June 15, 2011 School Committee Meeting


Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
June 15, 2011
7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers, City Hall

I. Approval of Minutes: Regular and executive session minutes for May 18, 2011. Special Meeting minutes for June 1, 2011.

II. Superintendent’s Report:

A. Partnership Recognition (Masons and Rotary Club)

B. Graduations and Celebrations

C. Parent Volunteer, School Recognitions

III. Open Forum: (7:15 p.m.) An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public Schools. After giving his or her name and address, each speaker may make a presentation of no more than four minutes to the School Committee.

IV. Old Business

A. Update on building projects, renovations, and construction: Mr. Murphy to report.

B. Update on the New Quincy High School: Mrs. Dwyer to report.

C. Update on Central: Mrs. Bragg and Mrs. Mahoney to report.

D. Career Technical and Vocational Education Policy (Approval): (A) Mr. Segalla and Ms. Scanlan to report.

V. New Business:

A. Quincy Public Schools and Street Works Partnership: Mr. Nick Verenis and Mr. Richard Heapes.

B. Schools and Park Department Partnership: Mrs. Kristen Powers, Director of Park, Forestry and Cemetery

C. Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (PL 111-296) © Mrs. Joanne Morrissey

D. Trip Request - North Quincy ROTC students to Camp Cardigan, New Hampshire. (B)

E. Gift: A 2007 Mercury Grand Marquis donated by Mr. Joseph Saviano to the Career and Technical Education Automotive Technology Program. (D)

VI. Additional Business:

VII. Communications:

VIII. Hearings:

IX. Reports of Special Committees:

A. Budget Subcommittee: Mrs. Mahoney to report.

B. Facilities Subcommittee: Mrs. Dwyer to report.

X. Executive Session:

XI. Adjournment:

Subcommittees of the School Committee

Subcommittee Date Referred Business Pending
Budget & Finance
Mahoney/Bragg/Lebo 10/7/2009 Half Time Teachers
  9/15/2010 Opportunities & Challenges
  9/15/2010 Short & Long Term Goals
School Facilities Management    
Dwyer/Lebo/McCarthy Major Building Projects  
  3/4/98 QHS/Central/Sterling Building Plans
  10/20/2004 ADA Report
  9/7/2005 Alternative Plans for Central Middle School
  2/8/2006 Conservation
  4/9/2008 Track
  5/18/2011 $1.5 Appropriation
  5/18/2011 Future use of houses on Saville Ave.
Health, Safety, Security & Transportation    
McCarthy/Isola/Dwyer 3/17/2010 North Quincy Traffic Intersection
  3/26/2008 Increase School Breakfast Participation
School Policy    
Bragg/Isola/Dwyer 9/15/2010 CPR/ADE Training
  11/17/2010 Polling Places
  1/5/2011 CTE Admissions Policy
  3/23/2011 CTE Program Improvement Plan
Special Education    
Lebo/McCarthy/Mahoney 1/17/2007 Substitute Teachers for SPED
  9/24/2008 INSPIRE Initiative
Rules, Post Audit & Oversight    
Isola/Mahoney/Bragg 10/29/2008 Faxon Field
Channel 22    
Mahoney/McCarthy 10/17/2007 Encourage greater use of



Quincy, Massachusetts - June 15, 2011
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee


A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 in the City Council Chambers. Present were: Mrs. Jo-Ann Bragg, Mr. Dave McCarthy, Mrs. Elaine Dwyer, Ms. Barbara Isola, Mrs. Anne Mahoney and Mayor Thomas P. Koch, Chairman.

Chairman Presiding

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The Superintendent called the roll and Mrs. Lebo was absent. Also present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Mrs. Tefta Burrelli, Clerk; Messrs. Mullaney, Draicchio, and Keith Segalla; Ms. Roberts, Tenaglia, and Todd. Mr. Michael Ellis, QEA; Tracey Christello, Citywide, and Donna Niosi, QHS Student Representative.

