Oct. 24, 2012 School Committee Meeting


Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
City Council Chambers, Quincy City Hall
7:00 p.m.

I. Approval of Minutes: Regular Session Minutes for October 10, 2012; Executive Session Minutes for October 10, 2012.

II. Open Forum: An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public Schools. After giving his or her name and address, each speaker may make a presentation of no more than four minutes to the School Committee. An individual may not exchange their time or yield to others.

III. Superintendent’s Report:

A. French Exchange Students at North Quincy High School

B. Quincy Fire Department Donation to the Athletics Department

C. Quincy Medical Center Partnership

D. District Attorney Morrisey's School Safety Grant

E. North Quincy High School Student Recognition: Nancy Aimola

IV. Old Business:

V. New Business:

A. Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) Spring 2012 Results - Mrs. Robert, Mrs. Fredrickson

B. Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) and Quincy Public Schools Athletics Overview - Mr. Rendle

C. Out of State Travel: I. Atlantic Middle School, Grade 8 Students to New York City, NY, June 7-June 8, 2013. 2. Sterling Middle School, Grade 8 Students to New York City, NY, June 5-June 6, 2013. 3. Quincy High School Electrical Technology and Automotive Students to Mt. Sunapee, NH, March 8, 2013.

VI. Additional Business:

VII. Communications:

VIII. Reports of Subcommittees:

  1. Central Building Committee: Mrs. Mahoney to report on the October 15, 2012 meeting.

  2. Facilities and Security Subcommittee: Mr. McCarthy to report on the October 16, 2012 meeting

  3. Special Education Subcommittee: Mrs. Mahoney to report on the October 17, 2012 meeting.

  4. Budget and Finance Subcommittee: Ms. Isola to report on the October 22, 20l2 meeting

  5. Teaching and Leaming Subcommittee: Mrs. Lebo to report on the October 23, 2012 meeting.

IX. Executive Session: Collective Bargaining

X. Adjournment:

Subcommittees of the School Committee

Subcommittee Items

Budget & Finance

School Facilities & Security

  1. Sterling Building Plans Referred to Subcommittee by the School Building Task Force in 1998.

  2. Coddington Hall $1.5 million Appropriation Referred to Subcommittee at the May 18, 2011 School Committee Meeting. The City of Quincy has appropriated $1.5 million to refurbish Coddington Hall to serve as the Quincy Public Schools administrative offices. Wessling Architects has been chosen to complete the design phase of the project and construction cost estimating is underway as of February 2012.

  3. Houses on Saville Avenue Referred to Subcommittee at the May 18, 2011 School Committee Meeting. Currently home to the School Maintenance and Public Building departments, the School Committee and Superintendent see no future educational uses for these properties.

  4. Outside Lighting Audit Referred to Subcommittee at the February 8, 2012 School Committee Meeting. To address safety concerns, an audit was requested to look for lights that need repair or replacement and locations that would benefit from additional lighting.

  5. President's City Inn Referred to Subcommittee at the October 10, 2012 School Committee Meeting. Safety concerns have been expressed about this property that abuts the new Central Middle School.

Health, Transportation & Safety

  1. School Meal Charges Referred to Subcommittee at the March 21, 2012 School Committee Meeting. New state and federal regulations require formalization of the school meal charges policy.

  2. School Wellness Policy Referred to Subcommittee at the March 21, 2012 School Committee Meeting. New state and federal guidelines will require revision of the existing Wellness Policy.

  3. Science Lab Safety: Referred from the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee at the April 2, 2012 meeting. High School Science labs have been reviewed and needed updates for compliance completed; Middle School Science labs still to be evaluated.

  4. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Referred to Subcommittee at the September 24, 2012 Special School Committee Meeting. Student Support Services working with Lincoln Hancock, Clifford Marshall, and Parker Elementary Schools on piloting this initiative.

School Policy

  1. Graduation Requirements Referred to Subcommittee at the September 7, 2011 School Committee Meeting and discussed at the October 11, 2011 School Policy Subcommittee. The discussion centered around adding a fourth year of Math as a graduation requirement and all agreed to table the issue until more is known about the impact of the new Common Core Standards on the Massachusetts frameworks.

  2. New Educator Evaluations Referred at the September 7, 2011 School Committee Meeting and shared with the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee. Two meetings have already been held to begin exploring the requirements of the new regulations (9/21/11 Ad Hoc Subcommittee meeting and February 13, 2012 Teaching and Learning Subcommittee meeting) and further discussion will be held in Executive Session as it pertains to collective bargaining.

  3. High School Community Service Pilot Referred to Subcommittee at the December 14, 2011 School Committee Meeting. A resolution was introduced proposing a phased-in Community Service requirement and further discussion is needed to create a pilot program for both high schools.

  4. Conflict of Interest: Volunteering, Tutoring, Hiring Referred to Subcommittee at the January 11, 2012 School Committee Meeting. Review and discussion of existing policy requested.

  5. Adding CPR as a Graduation Requirement Referred to Subcommittee at the March 21, 2012 School Committee Meeting. Review and discussion of existing policy requested.

  6. Exempting Student Athletes from Physical Education Requirement Referred at the May 2, 2012 School Committee Meeting. Student athletes who compete in three seasons of athletics with parent permission and maintenance of academic eligibility, would not be required to take Physical Education classes. Review and discussion of existing policy requested.

  7. Adopt a Project Referred at the May 2, 2012 School Committee Meeting. Maintenance department requested a review of the policy and process for project approval.

