Quincy, MASSACHUSETTS – January 25, 2023
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Regular Meeting
Vice-Chair Presiding
A meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in the School Committee Room at the Coddington Building. Superintendent Kevin Mulvey called the roll and present were Mayor Thomas P. Koch, School Committee Chair, and School Committee Members Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Douglas Gutro, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Mrs. Emily Lebo, and Mr. Frank Santoro, Vice Chair. School Committee Member Mrs. Tina Cahill was absent.
Also present were: Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Ms. Rita Barry, Ms. Julie Campbell, Ms. Kim Connolly, Ms. Allison Cox, Ms. Holly Davis, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Ms. Julie Graham, Mr. James Mullaney, Ms. Alyse Olivieri, Ms. Nicole Petrie, Ms. Kimberly Quinn, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
A moment of silence was observed in memory of Claire McGillicuddy, office paraprofessional at Squantum Elementary School for over 25 years.
Mayor Koch asked for prayers for peace, many difficult situations close to home and in the world, particularly in the Ukraine.
Mr. Santoro read the following statement into the record: Pursuant to the Open Meeting Law, any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium. Attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Bregoli made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting for January 11, 2023. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Mr. Gutro made a motion to approve the minutes of the Executive Session for January 11, 2023. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Open Forum
Ms. Owens read a letter submitted by the Citywide Parent Council board supporting the Quincy School Committee continuing to broadcast and livestream Subcommittee meetings.
Superintendent Mulvey recognized the following Quincy Public Schools students. Project 351 Ambassadors for 2023: Broad Meadows: Zeinab Alkinani; Central: Ellie Cordero; Point Webster: Susi Francisco Ribeiro; South~West: Jeinalis Montanez; Atlantic: Grace Warren. Project 351 is a statewide service organization that brings together 8th grade students from every city and town in Massachusetts. For the first time since 2020, on Saturday, January 14, students participated in an in-person Day of Service project at different locations, including Project Bread and Cradles to Crayons.
Congratulations to High School Concert Choir students Mary Doherty, Maya Egan, Matthew Hollatz, Devereux Fuller, Gio Mackenzie, and Lunn Tha, and Band students Yu Fan Mei and Fanny Yang for their participation in the Massachusetts Music Educators Association Eastern District Senior Festival. After undergoing a competitive audition process in November, these students were selected to perform with other top-ranking high school musicians from over thirty school districts in Eastern Massachusetts. The Senior District Festival took place at Boston Latin School on January 6 and 7 and ended with a concert that featured performances from the Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, and Mixed Chorus.
Superintendent Mulvey reviewed recent and upcoming Quincy Public Schools events: Point Webster Middle School held their Multicultural Festival on January 12, with students and families sharing cultural traditions and food from 23 countries. The Quincy Public Schools Winter Recital was held on January 18, featuring students from both high schools in solo and ensemble performances from strings, choir, band, and jazz music students. Upcoming Quincy Public Schools events include: a Parent Academy for parents and guardians of students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 to introduce the new curriculum program Core Knowledge Language Arts on Tuesday, February 7 at 6:00 pm on Google Meet. The link can be found on the Quincy Public Schools website and social media.
The Quincy High School STEM Fair will be held on Tuesday, February 7 and North Quincy High School will host theirs on Thursday, February 9. Members of the community are invited to volunteer as a judge for either or both of the STEM Fair events. Links to sign up are found on the Quincy Public Schools website and social media.
Superintendent Mulvey concluded his report by noting that registration for the 2023-2024 school year is underway for all grade levels. The online links for families to pre-register is posted on the Quincy Public Schools website. Pre-registered families will be contacted by school secretaries and Central Registration beginning in early February to schedule registration appointments.
Old Business
Policy Book Sections
4.3 and 11.7
School Committee
Meeting Calendar
Mr. Bregoli reviewed that proposed revisions to School Committee Policy Book Sections 4.3 Grants, Proposals & Special Projects and 11.7 Public Gifts to Quincy Public Schools were reviewed and approved at the January 9, 2023 Policy Subcommittee meeting. In addition, the 2023-2024 School Committee Meeting calendar was approved. There was no discussion on these items, which are eligible for vote at the February 8, 2023 School Committee Meeting.
New Business
QPS Elementary
Math Interventionists
Mathematics Team Administrator Kimberly Quinn introduced the team of nine Elementary School Math Interventionists: Rita Barry, Mary Byrnes, Julie Campbell, Holly David, Deb McDonald, Christina McNeil, Alyse Olivieri, Nicole Pitre, and Denise Ready. With the addition of three staff positions this year, all elementary schools have part-time Math Intervention support. MAP and MCAS data is reviewed with the Elementary Integrated Learning Teams to identify students in need of math interventions. The Math Interventionists are working with Grades 2, 3, and 4, collaborating with and supporting Math focus teachers. The students in these grades were in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 when the pandemic began in March 2020 and there are demonstrated gaps in foundational skills and fact fluency. Math Interventionists push into classrooms, pull out students for small group instruction, and screen and progress monitor the students they work with. Math Interventionists are piloting screening and diagnostic tools including Math Running Records and the Forefront Universal Screener. In reviewing the early MAP data from the winter administration, all grades are showing growth as indicated by increasing RIT points from fall to winter.
