March 11, 2009 School Committee Meeting


Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
March 11, 2009

7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers

I. Approval of Minutes: Regular Session Minutes for February 11, 2009.

II. Superintendent’s Report:

A. Elementary Band Students, Student Violinist and Music Notes Newsletter

B. Credit Fair for Life (March 20) QHS/NQH Students

C. Opening Ceremony, QHS Science, Mathematics and Technology Academy

D. Junior Heroes Awards

E. Quincy School Community Partnership, March 20 Stayin’ Alive & Abbamania

F. Read Across America

G. Beyond the School Day Highlights

H. Middle School Interim Letters

III. Open Forum: An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public Schools. After giving his or her name and address, each speaker may make a presentation of no more than four minutes to the School Committee.

IV. Old Business

A. Update on building projects, renovations, and construction: Mr. Murphy to report.

B. Update on the New Quincy High School: Mrs. Dwyer to report.

C. Update on Central: Mrs. Bragg and Mrs. Mahoney to report.

D. 2009-2010 School Calendar (Draft #2):

V.  New Business:

A. Quincy Public Schools Nursing Team: Mrs. Powell to report.

B. Quincy Public Schools District Improvement Plan – Management and Budget Process. Dr. DeCristofaro to report.

C. 2009-2010 School Committee Calendar: See Attachment A.

D. Gift: A gift of $500.00 from the Quincy Point Congregational Church for services to the homeless. See Attachment B.

VI. Additional Business:

VII. Communications:

VIII. Hearings: - none

IX. Reports of Special Committees:

X Executive Session:

XI. Adjournment:

Subcommittees of the School Committee

Subcommittee Date Referred Business Pending
Budget & Finance
Mariano/Bragg/McCarthy 4/11/2007 HS Health Curriculum
  3/29/2008 Bus Rental Fees
  3/29/2008 Building Rental Fees
  9/10/2008 Revolving Funds 5-yrs. History
  1/21/2009 GIC
School Facilities Management    
Dwyer/Mahoney/Mariano Major Building Projects  
  3/4/98 QHS/Central/Sterling Building Plans
  10/20/2004 ADA Report
  9/7/2005 Alternative Plans for Central Middle School
  2/8/2006 Conservation
  4/9/2008 11.6 School Facility Policy
  4/9/2008 Track
  9/10/2008 NQHS gym floor named
Health, Safety & Security    
Puleo/Mahoney/McCarthy 10/18/2006 NQHS Traffic & Drop off
  4/11/2007 HS Health Curriculum
  3/26/2008 Increase School Breakfast Participation
School Policy    
Bragg/Dwyer/McCarthy 1/10/2001 Policy Manual
  2/6/2008 Voting Places
  3/12/2008 Teacher Evaluations
  9/10/2008 Grade Configurations
  9/24/2008 Warrants
  9/24/2008 Quill Program
  11/12/2008 Title I Supplement Policy
  1/21/2009 Recess
Special Education    
Mahoney/McCarthy/Mariano 1/17/2007 Emergency Information Form
  1/17/2007 Substitute Teachers for SPED
  3/21/2007 Implementation of IEPs
  9/24/2008 INSPIRE Initiative
Rules, Post Audit & Oversight    
Dwyer/Puleo/Bragg 10/29/2008 Faxon Field
Channel 22    
Mahoney/McCarthy 10/17/2007 Encourage greater use of



Quincy, Massachusetts - March 11, 2009
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Regular Meeting

A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall. Present were Mrs. Jo-Ann Bragg, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mrs. Elaine Dwyer, Mr. Nicholas Puleo, and Mr. Dave McCarthy, Vice Chairman.

Vice Chairman Presiding

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The Superintendent called the roll and Mr. Mariano and Mayor Koch were absent. Also present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Mrs. Tefta Burrelli, Clerk; Messrs. Mullaney, Mulvey, Draicchio, Keith Segalla, Ms. Roberts and Hughes, and Dr. Sylvia Pattavina. Ms. Tracey Christello, Citywide and Mr. Paul Phillips, QEA.

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Reg. Mins.Approved 2/11/2009

On a motion by Mr. Puleo, seconded by Mrs. Dwyer, the Committee approved the regular session minutes for February 11, 2009. The ayes have it.

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Supt’s Report Music Program

Ms. Tracey O’Sullivan introduced the Montclair Band Members conducted by Stephanie Enzmann. They played several selections for the members. Also present was eighth grader, Amanda Lee, who played a selection on the violin. Ms. O’Sullivan told the members that the student bands have increased in number. The Montclair Band alone has 40 students. Ms. O’Sullivan passed out copies of the Music Notes Newsletters. The members were very happy with the success of the music program.

