every person who works in the system at every capacity. Mr. Santoro thanked Superintendent Mulvey for his leadership, he has brought us through this crisis.


Superintendent Mulvey updated on upcoming Parent & Community Events: Early College High School Information Night, May 12 at 6:00 pm and Welcome to Kindergarten Parent Orientation, May 27 at 6:00 pm. EL Coordinator Heather Wojcik and EL Parent Laura Riofrio were invited by DESE to present yesterday on QPS Student Success Plans along with other state-wide school district EL Leaders.

Mrs. Lebo is concerned that the Early College presentation to School Committee is after the Parent Information evening.

All seniors enrolled in CVTE programs or business elective courses at North Quincy and Quincy High School are invited to participate in the Credit for Life Fair: A Digital Experience. Quincy Public Schools' business partners have come together virtually for a second year to support the event which will be presented via Google Classroom.


Thanks to School Nutrition Director Sara Dufour and Assistant Director Jane Minton, Quincy Public Schools was recently awarded a Summer Food Service Program grant of $9,812. Funding can be used to increase the number of families reached during the summer through extending hours and/or creating new meal sites. On April 20, the US Department of Agriculture announced that they will continue to reimburse school districts for all meals served during Summer 2021 and the 2021-22 school year for all students. April vacation meals were distributed on Friday, April 16. The meal kits provided five breakfasts and lunches for 250 students.


Superintendent Mulvey recognized students who received regional Scholastic Art & Writing Awards that celebrate the creative achievements of high school students: Art: Hedy Lin (NQHS, Silver Key); Art: Meiying Wu (NQHS, Honorable Mention); Writing: Christiana Nguyen (QHS, Honorable Mention)


Superintendent Mulvey reviewed the FY2022 Budget Timeline: Mayor Koch will present the City of Quincy FY2022 budget at City Council on May 17 and at the School Committee Meeting on May 19. The Budget Subcommittee will meet on Wednesday, May 26 and June 2 (including the Public Hearing). The City Council hearing not yet scheduled. Final FY2022 budget will be voted on at the June 9 School Committee meeting.


Superintendent Mulvey concluded his report by noting that the Quincy School~Community Partnership Newsletter and the Summer Scene brochure were both shared with School Committee. Mr. Bregoli asked about recruiting for summer school staff, to date over 60 educators have applied. Mrs. Perdios asked about Chromebook returns. Students participating in summer programming remotely will keep their Chromebooks until the summer programs conclude in early August.


Old Business

2021-22 School Committee Meeting Calendar; 2021-22 School Year Calendar; Policy Book Section 2 (VOTE)

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to approve the 2021-2022 School Committee Meeting Calendar as presented. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it 6-0. Mrs. Hubley was absent,

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to approve the 2021-2022 Quincy Public Schools School Year Calendar as presented. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it 6-0. Mrs. Hubley was absent,

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to approve the changes to School Committee Policy Book Section 2 as presented. Mrs. Perdios seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it 6-0. Mrs. Hubley was absent,


New Business

DOVE Inc’s YouthSpeak Program

Ms. Sue Chandler and Ms. Jen Boulton from DOVE Inc (Domestic Violence Ended) presented on their programs and outreach to the community: individual advocacy and counseling, support groups, legal advocacy, community education and prevention, and operation of an emergency shelter. The programming is all aspects of the prevention spectrum, including education, fostering coalitions and networks, changing organizational practices, and influencing policy and legislation. DOVE is a partner of many local public and private high schools, sharing direct education with students, engagement (training for peer educators), and ongoing prevention strategies and events. The curriculum is called Safe Dates and raises awareness of healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships and equips students with skills to develop healthy dating relationships. Through the 4-day Youth Advocate Summit, students are trained as peer leaders and can earn Community Service hours. In addition, DOVE offers assemblies such as “The Yellow Dress”, the White Ribbon campaign (men standing up for violence against women).

Mayor Koch thanked the presenters, similar to substance abuse prevention, the focus on education and prevention are so important and difficult to measure. Quincy has been a leader in both efforts, an important partner of the Quincy Police Department.

Mr. Santoro thanked the presenters, asked about scheduling, DOVE will utilize multiple staff members to engage with as many classrooms as possible. Having an internal organizer at the school is very helpful.