  8. Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities Referred at the June 13, 2012 School Committee Meeting. Review and discussion of amending the existing policy requested to explore the possibility of raising revenue by accepting advertising sponsorships.

Special Education

  1. Substitute Teachers for SPED Originally referred to Subcommittee at the January 17, 2007 School Committee Meeting. At the Special School Committee Meeting on January 28, 2012 and the Special Education Subcommittee meeting on February 1, 2012, it was agreed that some progress has been made in the way that substitute teachers are informed and educated about accommodations for special needs issues. A form has been developed for classroom teachers to share information and the goal for implementation is the 2012-2013 school year.

  2. Special Education Program Assessment Referred to Subcommittee at the January 28, 2012 Special School Committee Meeting. This will be an ongoing discussion of the curriculum initiatives for Special Education.

Rules, Post Audit & Oversight

Teaching and Learning 

New Educator Evaluations Referred at the September 7, 2011 School Committee Meeting and shared with the School Policy Subcommittee. Two meetings have already been held to begin exploring the requirements of the new regulations (9/21/11 Ad Hoc Subcommittee meeting and February 13, 2012 Teaching and Learning Subcommittee meeting) and further discussion will be held in Executive Session as it pertains to collective bargaining.

Ad Hoc Committees:

Channel 22

Created at the October 27, 2007 School Committee meeting to encourage the greater use of Channel 22 across Quincy Public Schools.

Central Building Committee


Quincy, Massachusetts - October 24, 2012
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Regular Meeting

A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. Present were Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Mayor Thomas Koch, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mr. David McCarthy, and Ms. Barbara Isola, Vice Chair.

Vice-Chair Presiding

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There was a moment of silence for the members of our armed services serving at home and overseas.

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The Superintendent called the roll and all were present. Also present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk; Mr. Draicchio, Mrs. Fredrickson, Mr. Mullaney, Mr. Mulvey, Mrs. Papile, Mr. Rendle, Mrs. Roberts, Ms. Schneller, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr. Shaw, Ms. Todd; Ms. Allison Cox, President, Quincy Education Association; and Mrs. Tracey Christello, Citywide Parents’ Council Representative.

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Regular Meeting Minutes Approved 10/10/12

Mr. McCarthy made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bregoli, to approve the Regular Session minutes for October 10, 2012. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Executive Executive Session Minutes Approved 10/10/12

Mrs. Hubley made a motion, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, to approve the Session minutes for October 10, 2012. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Open Forum

As no one wished to be heard at Open Forum, the School Committee moved to the the next item on the agenda.

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Superintendent’s Report

The Superintendent introduced Acting North Quincy High School Principal Robert Shaw and Foreign Language Department Chair Aliza Schneller who introduced the twenty-four students and teachers visiting from Bourges, France for ten days as part of the exchange program that North Quincy High School has hosted since 2005. The visitors are attending classes along with their host students and visiting local historic sites. Student Luc Bouvier spoke on behalf on the exchange students and Ms. Isola spoke in French welcoming the students.

Nancy Aimola, a Grade 9 student at North Quincy High School, was recognized by the School Committtee for turning an Internet bullying incident into a positive outcome for Boston’s Horace Mann School for the Deaf. Dr. DeCristofaro thanked Nancy and the other students who participated and Ms. Isola spoke of their courage and confidence and their families for supporting them.

After a brief recess, the Superintendent resumed his report by recognizing a longstanding School-Community Business partner, Quincy Medical Center. Chief Operating Officer Susan Takacs spoke of the multiple levels of partnership. In addition to a gift of $5,000, Quincy Medical Center will provide athletic trainers to support high school athletes and share career path information with high school students through classroom lectures and job shadowing opportunities. Quincy Medical Center will also continue the very successful clinical placement program for Patient and Health Care Technology students from Quincy High School. Both Mayor Koch and Superintendent DeCristofaro thanked Ms. Takacs, President and CEO Daniel Knell, and Steward Health Care for enhancing the community connections between the Quincy Medical Center, the City of Quincy, and the Quincy Public Schools. Dr. DeCristofaro introduced Mr. John Fagerlund as a new member of the School~Community Partnership team

The Superintendent continued his report by noting some recent events, including the Mini Grant celebration where $20,000 was awarded to 66 professional staff members to enhance their classrooms; the North Quincy High School ROTC was recognized by US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta for participating in a Leadership Symposium and Academic Bowl in June 2012. Dr. DeCristofaro thanked Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey for awarding Quincy Public Schools a $2,000 School Security Grant. The Montclair Centennial was held on October 20; Dr. DeCristofaro thanked Mrs. Malvesti and the organizing committee for their work in planning the celebration of the school’s history.

Upcoming Quincy Public Schools events include the Fall Gathering at the Tirrell Room on November 14; ‘Tis the Season on December 4 at Quincy High School, and the Special Olympics hosted by the Squantum Elementary School on Friday, October 26 at 9:00 am. A Rachel’s Challenge Community Event, sponsored by Quincy Rotary and the Rural Lodge of Masons, will be held on November 7, 2012 at Quincy High School.

Dr. DeCristofaro announced that Madeline Roy, who has been the Acting Curriculum Coordinator for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 5 and Title I has been appointed to the position, citing her over twenty-five years of experience as a principal, curriculum specialist, gifted and talented coordinator, and educational leader.

Dr. DeCristofaro concluded his report by noting that the representatives from the Quincy Fire Department will be introduced later in the evening.

