Quincy, MASSACHUSETTS – December 8, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Regular Meeting
Chair Presiding
A meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at the Coddington Building. Superintendent Kevin Mulvey called the roll and present were Mayor Thomas P. Koch, School Committee Chair, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mrs. Courtney Perdios, Mr. Frank Santoro, and Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Vice Chair.
Also present were: Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Ms. Marianne Collins, Ms. Allison Cox, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Ms. Julie Graham, Ms. Rebecca Mcinnis, Mr. Craig Moore, Mr. James Mullaney, Ms. Maura Papile, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
School Committee observed a moment of silence for the men and women serving in the armed services overseas and at home.
Approval of Minutes
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting and Executive Session for November 10, 2021. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to approve the Special Meeting minutes for December 1, 2021. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Open Forum
There were five letters submitted for Open Forum: (1) Gertrude Macdonald wrote in support of opening School Committee meetings to the public and for School Committee to respond to the concerns of students and parents by hiring a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator. (2) Kathy Hogan wrote to suggest that after the DeCristofaro Learning Center building is completed, the Della Chiesa Early Childhood Center be converted to a school featuring a physics-based curriculum. (3) Jim Jaehnig wrote to express concerns about School Committee member Paul Bregoli coaching the North Quincy High School Girls Basketball team. (4) Gail and Victor Sanchez wrote to express concerns about establishing a Health Screenings Policy specifically to address student privacy and the supervision of student nurses. (5) The Citywide Parent Council EDI Subcommittee wrote to share suggested action steps to bring EDI in the climate and culture of Quincy Public Schools.
Mayor Koch’s deferred the Chairman’s Review as there is a lengthy agenda this evening.
The Quincy Public Schools enrollment is 9,767 for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12, an increase of 56 students since November 10 School Committee Meeting.
For COVID-19 statistics, there were 84 student and 10 staff cases in the two weeks ending December 7. Over 2,100 staff and students are participating in pooled testing. There were 261 close contacts: 185 Test & Stay; 38 quarantined; 38 vaccinated/exempt from testing or quarantine with no symptoms.
Current QPS school vaccination rates: Atlantic 52.3%; Broad Meadows 36.6%; Central 52.9%; Point Webster 26.9%; South~West 26.0%; North Quincy High School 75.6%; Quincy High School 64.0%. Elementary schools range from 1-5% of the student population fully vaccinated, but it has only been a month since the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 5-11. Vaccination rates will be updated at the next School Committee meeting.
Mr. Bregoli asked for clarification about the DESE mask requirement. Superintendent Mulvey said the current mandate expires January 15, but is likely to be extended
Superintendent Mulvey reviewed the ‘Tis the Season event held on December 2, where over 500 guests enjoyed an evening of holiday music featuring the Quincy Symphony Orchestra, the Quincy Public Schools Combined High School Choral Group, Music Teachers, and student members of the John & Abigail Adams Orchestra
Mr. Santoro thanked the QHS Culinary staff for the dinner served prior to the show.
Superintendent Mulvey said that 1,136 Chromebooks were delivered to the Coddington Building this week, the first of three shipments for Grades 3-5 students. Grade 5 Chromebooks will be distributed to schools before the holiday break.
Quincy High School Culinary Arts Teacher & Volleyball Coach Jacqui Niosi was recently named as the Volleyball Coach of the Year for 2020-2021 by the MIAA. Jacqui coaches both the Girls and Boys Volleyball teams at Quincy High School and the Girls Volleyball team has finished in 1st place of the Patriot League Fisher Division for the last four years.
Mrs. Lebo congratulated Coach Niosi, a Quincy High School graduate and Volleyball team member during her high school years, who went on to play at the college level.
Old Business
Mr. Bregoli reviewed that School Committee Policy 10.5.3 CVTE Admissions Policy is on the agenda for discussion. Mrs. Lebo asked about the changes requested, Ms. Owens said a new version of the draft Policy will be provided prior to the January 19, 2022 meeting where the Policy is eligible for vote.