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Reg.Mins Approved 5/18/2011

On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, the Committee approved the regular session minutes for May 18, 2011. On a roll call vote, the motion passed 6-0. Mrs. Lebo was absent.

Exec.Session Mins. Approved 5/18/2011

On a motion by Ms. Isola, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, the Committee approved the executive session minutes for May 18, 2011. On a roll call vote, the motion passed 4-2-0. MRS. BRAGG AND MRS. DWYER ABSTAINED and Mrs. Lebo was absent.

Special Mtg. Mins. Approved 6.1.2011

On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Ms. Isola, the Committee approved the Special Meeting minutes for June 1, 2011. The ayes have it.

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Jim Rendle reports

Quincy had a very successful spring season. Quincy High’s softball team, boys’ tennis and boys’ volleyball teams all qualified for the State Tournament. The biggest upset this year was the Girls’ Tennis team with a 20-2 record. They won the Patriot League in Girls’ Tennis. Their coach, Kathy Torraco, was selected as the Boston Globe Coach of the Year for Girls’ Tennis. The Committee presented Ms. Torraco with an Outstanding Achievement Award.

Mr. McCarthy also recognized the Quincy Fire Department for running a golf tournament to subsidize some of our sports.

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Rotary Club Masons Maura Papile reports

The Committee recognized members of the Rotary Club who were present and members of the Masons who were present for their significant contributions to the students of the Quincy Public Schools. The Rotary Club sponsored performances of John Morello at each high school to promote awareness of the issues of substance and peer abuse, Dr. Englander to support and educate parents around the issues of bullying, and they purchased bullying curriculum. The Masons of the Rural Lodge have provided for needy students with holiday dinners and gifts, helped a homeless student get into college for culinary arts, and every year and this year, the Masons have donated Epi-pens to all of our schools. The Rotary Club and the Masons were presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from the School Committee.

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Open Forum

At the open forum, Mr. Bill Zamzow said that in 2010, the School Department the school budget was charged $2.1 million to cover expected severance costs. Later an agreement was reached with the teachers union and the membership agreed to a deferral of their scheduled raise. A reconciliation of the schools actual severance costs would be made and if anything was left over from the $2.1 million, these funds would return back to the school department. It is his understanding that this recon has not yet been done. His questions is why has this recon not been done, when will it be done, if not, why not?

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Bldg. Update Mr. Murphy reports

Maintenance and custodial have received over 2,200 work orders this year. They have a very busy summer ahead. They will be dividing third floor open space at Lincoln Hancock into nine separate classrooms, build a new computer lab, extensive floor work to some schools this summer with new rugs and tiling or hardwood refinishing. Painting is scheduled in 11 schools due to water related damage. Mr. Murphy is working closely with the Public Buildings Department to address 16 schools that have moisture related issues-- some will get new roofs, flashing and some schools will have repointing and/or waterproofing.

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Quincy High School

There was no report for the new Quincy High School.

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Central Middle School Mrs. Bragg reports

A presentation held on May 19 at Central with their PTO. Architects, Ai3 presented the plans for 450 seats in the auditorium with 225 bleachers in in the gym, 8’ Interwrite smart boards, ample storage, sinks, optimized lighting in the building, Co2 sensors and the schools will be designed for 16-20% greater efficiency. There was discussion about the traffic flow and there are discussions going on with Jack Gillan. They are leaning towards the same pattern St. Ann’s had. The AP program as well as all current activities, will be brought over to the new school. The construction should start in December 2011 with hopes of being completed by the spring of 2013. The building will have an elevator; there will be 77 parking spaces, separate bathrooms on each floor. There will be gates in the parking area to keep traffic away when students are outside. Mrs. Lebo arrived at 7:25 p.m.

The team had a conference call with Doug Gutro on June 2. Demolition will begin in September 2011. There will be closed circuit TVs, cameras and Councillor Gutro also talked about public spaces for a Ward 5 community center. The City Council met and voted to approve the bond for this school.