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New Business

Spring 2012 MCAS Results

The Superintendent introduced Assistant Superintendent Colleen Roberts and Coordinator of Data, Assessment, and Analysis Mary Fredrickson to report on Quincy Public Schools’ results on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System tests for Spring 2012. Mrs. Roberts noted that student achievement is the centerpiece of the Quincy Public Schools’ District Improvement Plan and is supported by the Budget and Grants; System-wide and School-Based Assessment Teams; and the Program Improvement, School Improvement, Professional Development and Technology Plans. The district’s goal of having every student reach proficiency begins in full-day Kindergarten and is first measured by MCAS in Grade 3. The system and site assessment teams, principals, and classroom teachers monitor every student’s progress towards this goal so that out students will receive a competency determination and high school diploma.

Mrs. Fredrickson presented English Language Arts (ELA), Math, and Science aggregate comparisons to the state levels for passing (Advanced/Proficient/Needs Improvement); in all three curriculum areas, Quincy exceeds state levels for Grade 10. For the English Language Learner subgroup, all grade levels are at or above state levels for all three curriculum areas, many exceeding by a large percentage. For Special Education subgroup, scores are consistently below state level, except for Grade 10 ELA and Grade 5 Science; Quincy has been invited to participate in a state-wide Special Education group to study curriculum, assessment, and interventions. The state averages show a decline from Grade 3 to Grade 4 for ELA and a decline from Grade 3 to Grade 4 and Grades 6 to 7 to 8 for Math. Quincy’s performance in these grades mirror this decline.

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s new formula for measuring student progress is achievement plus growth; growth measures students against their statewide academic peers (from the previous year’s MCAS tests), not all students statewide. The range of 40% to 60% is considered typical growth. For ELA, all grades in QPS are within the range, with Grades 4 and 7 slightly above. For Math, Grades 6 and 8 are just below the 40% mark and the remaining grades are within the range. Subgroup growth rates are also available. Students who move from another state, country, or a private school cannot be factored into growth analysis as they do not have previous grade level testing data available.

In February 2012, Massachusetts was granted a waiver from No Child Left Behind that approves a new state-wide goal of reducing the proficiency gap by half by 2016-2017. There are goals for every school and their subgroups; points are awarded for different levels of achievement; total points are divided by the number of students to calculate CPI. Targets are differentiated based on subgroups and requires greater progress for students furthest behind. For example, if a school is currently performing at a 76 CPI and the goal is 100 CPI, the target gap to make up is 12 points before 2016-2017. Every school in Quincy has a different aim line for the aggregate and all of its subgroups. DESE will report annual PPI for district, school, and group progress and a 4-year PPI; recent years will be weighted the highest (40%-30%-20%-10%).

DESE’s Framework for District Accountability and Assistance has five levels from 1 to 5. Levels 1 and 2 are 80% of the schools across the state of Massachusetts, grouped by elementary, middle, and high schools. Levels 3-5 are the lowest 20% of schools. School districts are leveled by the lowest performing schools in their district; Quincy is a Level 3 district. Fifteen schools in Quincy are in Levels 1 or 2; three are in Level 3 (one fewer than in 2011). Level 3 required actions include disaggregating data for all student groups to ensure interventions and supports are appropriately aligned to address needs; review the performance of students with disabilities and consider improvement or capacity-building activities, as appropriate. In addition, schools should use the Conditions for School Effectiveness Self-Assessment to review and revise district and school improvement plans. QPS is focusing on three conditions: Curriculum, Instructional Practices, and Assessment; this will be reflected in School Improvement Plans. Schools are also using online district analysis, review, and assistance tools (DART) and consulting with tge District and School Assistance Center (DSAC). Level 3 districts are given priority for targeted assistance; there will be additional grant funding opportunities.

Quincy Public Schools curriculum initiatives for ELA include the Elementary School Journeys pilot, Orton-Gillingham instruction, supports for intervention for Tiers 2 and 3 students, ELL language development programs in elementary and middie schools, development of formative and summative assessments, utilizing Integrated Learning Teams, Pre-Kindergarten, Full-Day Kindergarten, and Literacy staff. For Math Initiatives, new Elementary School curriculum including Go Math! and OnCore, the Middle School Big Ideas pilot, early interventions including Math Re-Teach and Walk to Math. Staff supports include Math Interventionists, Math Focus Teachers at Grades 3-5 and Highly Qualified Professional Staff in Math for Grades 6-12. Many Professional Development opportunities have been provided staff in the areas of ELA, Math, Science, Wellness, and Assessment. Certain opportunities stand out, including Keys to Literacy, Foundations of Mathematics, Technology training, and the Positive Behavior Incentive System. Upcoming initiatives include ELL (RETELL and WIDA) plus new Educator Evaluations.

Mrs. Roberts then shared the results of the 2012 Graduation Plans survey: 79% are attending 2 or 4-year colleges, 3% are joining the military, 2% have other postsecondary education plans; and 16%’ had plans are unknown.

Ms. Isola thanked Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Fredricksen and opened the floor up for questions. Mr. McCarthy inquired about the date the MCAS test will change to the new Common Core Standards. Mrs. Roberts said that the goal is to move to the Next Generation Assessment (PARCC) in 2014-2015 or this may possibly be delayed a year to 2015-2016. Mr. McCarthy asked about the Special Education institute; Mrs. Roberts clarified that an internal team is meeting once per month and will have a plan to present by the end of the year to School Committee. Mr. McCarthy asked if the required actions for Level 3 schools are the same as in previous years and Mrs. Roberts agreed but that there is more direction from DESE accompanying the required actions. Mr. McCarthy complimented the initiatives and the growth within our own programs and the work across the board to increase student achievement. Mrs. Fredrickson said that the data speaks to the solid foundation provided by teachers across the grades; the Level 10 passing percentages are an indicator of that. Mr. McCarthy agreed that the end result is impressive. Mrs. Roberts complimented the middle school math teachers and their dedication, eight teachers are taking a Friday night and Saturday course at Lesley College over the next four weekends. The Common Core Frameworks are moving to full implementation this year and this is a huge challenge for this incredible professional staff.