New Business
CVTE Program
Improvement Plan
Executive Director of Career, Vocational & Technical Education Keith Segalla, CVTE Department Chairs Marianne Collins (NQHS) and Rebecca McInnis (QHS) presented the Career Vocational & Technical Education Program Improvement Plan. Mr. Segalla shared the program mission, the current enrollment of 1,554 students (including Freshman Seminar) at both high schools, and other performance level data, including four-year graduation rate (exceeded), post-secondary placement (slightly below target), non-traditional program enrollment (below target by 4%), and participated in work-based learning (exceeded by 11% with 94.9% of students participating.)
CVTE Goals for the 2021-2022 school year are: (1) to support our high school’s School Improvement Plan Goal for Social-Emotional Learning, the CTE Team will educate and implement a variety of Character Development Strategies, including Empathy, Ethics, and Growth Mindset into the CVTE curriculum; (2) to increase non-traditional pathway opportunities for high school students, including Quincy’s CVTE program to ensure success beyond graduation; (3) the CVTE Team will continue to provide students a variety of additional curriculum enhancements and educational opportunities.
The CVTE Advisory Team Goals for 2021-2022 are to (1) Design and develop Quincy Public Schools Career Vocational Technical Education Program Advisory Team Report by April 2022 for presentation to the Quincy School Committee in May 2022; (2) to enlist CVTE Program Advisory Team members to present a relevant lesson or a visitation to their workplace or post-secondary institution for students in each CVTE major. Between the two high schools, there are nineteen CVTE Advisory Teams with representatives from organized labor, business and industry, post-secondary institutions, parents and students, and community members.
CVTE Automotive Instructor Craig Moore presented an overview of the program and was joined by senior Liam Kane who will be joining the US Navy’s Aviation program after graduation this spring.
Mr. Bregoli asked how students are encouraged to take advantage of the career pathways offered by our high schools. Mr. Segalla said there are annual Parent Academies with representatives from the trades, staff visits to middle schools, the new High School Career counselors, and summer programs.
Mr. Bregoli asked about expanding CVTE programming at NQHS and Mr. Segalla will follow up with a survey about student interest. If there are five or more Chapter 74 programs at a school, there must be an exploratory program for Grade 9 students. This would affect the schedule, so this is a bigger picture discussion and would require more staffing and factor in a budget increase.
Mrs. Lebo asked for clarification, all students in the high schools have the opportunity to meet with military recruiters.
Mrs. Lebo asked that for future CVTE Program Improvement Plan, the goals could be more a little more specific and the outcomes measurable.
Mrs. Hubley thanked the presenters, and asked for clarification about whether there is an exit interview when a student leaves a CVTE program. Ms. McInnis said there is a low incidence of students exiting, usually it is because a student moves away from Quincy. Mrs. Hubley asked about Fashion Technology enrollment decline, Ms. McInnis said with so many students being virtual last year, the program enrollment dropped as the sewing is done in person.
Mrs. Hubley noted that Culinary Arts at Quincy High School and Carpentry at North Quincy High School have high enrollments, these may be areas for expansion and budget consideration in the future. Mrs. Hubley is pleased to see the additional internship opportunities for students.
Mr. Gutro said that seeing teachers and students present at School Committee is one of the best parts of being on School Committee. All of the CVTE teachers did a wonderful job through COVID-19, adapting to deliver lessons virtually and learning new technology.
Mrs. Perdios thanked the presenters, students having these opportunities along with the traditional academic pathways is one of the things that make the school system so special.
Mayor Koch said the CVTE programs provide outstanding opportunities for our students. While so many of our students are successful transitioning from high school to college, the new Career liaisons are assisting in placement for students in unions and work opportunities in various fields. Mayor Koch would like to invite Mr. Ragusa and Mr. Cunningham to a future meeting.
Mrs. Lebo made a motion to accept the Career Vocational & Technical Education Program Improvement Plan, seconded by Mrs. Hubley. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.
New Business
School Improvement
Plan Development
Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins and Senior Director Madeline Roy reviewed the revised School Improvement Plan table of contents, some components have been re-established following the information from Mrs. Lebo about required DESE components. In addition, Reach program and Advanced Coursework enrollment data will be included, along with support staff information, site-based budget, school safety and discipline summary, and School Council members.