The underground oil tanks have been removed and there is no contamination. The storm water will be contained on site. Any asbestos will be removed. There will be ongoing notification for the neighbors.

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CTE Admissions Policy Approved

On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mrs. Lebo, the Committee approved the CTE VT Admissions Policy as amended. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.

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Mr. Richard Heapes, Cofounder of Street-Works Development, spoke to a new partnership with the Quincy Public Schools. Their aim is to engage as many Quincy families as possible in the redevelopment of the new downtown Quincy Center through active engagement with students at all levels. This will be a four year project to begin in the fall of 2011 and the full program will be in place in 2015. Street-Works will partner with Quincy Public Schools in Broadcasting Technology, Carpentry Arts, Culinary Arts, Electrical Technology, Engineering Technology and Graphic Arts. The potential areas of study are visual arts, history, environmental science, communications, fine arts, business marketing, business finance, political science, general science and architecture/ Planning. The Committee was very thankful for Street-Work’s interest and wished Mr. Heapes success in this endeavor.

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Parks, Forestry & Cemetery Ms. Kristen Powers reports

Ms. Kristen Powers, Director of Park, Forestry and Cemetery, was present to update the Committee on the work the Parks Department does. This department has 22 full time staff. They are responsible for the care and main- tenance of 52 municipal park locations city wide, 20 school grounds, 10 beaches as well as multiple open space areas. This includes outdoor sporting fields, picnic facilities, and 23 children’s tot lots. The Park and Recreation Board of nine members works with the executive director.

The Park Department assumed responsibility of the school grounds in 2000. They undertook grass cutting, weed whacking, tree planting and pruning care of playground equipment as well as permitting of athletic facilities.

Scholastic programs receive top priority from the Park & Recreation board for field permitting as well as for field maintenance and preparations during their season. They also work closely with school principals, staff and PTO leaders.

Mrs. Bragg asked replacing the Tot Lot at Snug Harbor. She asked Ms. Powers to get in touch with Tom Zukauskas who donated the equipment to see if he has the original design plans. She is working with Mr. Murphy on this project.

Mr. McCarthy asked about the following areas:

  1. The grass at the Tot Lot at Snug Harbor on the hill gets overlooked. The grass is always high inside the L-shaped area at Snug Harbor.

  2. Marshall – The top area that is fenced off doesn’t get mowed and is full of mosquitos.

  3. ECC – Use a push mower for the nooks and crannies? Ms. Powers stated that they don’t use push mowers. They do weed whacking. She lost her seasonal help. That was their primary function. The ECC is weed whacked.

  4. Lincoln Hancock - the front on Granite Street, on the right side. There is a lot of rubbish and scrub growing there. Ms. Powers met last week with community policing and a resident. Activities are going on there after hours. She will look at that again.

  5. The houses on Saville Ave. -- Ms. Powers said the lawns were taken care of by Gilbane. They are no longer in the building, and she has made adjustments.

  6. Coddington Hall -- The weeds grow up the side of the building. This needs weed whacking

  7. NQHS – the hills around the front need to be cut. This needs weed whacking.

Ms. Powers said the grass is cut once a week at every school. Bushes are cut twice a year.

Mrs. Mahoney asked about Atlantic Middle School - The shrubs are overgrown and the grass hasn’t been cut and there is no mulch. Ms. Powers said she will look at it.
North Quincy -- the cement bench is all broken. Ms. Powers will check on it with Mr. Murphy.
Squantum playground – the fence has been broken for some time.
QHS - Mulch is needed in the back of the new high school. This is still under warranty. There are a lot of overgrown weeds in the back of Quincy High School.

Mrs. Mahoney asked if there is any money for summer help. The Mayor said there is none.

Mrs. Mahoney asked who would be taking care of the grounds for the new track. When the new track is completed will the fence will be taken off the grass? Mayor Koch said the personnel used on the track and the stadium won’t be the ones that do grass.