Mrs. Lebo complimented the thoroughness of the presentation and thanked the teachers and administrators for their work with students. She asked about the Conditions for School Effectiveness Self-Assessment and whether all schools are using this tool. Mrs. Roberts replied that Level 3 schools are required to use this, but all schools have gone through this process. Mrs. Lebo asked about providing a parent orientation for the extensive Go Math! parent resources and Mrs. Roberts said she has been talking with the publisher’s representative about a November event. Mrs. Lebo asked about graduation follow up and Mrs. Fredrickson said that the Career and Technical Education teachers do active follow up (their own initiative) and there are voluntary post-grad surveys through Naviance. Since these are voluntary, compliance is an ongoing issue.

Mrs. Mahoney talked about the importance of the growth model, but is concerned about the transition to the Common Core standards and the evolution of the MCAS to the next generation of assessments. Mrs. Fredrickson said it is important to note that the MCAS test has been gradually evolving to integrate the Common Core standards and analysis of performance by standard is available. The new Common Core aligned instructional materials emphasize students coming up with the answer rather than multiple choice; these assessments are a measure of whether students can use their acquired knowledge in a new situation. Mrs. Mahoney acknowledged the complication of developing and scheduling Professional Development for teachers at the same time the curriculum and standards are evolving. She also noted that at the Special Education subcommittee, there was discussion about the MCAS Alternative Assessment in reference to portfolio submission and the assessment process statewide; a number of appeals were filed over the summer.

Mayor Koch noted that the MCAS system doesn’t measure the true value of our students, but expects children to fit into categories. Mayor Koch complimented the Superintendent, Principals, and Leadership Team for their resolve in confronting issues and working to find solutions and address each and every child.

Ms. Isola concluded by thanking both Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Fredrickson and announcing that the presentation will be posted on the website under the Parent Links. Ms. Isola asked about a correlation between classroom grades and MCAS scores and questioned whether there instances of students who are high classroom achievers but don’t score well on tests and vice versa. Mrs. Fredrickson noted that DESE is requiring this be reported going forward and that there are new data analysis tools coming that will allow for this type of analysis.

Dr. DeCristofaro concluded the presentation by recognizing this as an opportunity to celebrate achievement while taking in the challenges that the results present. For our teachers and principals, this is a personal matter and scores and achievement are important to them as is the focus on each individual child. Site profiles have been created for each of the elementary schools so they can see the results of their work for last year’s graduating class, the end result being the colleges and universities that these students will be attending.

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Quincy Firefighters’ Gift

Athletic Director Jim Rendle introduced Firefighters Local 792 President Ernie Arienti and Vice-President Paul Moody who presented a check for $7,500 to the Athletic Department to supplement freshman sports and other athletic programs. The donation was the proceeds from their summer golf tournament and is the second year that Athletics has benefitted. Last year's gift funded the hiring of coaches, the purchase of new safety equipment for softball and baseball players, and paid athletic fees for over seventy students. Mayor Koch, School Committee members, and Superintendent DeCristofaro thanked the firefighters for their support and committment to Quincy students and families.

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Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association Presentation

Athletic Director Jim Rendle presented the next item on the agenda, explaining that the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association, a private nonprofit association organized by its member schools to govern, coordinate, and promote education-based programs for high school students. The MIAA is self-regulating with the 373 member schools providing individual leaders to serve within the 35 MIAA governing units. The MIAA pillars of educational athletics include Wellness, Sportsmanship, Coaches’ Education, Community Service, and Leadership. Athletics have traditionally been focused on these topics, leading the way on wellness and nutrition.

The main focus of the MIAA is the pillars of educational athletics, but there are many pages of rules that the MIAA governs, including clearly-defined rules about adult supervision, starting and closing dates, and the length of playing seasons. The MIAA requires adult supervision of teams at all time, it does not sanction “captain’s practices” where there is no adult supervision. In addition, the MIAA is firm about the rule that out of season practice or training may not be required of any student athlete. Out of season sports programs are strictly bound by rules about volume of participation; must be less than 50% of team members. Coaches may offer general counsel about appropriate out of season activities to athletes; provide conditioning programs available to all students and supervised by coaching staff as long as it is under 50% of team participants. Coaches may give private lessons as long as they are open to all students and less than 50% of team members are participants.

In terms of recruitment, there are also clear rules. There is sometimes confusion in the transition from Grade 8 to 9 when then change high schools via Open Enrollment; coaches need to be made aware of these enrollment changes so they aren’t contacting students who are enrolled at the other high school. Penalties are enacted by Enforcement Office, but most times investigated on a local level by the Athletic Director and Principal. In most cases, the Enforcement Officer guides Principal and Athletic Director on the process and penalty. MIAA eligibility standards are mirrored in the QPS policy and Athletic Handbook. In lieu of serving on committees and to honor our commitment to the MIAA, Quincy hosts many events including soccer, softball, baseball, and volleyball games.