Mrs. Lebo said the guidance on the School Council is very specific, parent and teacher members are supposed to be elected in equal numbers. Mrs. Lebo said this might be difficult to implement at this point in the year but it should be something we do next year.
Mr. Gutro asked about the Family Engagement & Communication, Ms. Roy said it is the goal for the Principals to document the communications sent out to families as well as activities. Ms. Roy said this is the school year at a glance and would document regular communications shared on a school level.
Mr. Gutro asked about the Facilities page, suggested that Technology needs should be included.
Mrs. Perdios suggested moving towards SMARTIE goals, which incorporate inclusive and equitable concepts.
New Business
School Committee
Policy: Health
Screenings (NEW)
Mrs. Perdios made a motion to refer the creation of a School Committee Policy on Health Screenings. Mr. Gutro seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
New Business
School Committee
Policy 2.4.5 Agenda
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to refer School Committee Policy Section 2.4.5 Agenda Format to Policy Subcommittee for review.
On the motion, Mrs. Hubley would like to consider adding a section for QPS student representatives to present to School Committee and to review the Open Forum wording.
Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
New Business
Re-Open Meetings
To the Public
Mr. Gutro made a motion to re-open School Committee meetings to the public. Mrs. Perdios seconded the motion.
Mr. Gutro asked for information about the requirements for distancing and a capacity limit for the School Committee Room. Mr. Gutro also suggested that Open Forum be accessible via Zoom.
Mr. Santoro asked for clarification, Mayor Koch said if the meeting is open to the public, it does not have to be broadcast live. Mr. Santoro suggested meeting in the Quincy High School cafeteria and rebroadcast the next day.
Mrs. Perdios said the livestream is important, more people are engaging with School Committee by watching from home. Mrs. Perdios suggested that a few people could come into the room at a time to speak at Open Forum.
Mrs. Lebo agreed with this suggestion, does not want to meet at another venue due to the acoustics.
Mr. Gutro suggested that pre-registration to appear at Open Forum is a way to manage the number of people in the room.
Mr. Bregoli suggested that School Committee meet in the City Council Chambers as this is a larger space.
Mayor Koch suggested that Superintendent Mulvey meet with the Health Commissioner about capacity for the Coddington Building School Committee Room and come back to School Committee with recommendations.
Mr. Gutro amended the motion to request the Superintendent consult with the Health Commissioner and provide a recommendation on re-opening School Committee Meetings to the public. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Gift: Hats, Mittens
& Scarves
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to accept the donation of hats, mittens, and scarves from the Kennedy Center Seaside Stitchers. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Gift: $14,000 for the
QPS Music Program
Mr. Gutro made a motion to accept the donation of $14,000.00 from the Randy C. Wolfe Music Trust for the Quincy Public Schools Music program. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Additional Business
There was no additional business.
Mayor Koch noted that School Committee will be meeting in a Special Organizational Meeting on January 5, 2022 at 6:00 pm; Regular Meetings will be held on January 19, 2022, February 9, 2022, March 9, 2022, and March 23, 2022, all at 6:30 pm in the Coddington Building. Upcoming Subcommittee Meetings include Teaching & Learning on January 11, 12, 25 & 26, 2022 both at 6:00 pm (School Improvement Plans); Budget & Finance, Policy, and Special Education on February 2, 2022 beginning at 6:00 pm.
Mrs. Perdios thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve on School Committee for the last ten months and extended a challenge to School Committee to reach out to students, parents, staff and to have the courage to stand up for the change they request.
Mr. Gutro thanked Mrs. Perdios for always being prepared and a parent advocate.
Mayor Koch thanked Mrs. Perdios for her service to the families of Quincy.
Superintendent Mulvey and Ms. Perkins thanked Mrs. Perdios for her advocacy and dedication, including participating in the QPS Re-Entry Task Force in the 2020-2021 school year.
Reports of
Reports of Subcommittees were deferred to the January 19, 2022 School Committee meeting.
Executive Session
Mrs. Lebo made a motion to enter into Executive Session at 8:35 pm for the purpose of Contract Negotiations and Personnel Discussion. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hubley and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0. School Committee will not return to Regular Session.
As School Committee did not return from Executive Session, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.