Mrs. Mahoney asked Ms. Powers for a schedule as to where they are going to be two weeks before the end of summer. Ms. Powers encouraged the Committee if they have any concern to reach out to her.

The members suggested contests between schools and the Park Department could give plants and mulch. Mrs. Lebo suggested working with Mr. Segalla as he has youth work positions available and to ask principals to encourage students to help out.

Ms. Isola - Beechwood Knoll down Fenno in front of the Day Care, there is a huge bald spot. Ms. Powers said it is a challenge to keep the traffic off the area if they reseed. Also, on the other side where it abuts the marsh, there are mattresses, wood thrown there.

Mrs. Dwyer suggested working with Mr. Welch. Perhaps the councilors could work four days and on the fifth day do a seasonal project. Perhaps we should look back to our custodians and purchase lawn mowers. What is our relationship with the DCR about that property. Around Broad Meadows old trees that have fallen, tar has eroded and the kids use the “dyke” which is unsafe for kids. Ms. Powers told the members to forward specific concerns to her.

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Healthy,Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (PL-111-296) Mrs. Morrissey reports

Mrs. Joanne Morrissey gave a brief summary on the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (PL-111-296) and its impact on the Quincy Public Schools Food Services program. She highlighted policies on meal charges, free potable water, local wellness policy implementation, lunch prices, nutritional standard for all food sold and served in schools, etc.

Ms. Allison Johnson, an intern with Framingham State, has been working on her Masters alongside Ms. Morrissey. This is a new program. Ms. Johnson updated the Committee on her work in Quincy. There will be free breakfast this summer at Snug Harbor, Lincoln Hancock, Parker, Quincy Housing Authority and Ward 2 Community Center from 11-1. The Committee also thanked Mrs. Morrissey for getting a grant of $53,000 for a new boiler at North Quincy High School. Tables at Wollaston school arrived and tables are on order for Beechwood. All schools will have new tables.

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On a motion by Mrs. Dwyer, seconded by Mrs. Lebo, the Committee approved a trip to Camp Cardigan, New Hampshire for the North Quincy ROTC on June 24 to June 27, 2011. The ayes have it.

Gift: CTE Automotive

On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, the Committee accepted a donation of 2007 Mercury Grand Marquis donated by Mr. Joseph Saviano to the Career and Technical Education Automotive Technology Program. The ayes have it.

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Memo of Agreement Paraprofessionals Approved

On a motion by Mrs. Isola, seconded by Mrs. Dwyer, the Committee approved the Memorandum of Agreement with the Quincy Paraprofessional Unit. This agreement is made this 15th. of June, 2011 by and between the authorized representatives of the Quincy School Committee and the Quincy Paraprofessional Unit 888 of SEIU collectively the parties agree to the following: the parties agree that the latest collective bargaining agreement which expired on June 30, 2010 under the same terms and conditions shall remain in full force until a new collective bargaining agreement is reached by the parities. Notwithstanding the aforementioned agreement at no time will the parties enter into an agreement that will result in a contract period in excess of three years. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.

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Community Service

Mrs. Bragg asked the Superintendent to look into other communities that have a community service high school requirement and see how they do it, how do they enforce it, etc. and report back this fall.

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Substitute Teachers in Policy Subcommittee

Mrs. Isola made a motion seconded by Mrs. Lebo, to put substitute teacher evaluations and interviewing of substitute teachers into the Policy Subcommittee for future discussion next school year. The ayes have it.

Policy 2.5.8 in Policy Subcommittee

Mrs. Isola made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Lebo to put Policy 2.5.8 School Committee-Staff Communications into the Policy Subcommittee to see if the Committee wishes to tighten/expand or have discussion about it. The ayes have it.