A common problem at both high schools is the number of teams vs. the availability of fields proximate to the school. Compromises are negotiated between the coaches and programs and the practice and game schedule is generated by Mr. Rendle and. Keeping in mind the community needs for field access for youth programs, this is a complicated venture. Weather and field conditions are another complicating factor; there is a constant shifting of games and practices.

Ms. Isola thanked Mr. Rendle and opened the floor up to questions. Mrs. Lebo asked about whether the principals participate in the MIAA. Mr. Rendle said they are not required to serve on a committee, but need to participate in votes or designate a staff member to do so. Mrs. Lebo inquired about soccer practices that were scheduled in August. Mr. Rendle clarified that practices are not scheduled out of season through the Athletic Office. The Parks Department manages the field scheduling in the summer; coaches can schedule conditioning but not skillsspecific events. Mrs. Lebo asked for clarification about the MIAA role in regulating out of season practices. Mr. Rendle said that we have had several violations in the last few years and these incidents were addressed and resolved. They were not major violations, but relatively minor technicalities. Mrs. Lebo asked about liability and captain’s practices. Mr. Rendle and Dr. DeCristofaro agreed there should be none since these are not school-sanctioned or scheduled. Mrs. Lebo asked about the Fundamentals of Coaching Course required for new coaches hired after 2007. Mr. Rendle replied that we are not in compliance because of cost issues; three coaches attended last year. Mrs. Lebo asked whether this has to be reported to the MIAA and Mr. Rendle said that we do have to report the percentage of compliance. Mrs. Lebo asked about violation of rules and the possibility of a season-long suspension for a program. Mr. Rendle said that Quincy has never been close to this; the most he has ever seen is a one-game suspension.

Mr. McCarthy inquired about coaches who might work in the Recreation Department summer programs and the 50% candidate rule. Mr. Rendle said that coaches found in non-compliance are given warnings so they can fix the problem. Mr. McCarthy also asked for specifics about whether the infield at the new track will be helpful as an additional playing or practice area. Mr. Rendle is hoping that Cavanaugh will be available for lacrosse once the new track is operational. Mayor Koch clarified that football practice can be held on the field but track usage will preclude its use for lacrosse since the seasons overlap. Mr. McCarthy asked about recruitment and noted that for the freshman and junior varsity teams, many of the coaches are not teachers. Is there anything done in terms of educating these coaches about contact that could constitute recruiting violations? Mr. Rendle said that some basic education is done but this is where the Fundamentals of Coaching course is so valuable. Mr. McCarthy also asked about academic eligibility and Mr. Rendle said that passing four courses is enough to maintain academic eligibility. Mr. McCarthy asked whether we generate any revenue from hosting MIAA events. Mr. Rendle said that most events cover their own costs, but the boosters do benefit from the concession stand saless. The Athletic Department’s main benefit is in maintaining the relationship with the MIAA. Mr. McCarthy thanked Mr. Rendle for his work in managing Athletic Programs for the two high schools.

Mr. Bregoli asked about participation in the MIAA Wellness activities. Mr. Rendle said that funding is an ongoing issue and limits our ability to send athletes and coaches. Mr. Bregoli noted Boston has upgraded their academic eligibility requirements and he would like to discuss this at an upcoming Policy meeting. Mayor Koch respectfully suggested that Mr. Bregoli should not participate in this discussion given his dual roles as coach and School Committee member.

Mrs. Mahoney asked how many coaches have taken the course; Mr. Rendle replied that perhaps 25 out of 95 have taken the course. Coaches hired before 2007 are not required to take the course. Mrs. Mahoney asked about whether School Committee could have information about accreditation: the number of coaches, how many have taken the course. This type of information could inform the budget process – what are some of the needs of the department for professional development going forward. Mrs. Mahoney asked if coaches are in a union; Mr. Rendle clarified that 50% of the coaches are teachers and he isn’t sure if he could force compliance for a coaching matter to a teachers’ union member. Mrs. Mahoney asked about whether MIAA violations are noted by Mr. Rendle in addition to being reported by another sources and Mr. Rendle said that yes, he has found violations in the past. Mrs. Mahoney asked if an issue is recurring, how is it handled. Mr. Rendle said a verbal warning, followed by a written warning, and then a reposting of the position. Mrs. Mahoney asked about the out of season scheduling and Mr. Rendle clarified that he does not schedule any field use out of season. A coach could contact the Parks Department about using a field. The Parks Department issues permits for some fields, mostly to leagues, but it doesn’t issue permits widely. Mayor Koch clarified that the Parks Department issues permits for school athletics, youth organizations, and adult organizations in that order of priority. Permits are not issued for practices, and it is generally known the fields that the two high schools use during the seasons for practicing. Mrs. Mahoney asked about practices and one program usurping another. Mayor Koch said that practices are first come, first serve; there are sometimes conflicts but the Parks Department does not have the capacity to issue permits for practices. Mrs. Mahoney asked if a team can scrimmage against another town or school and if the coach can be present. Mr. Rendle said the coach can be present, but in the stands, not on the field. Mrs. Mahoney asked if they can be on the field as a referee and Mr. Rendle said that he didn’t know the answer but would look into it.

Mrs. Hubley asked if team captains are appointed by the coach and the captains call a practice, wouldn’t that open the system up to liability. Mr. Rendle said these should be conditioning only and not sports-specific and are most often organized by parents, not students. Mrs. Hubley asked if a student is absent from school, are they allowed to play in a game or practice. Mr. Rendle said generally now, with the exception of a doctor’s visit, religious observation, funeral, or college visit.