In the push-in model, the classroom teacher and the Math Interventionist both present various aspects of the math lesson and work with small groups of learners. In the small groups, student work targets specific skills to address academic gaps or areas of struggle. Math Interventionists create and plan math tasks to address needs, reinforce strategy implementation, and monitor the students understanding and growth. In the pull-out model, students may come from different homerooms, but have a common skills gap or academic need. The small groups are fluid, and the teacher-student ratio encourages building on successes and confidence.
Mr. Gutro thanked the presenters, the video clips were very instructive for School Committee to see how this works. Mr. Gutro asked if the Math Interventionists work with advanced students, in collaboration with classroom teachers. Ms. Davis said students who can benefit from challenge activities or going deeper into the content are engaged in small groups. Mr. Gutro said that this will assist with students seeing relevance from their learning.
Mrs. Lebo said there are many parallels between this program and the Literacy program, such an important curriculum support. Mrs. Lebo asked about caseload, Ms. Quinn said that there is equitable distribution based on need. Mrs. Lebo said it will be important to expand into Grade 5 and include South~West and Point Webster in future years.
Mr. Bregoli said that the videos showed how engaged the students are in the small groups, they clearly want to be there.
Mayor Koch thanked the teachers, seeing the positive participation of the students is helpful for School Committee.
Mr. Santoro thanked the presenters, such important work they are doing with the students.
New Business
Donations & Grants
Superintendent Mulvey said that the Quincy Rotary Club recently made a donation of $3,400.00 to purchase a copy of the book Mother Bruce by Brian Higgins for each Grade 1 student in Quincy Public Schools.
On the motion, Mrs. Lebo asked and received confirmation that the book had been reviewed and approved by the Curriculum team.
Mr. Bregoli made a motion to accept the donation of $3,400.00 from the Quincy Rotary Club to benefit Quincy Public Schools Grade 1 students. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Superintendent Mulvey said that Quincy Public Schools applied for and was granted $145,500.00 from the Massachusetts Capital Skills Grant program to provide enhancements for Career Technical Vocational Education programs at both high schools.
Mrs. Lebo made a motion to accept the grant of $145,500.00 from the Massachusetts Capital Grant program for the Quincy Public Schools Career Vocational Technical Education programs at both high schools. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Superintendent Mulvey said that Quincy Public Schools applied for and was granted $2,500.00 from Massachusetts State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg’s Office of Consumer Affairs & Business Regulation for the Credit for Life Fair at both high schools.
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to accept the grant of $2,500.00 from the Massachusetts State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg’s Office of Consumer Affairs & Business Regulation for the Quincy Public Schools Credit for Life Fair. Mr. Gutro seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
New Business
Designating School
Committee Members
To Review & Sign
Warrants (VOTE)
Mrs. Lebo said at the recent Massachusetts Association of School Committees Conference this past November, she and Mrs. Hubley attended a workshop on School Committee fiscal responsibilities. Due to recent regulation changes, School Committees must designate a member and an alternate to review and sign the warrants on behalf of the School Committee.
Mrs. Lebo made a motion to designate School Committee Vice Chair Mr. Santoro as the School Committee member to review and sign Warrants and Mr. Bregoli to serve as the alternate to review and sign Warrants if Mr. Santoro is unavailable. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Additional Business
Mr. Gutro asked that the discussion about Subcommittee meetings continuing to be broadcast and livestreamed be added to the next School Committee meeting agenda.
Mr. Santoro noted that Regular School Committee meetings are scheduled for February 8, 2023 and March 8 & 22, 2023 at 6:30 pm at the Coddington Building. Upcoming Subcommittee meetings include the Joint Special Education and Teaching & Learning Subcommittees on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:00 pm, followed by Quarterly Budget & Finance Subcommittee. The Facilities, Transportation & Security Subcommittee meeting scheduled for February 6, 2023 will be rescheduled.
Reports of
Mr. Santoro noted that School Committee and Subcommittee meeting minutes are posted on the School Committee page of the Quincy Public Schools website.
Mr. Santoro reviewed the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee meeting held on January 9, 2023 where Director of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Kim Connolly presented the Quincy Public Schools Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Performance Improvement Plan.
Mr. Bregoli reviewed the Policy Subcommittee meeting held on January 9, 2023 where the items discussed under Old Business were reviewed and approved. In addition, a draft of the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar was shared, but remains in Subcommittee for further revision.
As there were no corrections to the minutes of the January 9, 2023 Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and Policy Subcommittee meetings, the minutes were approved as presented.
Executive Session
Mayor Koch made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of Contract Bargaining at 7:35 pm. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 6-0. Mrs. Cahill was absent.
School Committee will not return from Executive Session.
Since School Committee did not return from Executive Session, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.