Mr. Gutro noted that there was a trouble incident recently which caused School Committee to take stock, increased focus on social emotional issues. Ms. Chandler said that technology is a huge issue for teenagers and young adults everywhere, recommends the consistent involvement of DOVE with both high schools and the middle schools.

Mrs. Lebo said that middle school is a good entry point for the programming, would like to see this to be part of the curriculum rather than something students opt into. Ms. Boulton suggested implementing the Flash curriculum and Mrs. Lebo agreed.

Mrs. Perdios emphasized that equitable access to this curriculum at all middle and both high schools is important. Ms. Perdios asked about the age that this programming should begin. Ms. Boulton said basic concepts of respect and boundaries can be taught in 6th grade.

Mr. Bregoli said this is one of the most important partnerships in the city, agrees with the emphasis on middle schools. Mr. Bregoli asked if it was difficult to get male students to participate in the YouthSpeak program. Ms. Boulton said that like most extracurricular activities, more female students participate. Male student recruitment by peers is a successful strategy.

Mr. Bregoli asked about Health curriculum, Ms. Papile said that there is a robust curriculum. Middle school health educators presented to School Committee on this topic in February 2020, DOVE provided support and training. Middle and high school levels have the Flash curriculum, social media and relationships is addressed. In a typical year, there is collaboration across the school sites, utilizing DOVE as a resource. Ms. Papile said that the male High School Health Interventionists are important in recruiting male student participants.

Mr. Bregoli asked if there was a parent involvement component to the work that DOVE does. Ms. Papile talked about the recent virtual Parent Academies, but it is difficult to get parents to participate, these are difficult topics. The Flash curriculum does have a parent component.

Mrs. Lebo reiterated her concern that there is not enough time for this curriculum to be implemented at the high school level, the Health Interventionists are doing what they can.

Mr Gutro made a motion to request the Superintendent to pursue to possibility of implementing a more comprehensive version of YouthSpeak in the Quincy Public Schools for the 2021-2022 school year.

Mayor Koch suggested that this move to the Teaching & Learning Subcommittee.

On a voice vote, the ayes have it.


New Business

QPS to Withdraw from School Choice for 2021- 2022 School Year

Mrs. Lebo made a motion for Quincy Public Schools to withdraw from School Choice for the 2021-2022 School Year. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 6-0. Mrs. Hubley was absent.


New Business

Representative to the SSEC Board for 2021- 2022 School Year

Mr. Santoro made a motion for Quincy Public Schools Superintendent Kevin Mulvey to serve as the representative to the South Shore Educational Collaborative Board for the 2021-2022 School Year. Mr. Gutro seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 6-0. Mrs. Hubley was absent.


Additional Business

There was no Additional Business.



Mayor Koch noted that the next Regular School Committee meetings are scheduled for May 19, 2021 and June 9, 2021 at 6:30 pm at the Coddington Building. Subcommittee meetings are scheduled for May 26, 2021 (Budget & Finance and Teaching & Learning) and June 2, 2021 (Budget & Finance).

Mrs. Perdios asked about follow up meetings for Facilities issues raised earlier in the year.

Mrs. Lebo noted that there is summer Professional Development opportunity for Social Emotional Learning at DESE, would like to join QPS team if there will be one.


Reports of Subcommittees

Mayor Koch noted that the Subcommittee minutes are posted on the Quincy Public Schools website

Mr. Gutro reported on the April 28, 2021 Athletics & Wellness Subcommittee where the recently completed Fall II season and plans for the upcoming Spring Athletics season were reviewed.

Mrs. Lebo reviewed the Joint Teaching & Learning and Special Education Subcommittee meeting held on April 28, 2021. There was a review of the Spring MCAS administration timeline, an update on the Advanced opportunities for elementary school students, planned curriculum updates for the 2021-2022 school year, and the new guidance on Dyslexia and a QPAC update.

As there were no corrections, the minutes of the April 28, 2021 Athletics & Wellness and Joint Special Education and Teaching & Learning Subcommittees were accepted.


Executive Session

There was no Executive Session.



On a motion by Mrs. Lebo and seconded by Mr. Santoro, the Regular School Committee meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.