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Mr. McCarthy speaks comments by Mr. Timmins on Faxon Field

Mr. McCarthy spoke to last week’s City Council meeting and asked that it be on the record:

“When Mr. Timmins came forward and got the City Council to approve the siting of the track at Faxon Field, in doing so, Mr. Timmins brought my name up a few times which was disturbing and some of the facts he brought up and said to the City Council was that the School Committee held a special meeting just to vote the track down. The July 14, 2008 minutes state it was a special meeting for QEA litigation. At the meeting before that, there was a motion to vote down the track and it got tabled. In past practice it comes off the table at the next meeting. That’s what happened. There wasn’t a special meeting, there wasn’t a conspiracy to vote the track down, it was for the QEA litigation.

He also asked us for our vote on this site. He asked us and kept telling us that we had jurisdiction so we voted on the site. I’m disturbed that that vote and the protocol that happened with the School Committee is up in the air right now.

I look at the Stadium tonight and I compare the Stadium with that site down there a lot. It’s a different unique set up where we have jurisdiction and it gets permitted out by the Park and Rec.

He also said I didn’t have any reasons the other night (meritless). I had three good reasons: I’m just talking for Dave McCarthy now.

  1. Cost on an inferior site. By the time we’re done, it will cost three times as much down there.

  2. The wetlands. Another issue which we’ve never had any luck down there. And,

  3.  The kids are all school kids. When Jeff Hennessy has the track club down there, he has 300 kids and no matter what you put up--fence, retaining walls, gates, etc. my biggest reason was safety. Some of those kids will want to go to MacDonalds, DeAngelos and they’re on the other side of Rt. 3A.

It bothered me. We’ve had our times with Jim back and forth on comments and he usually cleans it up but I had reasons, it wasn’t meritless, or a silly item, it’s a valid item. It is a valid concern. The administration asked us for our vote, we gave our vote, the School Committee voted “no” on the site. The vote was circumvented and we’re in this situation right now.

But, I wanted to make sure that the minutes reflect especially that the July 14 meeting was not for a track vote. It was a meeting set for the QEA before the end of the year. I am discouraged with the way that Jim presented it to the Council. I was discouraged with the Council not asking about the vote.”

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Technology Plan Plan approved

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has approved the Technology Long Range Plan through June 2012.

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Facilities Subcommittee Mrs. Dwyer reports

A School Facilities Subcommittee meeting was held on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. in the Superintendent’s Conference Room to review the School Improvement Plans, Maintenance requests and outstanding work orders. Mr. Murphy gave them a handout that told what issues on the School Improvement Plans are still an area of concern. There will be a lot of summer projects. Some of the roof issues will be resolved by the Capital Improvement Plan. Painting will be done as soon as the new roofs are done. There are five schools that are in desperate need of repaving --Merrymount, Snug Harbor, Squantum, Atherton Hough, and Atlantic. However, the Mayor said if he had any money left over he will look into the other schools. He agreed that Squantum and Snug Harbor are in the worst condition.

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Painting Line stays in budget

Mrs. Mahoney made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bragg, to maintain (page 25) the painting line in the budget per the minutes of April 1993. To take that line out, a 2/3 vote of the Committee will be needed. The ayes have it.

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The Committee received the Safety First Newsletter and the mileage for all our school buses from Mike Draicchio.

Thanks to all

The Superintendent thanked all the volunteers in our schools, the principals, etc. for their hard work. Thanks went to the School Committee members for their participation in graduation. Flag Day was a big success. The NAGE gave the schools 22 new flags. Thanks to the School Committee members for attending over 30 subcommittee meetings this past school year.

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The Committee noted the following retirement:

Teacher: Leslie Taylor


The Committee noted the following resignations:

Teachers: John Daley, Sabrina Infante, Susan Ramponi

Leaves of Absence

The Committee noted the following leaves of absence:

Teachers: Kathryn Burns, Jennifer Rosenthal

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On a motion by Mrs. Lebo, seconded by Mrs. Dwyer, the Committee adjourned at 9:10 p.m. for the evening. There was no executive session. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.