Mrs. Lebo asked Mr. Mulvey for clarification on a coach scheduling a captains’ practice and our liability. Ms. Isola said that Rule 40.1 is very specific, coaches may not direct students to a field. Mrs. Lebo asked about the recruitment issue, and asked that coaches have updated student rosters before they contact the Grade 9 students. Mrs. Lebo asked if the MIAA would allow us to sponsor the coaching course here and get all QPS coaches covered at once at a lower expense. Mr. Rendle said he would inquire about this.

Mr. McCarthy suggested that given how the MIAA regulations can be interpreted in different ways, are there a list of questions that can be provided to Mr. Rendle for determination. For example, Mrs. Mahoney’s question about whether a coach can referee an off-season game featuring players from their own team. This might be an item to refer to the Budget and Finance Subcommittee for follow up so that the rules are clear. Mr. Rendle said that many times the MIAA wording is vague. Mr. McCarthy said if we compiled a list of questions, it might make the MIAA step up and answer the issues in a clear and precise way. Mrs. Mahoney agreed that it would be helpful to see the MIAA answers in writing. Mrs. Mahoney made a motion to move this issue into the Rules, Post Audit, and Oversight Committee. She noted Mr. Bregoli’s conflict between being a School Committee member and a coach. Mayor Koch, on the motion, noted that Mr. Bregoli worked with the state Ethics Commission on serving in both capacities and at their recommendation, is volunteering as a coach, foregoing the stipend. Mayor Koch expressed frustration on the time spent on this discussion in light of the more important issues before the School Committee. If there was an issue of a violation for any coach, including Mr. Bregoli, it should be resolved between the high school principal, the Athletic Director, and the Superintendent.

Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion. Mrs. Lebo asked for the motion to be repeated. Mrs. Mahoney said that her motion is for the topic of Athletic Rules, both the questions raised for Mr. Rendle’s clarification and the issue brought to School Committee members about Mr. Bregoli’s coaching be moved to the Rules, Post Audit and Oversight Subcommittee. Mrs. Lebo expressed confusion noting that some of the issues raised for Mr. Rendle to clarify are general information, not specific to Mr. Bregoli. Mayor Koch feels that referring the issues to Oversight have a negative connotation; if the School Committee wants to meet in a Subcommittee to discuss the issues raised for Mr. Rendle, he supports that. A member of School Committee has requested that an ethics issue about another School Committee member be moved to Oversight; this is an issue for the Superintendent’s oversight. Mayor Koch reiterated that the State Ethics Commission has already ruled on Mr. Bregoli acting as a coach at the same time as serving as a School Committee member, the two stipulations being that Mr. Bregoli does not accept two salaries and that he may not participate in discussions relating to Athletics, including budget. While noting her discomfort at discussion personnel matters at School Committee, Mrs. Lebo asked if the state Ethics Commission had all of the information necessary to make the decision. Mayor Koch believes they did.

Ms. Isola repeated that there is currently a motion to put the Athletics issue into the Rules, Post Audit, and Oversight Subcommittee on the table. Mrs. Mahoney reviewed the other Subcommittees and that none are a good fit for the issue, so that is why she suggested the placement. Ms. Isola said she thinks there are two issues being conflated: the need for additional discussion about MIAA rules and the personnel matter. Ms. Isola supports further discussion about MIAA rules and rulings in a Subcommittee; the vagueness and conflicting information coming from the MIAA is an area of concern. Ms. Isola is confused about the MIAA’s role and whether they are upholding their own rules.

Mr. McCarthy asked Mrs. Mahoney to retract the motion to move the issue to the Rules, Post Audit, and Oversight Subcommittee and make a motion to create an Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Athletics Rules Subcommittee. Mrs. Mahoney retracted the motion to move the issue to the Rules, Post Audit, and Oversight Subcommittee, and Mr. McCarthy retracted his second of that motion. Mr. McCarthy then made a motion to create an Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Athletics Rules.

On the motion, Mayor Koch said that he supports the motion to create a subcommittee to discuss the MIAA guidelines; he will not support a discussion of -11- October 24, 2012 a personnel issue based upon an email from a person who did not respond to outreach from the Superintendent, high school Principal, and Athletic Director. The discussion of this email at two meetings without being an agenda item or follow up item sets a dangerous precedent. Mr. McCarthy agreed with the Mayor that more discussion is needed for these MIAA rules especially as they apply to other coaches who might be in the same situation concerning summer contact. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion to create the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Athletic Rules. Mrs. Mahoney defended her decision to bring this up since the email referred to a specific game and incident, but it is representative of issues brought up for other sports and coaches.

Mrs. Hubley requested a restatement of the motion. Mr. McCarthy repeated the motion to create an Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Athletic Rules.

On a roll call vote, the motion passed 4-2, with Mr. Bregoli voting PRESENT; Mrs. Hubley and Mayor Koch voted NO.

Ms. Isola will assign a Subcommittee chair and Subcommittee members and notify the School Committee.

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Out-of-State Travel

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the overnight travel of the Atlantic Middle School Grade 8 students to New York City, New York on June 7-8, 2013, Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the overnight travel of the Sterling Middle School Grade 8 students to New York City, New York on June 5-6, 2013, Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the overnight travel of the Quincy High School Electrical Technology and Automotive Students to Mt. Sunapee, New Hampshire on March 8, 2013, Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Additional Business

Mr. McCarthy announced that at the last School Committee meeting, three contracts were approved for the Teamsters’ Bus Drivers, Bus Monitors, and School Security Force units.