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Upcoming Events

On March 20, the Business Ed Team will hold the first Credit Fair for Life. This program will instruct students how to use credit appropriately. Treasurer, Tim Cahill, will be present.

Staying Alive and Abammania will be held on April 3 at the Marriott Quincy. The doors open at 7:00 p.m.

The Robotics team placed 7th.out of 53 teams. They will go to Phoenix for another competition.

The Partnership Breakfast will be held on Thursday, April 7 to thank our partners for their service to our students.

The Superintendent thanked everyone for participating in Reading Across America. School Committee members, staff, retirees, parents all went in a read to students.

The Committee received literature for Winter Institute, and Jr. Heroes sponsored by Kiwanis.

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Open Forum

At the Open Forum, Ms. Laura Innis, asked if the children could be involved in a contest to design the cover of Quincy’s beach guide. She is on the Beach Committee for Quincy.

Mr. Paul Phillips, QEA President, spoke to the GIC figures that were just announced. He told the members that participants will receive a big savings by joining the GIC. However, he said there could be a change in co-payments.

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Bldg. Update

Mr. Kevin Murphy thanked the Maintenance Department, the Custodial Department and Mr. Lou Ioanilli for the success of the move to the new high school. Everything has been moved out of the old CTE. The PA System at Atlantic is completed, and Wood Shop at Broad Meadows is finished. Maintenance is working on a new computer lab at Squantum, and the Maintenance staff is doing a wonderful job finishing the auditorium at Sterling. At Coddington, they are working on a computer lab.

The Superintendent is planning a report on Honeywell for the next meeting.

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School Nurses Update Mrs. Kisieluis reports

Ms. Jane Kisieluis and three school nurses, Rita Bailey, Emily O’Connell and Kristin Houlihan gave an in-depth review of what our school nurses do. School nursing is an essential link to learning. It is a specialized practice of professional nursing that advances the well being, academic success, and life-long achievement of students. School nurses facilitate positive student responses to normal development, promote health and safety, intervene with actual and potential health problems, provide case management services, and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptations, self management, self advocacy and learning. Their purpose is to enhance the educational process by the modification or removal of health-related barriers to learning and promoting a level of wellness. Quincy has 21 full time nurses, four part time nurses, four paraprofessionals and a Coordinator of Health Services. The nurses provide state mandated screenings for vision, hearing, scoliosis, height/weight/body mass index. They maintain individual student health records, computerized record SNAP, maintain a daily log of all student visits, and the ESHA Grant monthly/annual reporting on health office activity. The nurses were very happy with the SNAP program, a computerized record keeping program which follows the student all the way through high school. The nurses also go into the classroom to teach hygiene, hand washing, growth and development, tobacco cessation. Every school in Quincy has a nurse and the high schools each have two nurses. The Committee thanked the all the nurses for the extraordinary work that they do every day for the staff and students.

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QHS Bldg. Committee Mrs. Dwyer reports

Mrs. Dwyer reported that the Quincy High School ribbon cutting ceremony on February 22 went well. Over 100 people came to the open house. There were tours of the building. Mr. Jim Driscoll from Gilbane was present to give an update of the progress. Gilbane turned over the building to the School Department on March 23. People are now working inside the old CTE pulling asbestos, etc. Demolition will begin soon. The bridge came down over the weekend. The site has been secured and a fence installed around the marsh. The parking lot has been upgraded. The demolition will begin at the Coddington side and work forward. The demolition should be done by the middle of April

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Central Bldg. Committee Mrs. Bragg reports

Mrs. Bragg reported that the Central Building Committee received nine bids for Project Manager. They narrowed it down to four companies. After interviews, they narrowed the field to two. Of the top two companies both were highly praised by the person contacted for references. The Central Building Committee voted to hire Tishman Construction as the Owners Project Manager.

Vote to approve Tishman Construction OPM

On a motion by Mrs. Bragg and Mrs. Mahoney, the City of Quincy School Committee, having received regular updates regarding the Central Middle School Building Committee’s activities – specifically, its process for the selection of an Owner’s Project Manager; and having heard from the committee that following its process, it has selected Tishman Construction of Boston as its choice to serve as the OPM for the Central Middle School Project, hereby votes to endorse the Central Middle School Building Committees’ process and selection of Tishman Construction as Owner’s Project Manager. On a roll call vote, the motion passed 5-0. Mr. Mariano and Mayor Koch were absent.

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2009/2010 School Calendar Approved

On a motion by Mr. Puleo, seconded by Mrs. Dwyer, the Committee approved the second draft of the School Calendar for 2009-2010. This calendar has the first day of school for teachers as Tuesday, September 1, 2009 and the students returning to school on Wednesday, September 2, 2009. This is a change from the usual opening day of school. The ayes have it.

