Quincy School Committee
Facilities & Security Subcommittee Meeting
May 8, 2017
A meeting of the Facilities & Security Subcommittee was held on Monday, May 8, 2017 at 5:00 pm in
the Coddington Building. Present were Mayor Thomas P. Koch, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Ms. Barbara Isola,
Mrs. Emily Lebo, and Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Chair. Also attending were Superintendent DeCristofaro,
Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Mr. Gary Cunniff, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Mr. Walter
MacDonald, Mrs. Maura Papile, Mr. David Scott, Mr. Kevin Segalla; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
Mrs. Hubley called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm and introduced Public Buildings Director Walter
MacDonald who reviewed the upcoming MSBA Accelerated Repair Program Boiler Replacement
projects scheduled for completion this summer at Atherton Hough, Merrymount, Beechwood Knoll,
and Wollaston Elementary Schools. The project OPM is Hill International and the project engineers
are Architectural Engineers. Amante & Sons Mechanical Contractors was the successful bidder for all
four projects, and specialize in college, university, and school projects.
Shop drawings are being completed, equipment is being ordered; work will begin at all sites once
school is dismissed for the summer. In order to facilitate the project none of the schools involved will
have summer programming. The project scope calls for a complete overhaul of the boiler room at
each school, including pipes, pumps, condensers, lighting, and painting. The projects are 67%
reimbursable through the MSBA.
At Atherton Hough, the 1949 boiler will be replaced; a new water heater, new lighting, new pipes,
and a new emergency generator will be installed. All asbestos will be abated in the boiler room. All
lead paint will be removed and the room will be repainted.
Beechwood Knoll has hot water boilers and the entire set of seven will be replaced. These will be
replaced with high-efficiency gas-fired system, new piping, insulation, pumps, and a new building
management system (controls and alarms), a new water heater, air compressor, and repainting of the
mechanical room. No asbestos abatement is needed for this building.
At Merrymount, the 1950 boiler will be replaced. Asbestos will be abated in mechanical room, new
heat exchanger and pumps, new air compressor, new pipes installed, and the room will be repainted.
The empty oil tank will be removed and that room converted to storage. Merrymount will also
receive ADA upgrades due to the value of the project: the handicap parking area and the 1st floor
accessible bathrooms will be upgraded to meet current codes. An accessible drinking fountain will
also be installed.
At Wollaston, the 1949 boiler will be replaced, and a new combustion air system, air compressor,
condensate pumps and tanks will be installed, and the boiler room will be painted. There will be abatement of asbestos. ADA compliance upgrades including complete gut renovation of both
basement restrooms will be completed.
The goal for the ADA work is to be completed well before the start of the new school year.
Substantial completion for the boiler projects is the end of September. Closeout and commissioning
will continue through to October.
Mrs. Lebo asked if all new boilers are gas-fired and they are. At Atherton Hough, the empty oil tank
will not be removed at this time. Mr. MacDonald said the oil tank at Atherton Hough will remain on
the radar for eventual removal.
Mrs. Lebo asked about ADA compliance in Wollaston where there is no elevator. Since the project
cost is over $500,000, but less than 30% of the value of the building, one accessible entrance,
restroom, and drinking fountain are the base level for ADA compliance.
Mayor Koch asked about the asbestos in the boiler rooms, Mr. MacDonald said that a certified
asbestos removal service will be used. Air quality is monitored by an industrial engineer. School will
not be in session and no staff will be allowed in the building during the abatement phase at the three
Mayor Koch asked about estimates for energy efficiency. Efficiency improvements will be around 5%
for the three schools with steam systems. Beechwood Knoll can expect 20-30% savings.
Mrs. Lebo asked about the life expectancy of new boilers. Mr. MacDonald said these are cast-iron
sectionals and can last 25-30 years.
Dr. DeCristofaro asked about the ease of usage for the custodial staff. Mr. Scott said the other three
schools will have similar operations to their current systems. Beechwood Knoll’s new system will be
similar to what was recently installed at Bernazzani; some training will be required for custodial staff.
Ms. Isola made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:25 pm. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and
on a voice vote, the ayes have it.