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At 10:45 pm, Mr. McCarthy made a motion to continue the School Committee meeting which had now exceeded the time limit. Mrs. Mahoney seconded the motion. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Reports of Subcommittees

Central Building Committee

Mrs. Mahoney reported on the Central Building Committee meeting, which was held on October 15, 2012. The project is on track for the opening of school in September 2013. The building foundation is substantially complete, along with the underground plumbing. The structural steel is complete for the A wing of the building. A technology update was presented; Mrs. Mahoney asked that this be an agenda item for an upcoming School Committee Meeting.

Facilities and Security Subcommittee

Mr. McCarthy reviewed the Facilities and Security Subcommittee meeting that was held on October 16, 2012. Both the Security and Custodial Program Improvement Plans were presented. Mr. McCarthy recognized Security Director Michael Draicchio’s work in increasing the security program and developing relationships with outside agencies. Mr. Kevin Segalla was also recognized for his organization and his development of the multi-town supply purchasing programs. For budget considerations, Mr. McCarthy raised queries about staffing for the new offices at Coddington Hall and the new Central Middle School. After the School Improvement Plans have been presented, the Public Buildings department will receive a list of the requested Maintenance issues and then will be invited to a subsequent Facilities and Security Subcommittee meeting to discuss the progress of the requests. Mr. McCarthy also announced that there will be a Facilities and Security Subcommittee meeting on November 20, 2012 at 4:30 at the NAGE building to discuss the Central Middle School perimeter with the President’s City Inn.

Mr. McCarthy made a motion to approved the minutes from the October 16, 2012 Facilities and Security Subcommittee and the Security and Custodial Program Improvement Plans. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Special Education Subcommittee

Mrs. Mahoney reviewed the Special Education Subcommittee meeting that was held on October 17, 2012. At the meeting, meeting dates and goals for 2012-2013 were reviewed including the goal of the Special Education Subcommittee being to facilitate communication about the implementation of the Special Education Program Improvement Plan by further developing the website to include updated information; monitoring and reporting on progress report distribution; and updating the Special Education Program Booklet. The Special Education Subcommittee will meet on January 16, 2013; March 27, 2013; and May 15, 2013. Ms. Todd, in conjunction with her staff, Mrs. Cunningham, Mr. Kelly, and Mrs. Perkins, then presented the Special Education Program Improvement Plan. In cooperation with the Quincy Parent Advisory Council to Special Education (QPAC), the Transition Manual has been updated and is included as part of the Program Improvement Plan. Ms. Todd reviewed MCAS growth results, noting that the average growth rate is in the 40-60% range. For 2012 ELA, Grade 5, 7, 8, and 10 SPED students were within that range; for 2012 Math, Grades 7 and 10 were within the range. Ms. Todd noted that for Math, the middle school grades continue to be a challenge. Ms. Todd then reviewed the comparisons of Quincy to the rest of the state; by Grade 10, both Math and ELA are almost equal to the state levels. For Science and Technology, Grades 5 and 10 Science are very close to state levels.

For 2012-2013, the Special Education department goals are: (1) During the 2012- 13 school year, the elementary Resource Room teachers will progress monitor monthly, using this data to determine the appropriateness of instruction. (2) The transition team will implement the Transition Resource Guide by November 2012. (Middle School to High School and High School to Adulthood) (3) The Special Education Administration will provide a review of all discipline and ethnicity at the Middle School level and share the findings with the Administration at each school by June. In addition, the other Special Education teams have goals and professional development.

Ms. Todd also presented the final Initial Evaluation Brochure for approval

Mrs. Mahoney made a motion to approved the minutes from the October 17, 2012 Special Education Subcommittee and the Special Education Program Improvement Plan. Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Budget and Finance Subcommittee

Ms. Isola reviewed the Budget and Finance Subcommittee meeting that was held on October 22, 2012. Athletic Director Jim Rendle presented the Athletic Department Program Improvement Plan and reviewed the Athletic Programs goals, noting that they are ongoing from last year’s goals (1) Continue to work with coaches in order to monitor the School Committee Policy of no tolerance in regard to hazing, harassment, and bullying to ensure compliance during the 2012-2013 school year; (2) Continue to work in collaboration with the High School Deans to monitor students who may be at-risk or who have attendance/disciplinary issues during the 2012-2013 school year; and (3) collaborate with the Health, Nutrition, and Wellness Advisory Council to revise the current QPS Wellness Policy to comply with the new state and federal regulations governing nutrition and wellness in schools and to provide guidance and support to individual school wellness teams throughout the school year.

Mr. Jim Mullaney presented the Quarterly Budget Review for the first quarter of FY2013. All line items are within expected ranges for this point in the year; all step and level increases are accounted for, as well as anticipated increases from contract negotiations. For Academic Expenses, Circuit Breaker funding will be increased by $100,000 over what was budgeted. Some expenses, such as supplies and textbooks are frontloaded so between 40% and 50% has already been expended. For Non-Academic Expenses, funding has been encumbered for natural gas and electricity by the issuing of purchase orders. Other lines are on target; the other major account is transportation, the majority of which is Special Education and that spending is on track.

Mr. Mullaney then presented the Professional Staff Reconciliation and noted that he will re-issue the Budget Books so they reflect this information. Adjustments were made to add and remove classroom teachers at the elementary, middle, and high school levels to reflect shifts in student populations, with a net gain of six positions. Additional part-time staff for were placed in Music, ELL, and Guidance and offset by a decrease in the Nursing staff line due to grant funding.

