Quincy, Massachusetts - June 20, 2007
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Regular Meeting
A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday,
June 20, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall. Present
were Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mr. Kevin Mulvey, Ms. Linda Stice, Mr. Jim
Timmins, Mr. Dave McCarthy, Mayor Phelan and Ms. Elaine Dwyer, Vice,
Vice Chairman Presiding
The Superintendent called the roll and all members were present. Also present
were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary, and Mrs. Tefta Burrelli, Clerk; Drs.
Mariano and Pattavina. Messrs. O’Brien, Ryan, Walsh, McPhee, Keith Segalla,
and Canavan, Ms. Powell, Lebo, Hughes, and Roberts.
Reg & Exec. Mins. Approved 6/6/2007/Emer. & Exec. Mins. Approved 6/12/2007
On a motion by Mr. McCarthy, seconded by Mr. Timmins, the Committee
approved the regular and executive session minutes for June 6, 2007. The
ayes have it. On a motion by Ms. Stice, seconded by Mr. Mulvey, the
Committee approved the emergency and executive session meeting minutes
for the June 12, 2007. The ayes have it.
Supts. Report
Dr. DeCristofaro reported that 94-95% high school students were present
for final exams, and 80% to low 90% of our students were present in
school this week.
Staff Recognition
The Committee recognized the three retiring principals who were present--
Dennis Carini, Principal of the Amelio Della Chiesa Early Childhood Ctr.
and Lincoln Hancock Community Schools, Mr. Kevin Mark, principal of
Montclair and Mr. Louis Ioanilli, Principal of North Quincy High School.
Principal Appointments
Also present were the appointees--Ruth Witmer for Amelio Della Chiesa Early
Childhood Ctr. and Lincoln Hancock Community Schools, Renee Lalumiere
for the Montclair School, and Earl Metzler for North Quincy High School.
The Committee thanked the retiring principals for their dedication and
commitment and their years of hard work and congratulated the newly
elected principals and wished them well in their new positions.
The Committee thanked the S.L.T. members for the gift of appreciation
they received.
The Superintendent thanked the City Council for passing the FY08 School
Budget and the Mayor for the 7% increase in the budget. This will allow
us to increase our after school opportunities and to increase supplies,
purchase new text book at every level, continue full day Kindergarten,
literacy and at-risk students and to build a new high school.
There was a brief recess at 7:35 p.m. The meting resumed at 7:40 p.m.
Open Forum
As no one wished to speak at the Open Forum, the Committee went on
with the business at hand.
Buildings & Grounds
Mr. Canavan reported that the Maintenance Department moved the
Administrative offices from the old Quincy High School to the NAGE
Building. They set up and broke down the graduation equipment at
Adams Field. They are lining up projects for summer.
Mike Ryan reported that Woodward Ave. will be closed off on June 25.
A public hearing was held on June 14 with some School Committee
members, Councilor Gutro and Kelly and the residents of the area.
SMMA, Rishman and Rizo were also present. They shared information
on traffic, point of contacts, community service information, and site
safety. The neighbors requested that there be increased traffic patrols.
Mr. Ryan showed on a map the area where the fencing will go. The
Maintenance Office will be moving to one of the houses and the
architects, Project Manager will be housed in the other house. The
field in back will be used by construction people. Mr. Ryan also showed
a rendering of the new high school. It has been decided that the brick
will be red and not yellow.
Mr. McCarthy arrives at 7:48 p.m.
We are on schedule with the budget and moving forward. We should
have all the permits this week. The Mayor told the Committee that
we received the project funding from the state all signed. He thanked
Katherine Cravens and Treasurer Cahill.
Gift -Homeless Children
On a motion by Ms. Stice, seconded by Mr. Mulvey, the Committee accepted
a gift of $163.55 donated by the Sunday School children of Faith Lutheran
Church to benefit Quincy Public Schools “Project Access: Educational
Services to Homeless Children.” The ayes have it.
Gift - QPS
On a motion by Mr. Timmins, seconded by Ms. Stice, the Committee
accepted a donation of 80 fiction and on-fiction books for our elementary
schools by Mr. Robert Kachinsky and his family and friends. The ayes
have it.
Technology Update
Mr. Rich O’Brien showed the Committee the updates made to the Quincy
Public Schools Web Page. Some of the new additions are: SPED now has
a page, the School Committee calendar, Team meetings are listed, MCAS
schedule, lunch schedules, early release days, Career and Ed Center (a resource
for seniors looking at career planning), FASA forms, and school starting times.
The webpage is quite comprehensive.
Other sites they will be added are: a parent section, QPAC located under
the parent section, ways to contact staff, staff academy, and a number of forms that
staff may use, Principals’ assistance area, forms for principals which are filled
out every year, a template for SIP and there is an issue training package which
we purchased. This will be used to train staff. It is web-based. Each school
has its own site. Personnel advertising is handled by Mr. Walsh. This was
requested last year.
There is a section for the new Quincy High School which show two presentations
given to us by SMMA. Mr. Ryan will work with the Superintendent and Mr. Ryan
to post updates, notes.
The Committee was very pleased with the web site. Mr. Timmins was very happy
with the SPED page. He didn’t feel that the school websites were keeping pace.
Some schools are more involved. Their teachers are proactive. Mr. O’Brien will
work with the schools.
Staff Recognition
Ms. Stice thanked the three people that work in the Production Department -- Karl
Schwendenman, Marie Cunniff and Cathy Cashman. Three dedicated
staff who do quality work. Thanks also do Brian Smith for the work he did at the
Teen Mothers’ Graduation. He and Dr. Mariano put together a wonderful slide
show. Also, Ms. Stice visited the Early Childhood Center three intensive Sped
class for three year olds. This was the happiest place. Ms. Stice took off the
School Policy Subcommittee Dress Code and Elementary Report Cards.
The Mayor congratulated the Superintendent and his staff for one of the most
product years.
Ms. Stice is working on a draft policy for bullying. It is not ready to present as
yet, it requires more input.
Mrs. Dwyer asked the committee to look at what’s in their subcommittees
and clean them up.
The Committee noted the following resignations:
Teacher: Athenia Elie
Lunch Attendants: Helen Layden, Darlene Bergstrom
On a motion by Mr. Timmins, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, the Committee
adjourned for the evening at 8:37 p.m. There was no executive session. On a
roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.