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SC Calendar Approved

On a motion by Mrs. Dwyer, seconded by Mrs. Mahoney, the Committee approved the School Committee calendar for 2009-2010. The ayes have it.

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District Improvement Plan

At this time, Superintendent DeCristofaro reviewed for the Committee the District Improvement Plan – Goal Setting, Site Assessment Professional Development Plan, Team Goals, Technology Plan and the Budget Building. An overhead showed the student demographics, Quincy has 31 different languages within the school system, there are 472 classrooms teachers, student enrollment for the last eight years. He reviewed the academic programs, academic support, those programs funded by grants, the non- academic support, the subsidized services, i.e. food services, building rentals, athletics, and transportation. He presented the next steps – Federal/state grant funding allocation notice, state educational funding, FY10 City Budget allocation, ARRA, SLT Budget Overview, School Committee Budget, subcommittee meetings, public hearings, School Committee meetings and City Council presentation.

Principals’ Letter

Then, the Superintendent then read into the record, the following letters:

Dear Mayor Koch and Members of the School Committee:

As Principals in the Quincy Public Schools, we are fully dedicated to the children and young adults of Quincy.

Our professionalism and much of our personal lives are focused directly on the success and Total well-being of our students, as well as the instructional leadership we provide in this fine school system.

We realize that this upcoming year presents a major financial Hardship to this city and, most importantly, to the students, staff and families we are so very proud to represent. With this clear understanding, we will not be requesting or bargaining with the Superintendent of Schools for a wage increase in the 2009-2010 school year.

We do not take these actions lightly. However, we realize our professional and personal dedication to Quincy and its children is our first priority.

Signed, the Principals of the Quincy Public Schools

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Supt. Leadership Team Letter

Dear Mayor Koch and Members of the School Committee:

As the Superintendent’s Leadership Team and Academic Support staff of the Quincy Public Schools, we work professionally and tirelessly in support of the many unique areas in the school system. The dedication, emphasis, and professionalism of our work are focused directly upon the well-being and security of the children, young adults, and families in Quincy.

We understand this upcoming year will be a particularly difficult budget situation for our school system. It is with that understanding that those of us in a contractual negotiating position for next year will be freezing our salaries. Those of us with a contra t for next year that reflects a salary increase will defer that in crease until the 2010-2011 school year.

We d o not take these actions lightly. However, we realize our professional and personal dedication to Quincy and its children is our first priority.

Quincy Public Schools Administration.

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Gifts: Point Congregational Church

On a motion by Mrs. Dwyer, seconded by Mrs. Bragg, the Committee accepted a gift of $500 donated by the Quincy Point Congregational Church for services to homeless students. The ayes have it.

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5th. Grade LH students to Sterling

Mrs. Bragg made a motion, seconded by Mr. Puleo to accepted the Superintendent’s recommendation to move the Lincoln Hancock fifth grade to Sterling Middle School effective September 2009. On a roll call vote, the motion passed 5-0. Mr. Mariano and Mayor Koch were absent.

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Naming of QPS bldgs. etc. to Policy Sub.

Mrs. Bragg moved into Policy subcommittee the issue of naming any Quincy Public School building or any other items under the jurisdiction of the School Committee.

With regard to the two letters read by the Superintendent, Mrs. Bragg said it shows great leadership in a difficult time, and she commended all of the leadership staff and the Superintendent for offering to do that. Mrs. Mahoney also praised the Superintendent’s team and the principals for willing to step up and consider the kids.

Communications Special Ed Events

Mrs. Mahoney announced the following Special Education events:

March 14 Arts & Crafts Club at Ward 4 1:30-2:30 p.m.

March 17 Monthly General Meeting at BM 7-9:00 p.m.

March 24 Parents Empowerment Support Group Ward 4 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

March 25 SPED Subcommittee Meeting 7-9:00 p.m.

March 28 SPED Resource Fair at NQHS 1-4:00 p.m.

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The Committee noted the following retirements:

Teachers: Anne Lyons, Denise Dalton-Martell, Phyllis Reynolds

ROTC Instructor: Major William Zinnel


The Committee noted the following resignations:

Teachers: Cristina Bucitelli,  Jason Ryan


The Committee noted the following appointments:

Teachers: Justine Messmer, Gregory Elsden

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On a motion by Mrs. Bragg, seconded by Mr. Puleo the Committee adjourned for the evening at 9:14 p.m. There was no executive session. On a roll call vote, the motion passed 5-0. Mr. Mariano and Mayor Koch were absent.