Ms. Isola made a motion to approved the minutes from the October 22, 2012 Budget and Finance Subcommittee and the Athletic Department Program Improvement Plan. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it

Teaching and Learning Subcommittee

Mrs. Lebo reviewed the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee meeting that was held on October 23, 2012. Mr. Keith Segalla presented the Educational Technology Program Improvement Plan, noting that Educational Technology is an integral part of the Quincy Public Schools with the achievement of goals a collaborative effort between the Mayor, the School Committee, City IT and School IT, the District-wide teams Curriculum and Principal Teams, and the schools PTOs to enhance and enrich educational opportunities for all students. The Education Technology program’s goals for 2012-2013 are: (1) Collaborate with the Information Technology Team to research, design, and develop scholastic components of the QPS 2013-2016 Technology Plan, specifically Technology Integration and Literacy, Technology Professional Development, Accessibility of Technology, Virtual Learning and Communications; (2) research educational technology programs across different grade levels in the areas of credit recovery, digital textbooks, digital library programs and continue to support existing instructional technology programs; and (3) research, develop, and recommend to the Superintendent an effective acceptable use policy for all staff and students outlining appropriate behaviors and guidelines for access to educational technology, access to the internet, and access to the QPS technology network.

Ms. Hallet then presented the English Language Learners Program Improvement Plan and noted the many from previous years in terms of new initiatives. As of September 2012, there is an ELL program in every school including both high schools having parallel programmatic access. For the ELL program design, the new framework is called World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) but the number of hours of instruction per day has not changed. New ELL students will be tested using a new tool: WIDA Access Placement Test, since this is aligned to new standards/framework and the new English Language Proficiency test (ACCESS for ELLs) which will be given in January 2013 for the first time.

The goals for 2012-2013 (elementary/middle and middle/high school vertical teams) are: (1) to begin implementation of the newly-adopted WIDA Framework through professional development, training and instructional practice for the purpose of ELL Program curriculum development and alignment and (2) to successfully complete mandatory training of all ELL staff for the January-February 2013 implementation of MA DESE’s new English Language Proficiency assessment, ACCESS for ELLs. Mrs. Lebo asked about the complexity of administering this test, given student population (1300 students) who will be tested by 31 ELL teachers and supplemented by other teachers across the 5-week testing window. Ms. Hallett replied that this test is very challenging to administer systemwide; there are three levels of testing and each ELL student will be assigned to a level and testing scheduled based on that level. Anticipating students who may move in between November and January also part of the planning.

The system-wide ELL team goals are (1) to assist with the introduction and initial implementation of the new English Language Development framework adopted by Massachusetts WIDA in curriculum planning and classroom instruction; and (2) to ensure successful training and certification by January 2013 of ELL and SEI content area teachers who will administer for the first time the Massachusetts English Language proficiency assessment, ACCESS for ELLs. Mrs. Lebo asked about Category training and what will replace this requirement at the state level. RETELL (Rethinking Equity in Teaching ELLs) will be rolled out over the next six years; any teacher who took 2 of 3 Category training will be grandfathered. There will be bridge courses for these professional staff members. Administrators who evaluate ELL teachers will now be required to have this training as well.

Ms. Roy presented the Title I Program Improvement Plan, reviewing the Title I mission to provide increased and improved educational opportunities for students in schools with a high incidence of poverty. Success is measured through student performance on MCAS, literacy assessments, benchmark screenings, family participation, and family and staff surveys. Title I is a federal program, administered by the state through grants to cities and towns; QPS operates a school-wide model rather than targeted assistance so all students and families benefit from the upgrading of the school’s entire instructional program. Early literacy and math are targets for all four of the Title I schools; all instructional materials, assessments, and professional development are evidence-based programs.

Goals for this year include developing a comprehensive program of appropriate and effective services at all levels to address the needs of underperforming students. In addition, the team will continue to review new and existing writing resources and support staff in developing year-end writing benchmarks, a common writing task, and rubric for grades 2-3 in the Title I schools. The Title I team will begin to identify and organize documents required for the Coordinated Program Review. In addition, the HILL for Literacy will provide consultation for ILT facilitators and administrators, and for the Literacy Leadership team, focused on the effective use of the DIBELS Next data to identify and plan for students in need of Tier 2 and 3 support and intensive intervention.

Mrs. Fredrickson presented a brief overview review of the No Child Left Behind Waiver beginning with what was waived: Adequate Yearly Progress, the goal of 100% proficiency, levels based on achievement alone, classification of schools based on one subgroup, school choice, and supplemental education services. The new focus is on School Improvement and a reduction in the proficiency gap by half by 2016-2017. Accountability decisions are calculated for achievement and growth. High schools are also accountable for increasing Cohort Graduation and decreasing Dropout Rates.

The PPI classification is based on all students and high needs (sped services/FLEP/low income); weighted four year analysis. Districts are still classified based upon lowest performing schools. Elementary and Middle schools have 5 indicators (except Marshall and LH, which do not have Grade 5 Science); High Schools have 7 indicators because of the cohort graduation rate and annual dropout rate. Quincy is classified as Level 3, since there are several Level 3 schools. Title I set-asides will be affected since the reserves for Supplemental Education Services and School Choice are no longer needed. This will allow QPS to offer programs to students beyond the four Title I schools.

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to approved the minutes from the October 23, 2012 Teaching and Learning Subcommittee and the Education Technology, English Language Learner, and Title I Program Improvement Plans. Mayor Koch seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it

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Mayor Koch made a motion to adjourn at 11:20 pm. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.